Chicago's bond rating was downgraded by Fitch; Michael Haltman reacts:
If this is the potential future fate for a city controlled by a democratic machine, what will happen in New York City now that it will be led by Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and his socialist beliefs?
Fitch didn't mention socialism, but you have to learn to read between the lines in #deblasiosnewyork! (Linked by the Ole Perfesser, natch.) Meanwhile, Samuel Gonzalez of The Last Tradition:
In the past few weeks since the election of Bill de Blasio New York City has suffered an increase of gun violence.
The criminal element in the city have been given a unofificial green light to carry their guns as a result of de Blasio's promise to abolish Stop and Frisk.
I didn't know street criminals followed politics so closely. That free library at Occupy Wall Street really had an impact. Also:
So de Blasio faces a crisis even before he's taken his oath as mayor. He either carries through with his campaigne promise to dismantle Stop and Frisk or he renigs on his pledge and leaves it in place.
A typo? Sure, that's what Fred Hiatt said. And at The American Spectator, Paul Kengor:
New Yorkers have elected their first Red Diaper Baby Mayor to go with their first Red Diaper Baby President, who they likewise gleefully elected in landslides.
So, to repeat my friend’s plea: “What the HELL is going on???”
The answer: Communist brainwashing in our classrooms! Don't blame Kengor, he's doing his part:
Many times I’ve given a speech titled “Why Communism Is Bad,” often sponsored by the excellent Young America’s Foundation. Frustrated college students, captive to the likes of the aforementioned Maoist, beg me to come to their campus: “S.O.S. Please help!”
From Cambridge to Berkeley, millions of college students blinked out cries for help to Paul Kengor from their reeducation centers, yet New York still elected the Red and Black Menace! Weep, eagle, weep!
UPDATE. In comments, Slocum:
As a university professor who actually does run his class like a reeducation camp, including vicious guards... I really wish these right-wingers would stop diluting my brand by using the reeducation camp trope to talk about the time Backwards-Baseball-Cap Bobby had to hear that women don't typically make as much as men for the same work in a sociology class.