Wednesday September 19, 2007
SHORTER DAVID FREDDOSO: I am never, ever going to get laid.
Further evidence may be found in Freddoso's article about New York City:
Ah, New York! My host was just being gracious when he asked me, “What do you miss most about living in The City?”
I replied instantly without even thinking about how rude it was: “I don’t.”
And I really don’t. I’ve been back all of three times since I left in 2001. But The City has a way of seeping into one’s bowels and staying there for years. That’s my excuse, anyway, for telling off that kid yesterday who was panhandling in Union Square, wearing nicer clothes than I own. It’s why I step in front of people at street-corners, keep my eyes straight ahead, and walk as though there’s a tribe of screaming cannibals on the block behind me.
He spreads sunshine wherever he goes. Here he is working on his sneer. My guess is that he really, really likes P.J. O'Rourke and thinks a shitty attitude translates automatically into scintillating, contrarian prose, which is like getting drunk and belligerent five nights a week and thinking that makes you Bukowski.