John Hawkins, who delighted us last week with his butchitude, is at it again with another essay. This one's about how bitches get away with everything .
Among the prime sniglets:
Moreover, from a common sense perspective, if you could actually get by with paying women 76 cents on the dollar to do the same work that men do, wouldn’t all women firms dominate every field because of the reduced overhead?
But, here’s a question: Has anyone ever considered passing a “violence against men” act?
At the very end:
Playing the blame game ultimately serves no one but the people who make their living as professional grievance mongers and so, it would be counterproductive for guys to claim that they’re victims of the “matriarchy.”
Come on come on you'resoclose come on...
ACK is time to recognize that men today have gender-related complaints that are every bit as serious and legitimate as women do, if not more so.
Science has debunked a lot of the myths about men, but Hawkins proves at least one of them: We sure do whine when we're sick.