I didn't think so. Charles C.W. Cooke:
Looking wounded and, at times, even broken, President Obama this afternoon addressed the ongoing disaster that is the implementation of his healthcare law. "I will work with Republicans and Democrats to make this work better,” the president announced generously, before moving quickly onto familiar territory and explaining that he would in fact just direct the executive branch to ignore the law...
Once again, Obama explained that he had no idea that the website’s was going to be so calamitous. Once again, he carefully chose his words when explaining why he promised something that was so clearly undeliverable. “You can’t blame me, I thought that the law would work!” he appeared to be saying. Rambling at times...
...Obama’s expansive and inchoate comments were gifts for an opposition that has long characterized him as being out of his depth and unaccustomed to the real world.
This has two of the three essential ingredients for a wingnut Obamacare story: An assertion that, six weeks into enrollment, the program has already failed; and a portrayal of Obama as simultaneously a ruthless master criminal and a simpleton who can't run anything.
What's missing is the heretofore-traditional feigned concern for citizens who would be forced to transfer from their current plans to something with so much more coverage that it would suffocate their freedoms. Obama's latest plan removes this possibility, and they're really going to miss it. It had gotten to the point where the brethren were complaining Obamacare was forcing new plans on a "historically black college" (and what high-fiving must have gone on over this opportunity to show harm by overcoverage to black people! Who's a racist now, Kenyan Pretender!). Now they're reduced to prosecuting a crime without victims. Expect more yelling.
Obama better fix that fucking website, though.