Tuesday April 08, 2003
WHEN YOU'RE A MET YOU'RE A MET ALL THE WAY. Finally caught a Mets game on TV yesterday. Mike Piazza blocked the plate to save a run but got knocked over and dropped the ball. Our own Iron Mike! (He did throw a guy out, though -- yeah, you heard me right -- but he had a little help from the second base umpire, who didn't notice that Cedeno had dropped the ball.) Benitez very badly blew a save, and the booing at Shea would have done credit to Michael Moore. And hey, Shinjo's back! I'm definitely getting out to the ballpark soon. I'll catch one of those budget games -- the Mets have adopted a three-tiered system and charge less for games against weak teams. The way things are going, though (I know it's early, but despair springs eternal) I expect they'll be having clearance sales soon enough. Maybe I'll go up to the box office and make an offer.