Wednesday November 10, 2004
THE PERSONAL IS THE POLITICAL, RIGHT-WING VERSION #34,711. Some guy responding to some other guy:
Of all the people I know who support this war, most of us have conversations like this with each other all the time:
"Why are the anti-war people so vicious and nasty?"
"Why are the anti-war people so irrational and hateful and smug?"
"How do we get through to them? They just won't listen!"
"Don't you get tired of being called a liar and a fascist? I sure do."
It reached a point for a lot of us that on election day, we were doing more than just saying "We want to re-elect George Bush." When we pulled that lever for Bush, we were also just plain saying "FUCK YOU!"
Guy also says he takes drugs. Man, I can't wait for the Sixties to be over.
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