One little touch with these sketches that I love is how Trump, like any good mob boss, knows where all the stash houses and safe houses are, and holds the keys to all of them. He may be an addled fuck-up, but he remembers where all the bodies are buried and he doesn’t let any of his capos slip the leash without yanking them back.
One little touch with these sketches that I love is how Trump, like any good mob boss, knows where all the stash houses and safe houses are, and holds the keys to all of them. He may be an addled fuck-up, but he remembers where all the bodies are buried and he doesn’t let any of his capos slip the leash without yanking them back.
That Trump’s staffers were popping pills as if they were breath mints is one of the least surprising reveals about his administration. The only surprise is there wasn’t a more flourishing market for anti-anxiety meds such as benzos. It has to be pretty stressful to know you’ve been sucked into a rolling criminal enterprise, and neither reporting it or extricating yourself from it are viable escape routes in the immediate future.
This comment gave me 100% of my daily requirement of dietary fiber, plus my choice of dressing! I picked the balsamic vinegrette, so it was like win-win-win!
I remember a quote from Colin Powell about how everybody in the Bush admin was on Ambien. Which makes sense, all that travel, multiple time zones, the ghosts of dead Iraqi children interfering with your sleep.
Every time I encounter this story I'm reminded of Blitzed (which I haven't read), and the author's documentation that the Nazis were on speed all the time.
One little touch with these sketches that I love is how Trump, like any good mob boss, knows where all the stash houses and safe houses are, and holds the keys to all of them. He may be an addled fuck-up, but he remembers where all the bodies are buried and he doesn’t let any of his capos slip the leash without yanking them back.
That Trump’s staffers were popping pills as if they were breath mints is one of the least surprising reveals about his administration. The only surprise is there wasn’t a more flourishing market for anti-anxiety meds such as benzos. It has to be pretty stressful to know you’ve been sucked into a rolling criminal enterprise, and neither reporting it or extricating yourself from it are viable escape routes in the immediate future.
I think that report is just the tip of the iceberg
Or in Trump's case, the tip of the mushroom.
Every time I read 'iceberg' I think 'lettuce' which reminds me of The Decline And Fall Of The Romaine Empire.
Alberto, make him stop!
For ze woman, ze kiss!
For ze man, ze SWORD!
This comment gave me 100% of my daily requirement of dietary fiber, plus my choice of dressing! I picked the balsamic vinegrette, so it was like win-win-win!
Romaine, runnin' all around your brain.
I remember a quote from Colin Powell about how everybody in the Bush admin was on Ambien. Which makes sense, all that travel, multiple time zones, the ghosts of dead Iraqi children interfering with your sleep.
Yeah, that nagging question, “Are we the baddies?” often requires pharmaceuticals to tamp it down.
Demons sitting on your chest, reminding you of the pact you signed
(I'm better now, but Ambien made me want to drive into a lake. *Never* again.)
("like" = 1st and 3rd thoughts)
Every time I encounter this story I'm reminded of Blitzed (which I haven't read), and the author's documentation that the Nazis were on speed all the time.
"And then the Russians, at Stalingrad, they're like 'bing, bing bing!' and down go our soldiers, very low-energy Generals we had there."
I've given up on asking why he does these things. "He enjoys it" is the only answer that matters.
In other words, he sounds exactly like what he is?
A seventy-plus-year-old child who still enjoys pulling the wings off flies.
You'll never go wrong with a Big Sleep reference around this joint.
I'd like Biden-Harris to campaign on something other than "I'm Not With Him" but hey what do I know about campaign strategeries
Poor Ol Joe ain't even got hissef a sociable medium of his own...Sad!
Time for another "No More Malarky" barnstormin' tour, from Mudville to Puddle Falls, Ol' Joe will be there!
2 malarkies!
I had to request that General Paulus kill himself
"Big, strong General, tears in his eyes..."
IIRC, it might have been late in the war when motivation was in decline.
More like "Blitzed in France"...
Oh. Well, then. Who can blame them?
I think it started with the drive across France, which required der truppen to stay awake for 24-48 hours without rest.
Caffeine/nicotine/benzedrine...'n wish me luck.
Every army, from time to time...
Runnin' for the shelter of the soldiers little helper
Very much worth the read. It's documented in great detail and completely bonkers.