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I'm on vacation this week, so I have silenced my 5:00 a.m. alarm and the first one of the day goes off at 6:30 a.m. for me to take my morning meds and vitamins. This week it is also my feed the cats alarm, not that all three of them aren't up my ass by then anyway because they're not being fed at 5:00 a.m. like usual πŸ˜‚

Anyhoo ... My ringtone and alarm are both snippets of the Indigo Girls hit, "Closer to Fine," and if there's anything sweeter than having Amy Ray and Emily Saliers sing me awake, it's coming back to bed after slopping the livestock and having my first contact of the day with the outside world be REBID. ❀️

In some ways, right now is a scary time to be alive. You help it be a little less scary, Roy. I thank you.

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I thank you, the cats th – ah, who'm I kiddin'...

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First thing in my morning is either Wonkette Tabs or REBID, after of course feeding Hangly Man, and I usually get so involved I don't get back to sleep promptly and end up dragging ass the rest of the day.

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How is Wayne doing?

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Rotten brat is doing well; the stomach problem seems to be long gone and he's tearing around the house attacking pieces of paper and spots on the wall and people on TV. But he can be a really sweet boy when he settles down. He's my happy place. 😸

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Cool! It does take some kitties a while to settle down. Early in the time after we got our Francesca, I had a phrase for it: "Ten minutes of sleep, thirty minutes of explode." Neither of us had ever had a cat as young as she was - she was about five weeks old when I found her (which is a good story, I'll probably put it up as a note here, I think?). It was a definite learning process! I'm glad you're having a great time with Wayne.

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