Tuesday February 10, 2004
FUCKUP.COM. Kathryn J. Lopez (or, as her colleagues at The Corner playfull call her, "K.Y.") has helpful pointed us to the latest boondoggle out of right-wing rich guy land: Brainwash, magazine of the America's Future Foundation. To save time, here's a thumbnail taxonomy:
Funding: Sarah Scaife (yes, of those Scaifes) Foundation, John M. Olin Foundation, and other such notoreities (thanks MT)
Target: "Up-and-coming" conservative dweebs in the DC area (aka interns).Youth pitch: It's, like, the ginchiest! They sometimes use bad words and talk about Fugazi! They help hook up prospective Fourth Reich power couples via DC7, where "we host such cool cats as Jonah Goldberg, Rich Lowry, Michael Lynch and others."
Cover Stories for Nervous SophCons:"Classical Liberals," "liberty-minded people," and the usual libertarians-welcome flimflam, though that's being swiftly debunked.
TBogg's already been over all this, but as a first time visitor I was fascinated and, in a way, delighted. Unlike the front organizations favored by, say, Glenn Reynolds, Brainwash has a painfully thin veneer of hipness, through which one can still smell the xerox-machine-and-pizza funk of a high school newspaper. I know the editors would like to put me in a concentration camp, but at this age, they're just so cute. Listen to this little fella, writing about (oh, it's too precious!) "the culture":
Western culture is dominant in the world because the intellectual tradition of Moses, Aristotle and St. Paul understands human nature better than other cultures. Something like a survival of the fittest has taken place, and tradition is the product... Admittedly, the Darwinian analogy goes only so far. Good culture will, at times, lose out to the crass and the vulgar.
At times lose out to the crass and vulgar! One has to admire his youthful optimism... What's that you say? The author is "a reporter for the Evans-Novak Political Report"? And his picture doesn't look that way because he's 12 years old, but because he's hideously malformed? Well, there's the death of another dream.
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