Sour rightwing rumblings as the shutdown runs out of gas:
neo-neocon tells us Obama is engaged in a reign of terror: "The level of fear this administration has engendered is—yes, I’ll use the word—unprecedented, at least in this country." Her proof: When running for the state senate, Obama got opponent Alice Palmer knocked off the ballot, a practice described by CNN as "hardball," a game we hear is played in Communist countries like Cuba. (Not sure why neo-neocon is complaining anyway: Fellow nut David Horowitz has Palmer pegged as a dangerous Commie.)
Also neo-neocon cites a New York Times story that quotes "an insurance executive who has participated in many conference calls on the federal exchange. Like many people interviewed for this article, the executive spoke on the condition of anonymity, saying he did not wish to alienate the federal officials with whom he works." To neo-neocon, a source slagging a subject anonymously because they do business with them is double Nixon, which is worth half a Hitler at least. I wonder if she's ever seen a gossip magazine?
At PowerLine, Steven Hayward is making shutdownade. It tastes terrible.
The bullying tactics of forcibly shutting off public spaces like the World War II memorial on the mall has surely inflicted damage on Obama that, had he behaved with minimal restraint, he might have been spared.
Yeah, Obama's really been embarrassed.
Finally, after House Republicans got into a world of hurt for trying to shut down Obamacare for a year, it was inevitable that someone with nothing to lose -- no House seat, no dignity, nothing -- would pick up the fallen standard. Take it away, Megan McArdle:
But given that they didn’t even announce that they were taking the system down for more fixes this weekend, I’m also guessing that it’s pretty bad. Bad enough that it’s time to start talking about a drop-dead date: At what point do we admit that the system just isn’t working well enough, roll it back and delay the whole thing for a year?
Yes, I know what I’m suggesting is a major, horrible task. And I’m aware that since I opposed the law in the first place, people will take my suggestion with a huge grain of salt. Fair enough, but hear me out.
If the exchanges don’t get fixed soon, they could destroy Obamacare...
Wouldn't want that to happen, would we? Maybe in 2016 they'll run Romney again, on the grounds that the architect of Obamacare is just the man to make it work.