Friday March 28, 2003
DEAR HEARTS & GENTLE PEOPLE: I just got a very nice note from an ideological adversary. That's always disconcerting, as it takes some of the pleasure out of my bedtime fantasies, in which all enemies of freedom roast in Hell.
One of the sweetest people I ever met is now a pretty big-time right-wing writer. I haven't seen him in years, but back in the day he was very civil and patient with my halting attempts to think and speak on politics.
I sometimes think I should be more like that here. And that may be why I've been picking mainly on the blogospheric big boys lately. In addition to being insufferably jacked-up blowhards ("Indeed," indeed!), they're always accusing me and my buddies of loving Saddam, hating America, and murder. Fuck them.
But if I find a new kid on the block talking nonsense, I'll make a point of being sweet reason itself. Till I get called "idiotarian" or "traitor" or such like. Then all bets are off.