Monday August 02, 2004
MOSES SUPPOSES. "We have an Orange Alert in NYC," intones James Lileks. What you mean "we," farmer Jim? Republicans love us when we're terrorized; it's the smell of votes what does it. (By the way, hayseed, New York City has been on Orange Alert since Tom "Rock" Ridge first trotted out his little Playskool thermometer, as Mayor Richie Rich reminded us in his press conference.)
During Ridge and Bloomberg's addresses I must have heard the word "specificity" three hundred times. I imagine a roomful of Republicans running it through with a vocal coach: "Speh-si-FIH-si-ty, speh-si-FIH-si-ty... Mr. President, how about you just let Tom Ridge give this speech?"
I'll roll by the Citicorp Center during my lunch break and let you know how it's looking.
UPDATE. "Kind of like meeting Hunter S. Thompson, except really fucking boring." The comments on this post prove that my primary usefulness here is as a muse to brighter bloggers.
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