I already addressed it on Twitter, but I wanted to make sure everyone I know sees this. It's one of those things our descendants will look at and go, "Oh, so that's why they choked to death on their own waste."
UPDATE. I mean, shoot, that ending:
For now, there is nothing notable about pronouncing these words as “muz-lim” or “IZ-lahm,” but one day there might be. One can’t help but wonder whether these words will truly become a kind of political Shibboleth. Pretty soon we might be outing ourselves as so-called Islamaphobes, simply for pronouncing a word the wrong way.
Somebody tell her PC Camp also awaits honkies who call it "quin-oh-ah." I'd feel sorry for her if I thought she actually suffered from this persecution mania, but I expect she's just trying to instill it in whatever rubes actually read this shit.