Thursday December 02, 2010
A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. Ann Althouse equates liberalism with GWAR. Since the current Administration has been offering mostly Muzak, I see this as an advance, but only if GWAR serves as a gateway drug to the original Stooges. Liberals need more of a "Search and Destroy" ethos.
Professor Althouse, check out the Mentors. It's worse than you thought!
UPDATE. In comments, Professor Althouse engages! Always happy to see her here.
I'm equating and its visitors with liberalism. The GWAR video, which shows the graphic depiction of torturing and killing a woman, is presented by the website for its readers amusement. My point, which I make extremely concisely at the link, but will make verbosely here, is that liberals often put party politics ahead of feminist values, and when they do, I like to point it out. If the female victim were not Sarah Palin, the feminist issue would be obvious.
I have no idea what she means. Bloggingheads is liberal? (You could have fooled me.) The members of GWAR are liberals? (ADDED: Ahem. Thanks, jsacto!) The hordes of drunken fans are liberals? Maybe I should have gone to law school.
I wonder what the political demographics are for Lingerie Football.
UPDATE II. Wait, I get it -- Bloggingheads is Jewish! And you know how they vote.
I'm beginning to think this is all a plot to get people to watch videos on Bloggingheads. Well played, Professor!