Tuesday November 18, 2003
DERB LETS THE SIDE DOWN. After discharging some of his negative energy by harshing at length on a transgendered opponent, John Derbyshire returns to Goodridge with a couple of conundrums.
"1. If 'gay marriage' is legalized, will prisoners be able to marry their cell mates? If not, why not?"
Well, outside coerced unions, which are invalid anyway, why not indeed?
"2. In many jurisdictions, a marriage can be annulled if it has not been consummated. What, exactly, constitutes 'consummation' of a gay marriage?"
Oh, pussy-bumping, ass-fucking, oral sex, penetration with dildoes and/or other sex toys, etc., etc., one imagines (even if Derb can't).
Really, old stick, can't you do better than that?