Wednesday March 02, 2005
GO FORTH AND STULTIFY. (Psst, veteran alicublog readers. Play along with me. We're going to have a laugh on the rookies.)
The Ole Perfesser, today:
UPDATE: A while back, some people were upset that I identified Ward Churchill with the current state of the Left. But the Left certainly seems to be identifying with Ward Churchill.
The Perfesser's link is so stupidly inapposite to his charge that I don't even recommend you look at it. Normally I'm more or less daring you to, but in this case it's such a waste of time -- not to mention an outrage to reason -- that I can't even pretend. In fact I'm thinking of disabling the link. That's how dumb it is.
0 crudely faked comments link
OH MY GOD. You fell for it. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Hey kid. I have incontrovertible proof that Bush wants what's worst for everyone. Here it is. Indeed!
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