Tuesday October 31, 2006
THE SIMPLE TEST, DEFEATED. I recently ran one of my Ole Grey Perfesser Tests -- that is, I took a page of Instapundit at random and analyzed each post on it for evidence of centrism, libertarianism, and other alleged nutrients. The results vary but little from reading to reading, and show the Perfesser to be a reliable Republican shill with statistically insignificant trace elements of contrarianism added to appeal to young and/or unsophisticated consumers.
Since Ann Althouse has been talking up her credentials as a centrist Democrat, I figure she's about due for a test, too:
Oct. 25, 9:10 am: Lawsuit over penis! Gross!
9:27 am: That Corker ad with the white girl is shameful and perhaps plays to racist feelings.
9:44 am: I like Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.
9:50 am: Don't you think we should have sexually segregated schools?
10:19: James Cavaziel, Michael J. Fox -- a plague on both your houses!
3:10 am: I think this court decision in favor of the gay-marriage side is a big mistake. I always say that, of course, which is why I always have to remind you that I'm pro-gay-marriage, too.
Oct. 26, 5:11 am: Bob Dylan Broadway show. Hmm.
5:55 am: Ugh! What a bad poster! Why isn't the hand wearing pants?
6:32 am: Ha ha, Ted Nugent is funny. Why doesn't anyone else write about it? Oh, someone else wrote about it.
6:50 am: Why did I do this on a school night! Now the sun's coming up and I still can't get to sleep.
7:03 am: Mickey Kaus said the gay Jersey court was playing politics. Hmmm.
8:10 am: Those people who say Corker's ads use racism against Ford are being dishonest. I think Ford's people are just as bad!
8:41 am: Now Simon Cowell has me thinking about marriage. I wish I could sleep, or feel my tongue, or stop thinking about not feeling my tongue.
9:13 am: David Brooks says the midwest is the future. That would be awesome.
11:24 am: What's your favorite Supreme Court Justice! SCALIA! He's so fine, he's so fine he blows my mind Scalia! Why don't you like Thomas? It is because he's black? Can I serve you and Barbie some more tea?
8:30 pm: O God it was good to sleep... still tired though... uh, I guess there's something to those dirty stories Webb wrote... politicians always do that you know... Omigod, I wrote a lot of crap! I better add some factual material.
10:07 pm: Ha ha, Camille Paglia sure gave it to those Democrats! What? The thing about Studds is wrong? Ugh, what a drag. I gotta start saving this shit for the weekends.
11:11 pm: If I blog about my radio show tomorrow morning maybe I'll remember it when I wake up, and not just turn off the alarm and go back to sleep like last time.
Oct. 27, 6:18 am: That Bob Dylan show sounds awful.
6:50 am: If I were Kevin Barrett, here's how I would have handled that protest.
7:10 am: It was bad, what the Muslim cleric said about rape. "Clean out the White House" doesn't mean get rid of Bush! God! You're so stupid!
7:36 am: Ha ha! Canada! Ha ha!
8:04 am: Okay I'm about to go on the radio. UPDATE: I was on the radio.
10:01 am: I take pictures.
1:38 pm: Some people have trouble with the blog in their browser. Foxfire! O God that's funny! Fox-Fie-Err. Fox-Fie-Err. Wow.
4:16 pm: Reading about TV is kind of like reading and kind of like watching TV. So maybe we should just read about TV. But then we'd need TV shows to have something to read about. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
4:46 pm: Bes-tial. Bes-ti-al. BESSSSSSSSSSSSssstial. Bes. Ti. Al.
6:06 pm: Wow. This place is awesome.
7:25 pm: No, wait. Wait. No, was it cool to laugh at that? No, because yeah, if it was Hitler because of the Jews. Steve Irwin didn't kill any Jews.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
8:05 pm: You know? Because, you know?
Oh, I can't stand this anymore, I quit. Some things just don't bear close examination.