Friday February 06, 2004
SPOOK TALK. Interesting "stiff defense" by CIA Director George Tenet. Too bad we can't get the phone logs from Kennebunkport a few days ago:
"It may be time for you to have a pointed conversation with that boy of yours."
"Now hold on there, amigo. You know the game as well as I do. A bishop can fall as easily as a pawn, but the Queen must be protected. Savvy?"
"This bishop has not fallen, and there are plenty of moves left in the game."
"I remind you, kemosabe, that you serve at the pleasure of the President. Maybe it's time somebody castled. A word to the Intelligence Committee and you boys might have a whole new game to play, one with a whole lot more wiggle-room, comprende?"
"Whatever the game, the signals must be protected from the opposition."
"Then you shouldn't have called me on the hall phone. Bar! Get those kids out of here, willya? Transmission compromised. Abort. Abort."
No one's losing their job over this one. Capisce?
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