Yeah, it's from the Steven Crowder site, a rightwing fake-poop factory, but roll with me here a second:
This morning, HuffPo ran a photo spread with the kinds of people who inspired the human-like characters in Wall-E (which, by the way, no one I’m aware of decried as mean or “fat-shaming”). But if you dare say anything negative about someone’s unhealthy body of people sized XXXXXXXXL and above, you’re a horrible person for “fat-shaming.”
Yet making fun of skinny women? Open season. They’re called “skinny bitches” and you can say whatever you want about them, and no one blinks. Jealousy may be a factor. Have you ever heard of “skinny-shaming?” No, not skinny-dipping, that’s something else. Stay focused. Thin women take flak from plus-sized women, yet no one comes to their defense and demands their comedy video be removed from YouTube. And guess what? Some “skinny” women have tried everything they can to gain weight, and they can’t...
I hardly need explain why this is bullshit; in fact, I doubt even Crowder's regulars are dumb enough to buy it -- until the author, Courtney Kirchoff, says the magic words feminist and liberal:
Fat-shaming has become a new third-wave feminist movement and bigger women especially are demanding society not only accept them, but embrace their full figures and lifestyle without judgment...
Liberal Logic: it’s okay to be fat and judge skinny people. It’s not okay to make fun of fat people regardless of your size.
And presto, she's no longer just a rude asshole, she's politically incorrect, the apex of the conservative Pyramid of Honor.
By the way, guess who Kirchoff's a fan of:

Generally speaking, the Crowder site is not completely in the bag for Trump: They defend him when he's attacked by Mexicans and/or homosexuals ("HILARIOUS: Ricky Martin Goes After Trump. We Destroy Him..."), but attack him when he's mean to other Republicans ("Now I’m no huge Megyn Kelly fan, but regardless of where you line up on [Michelle] Malkin... 'dummy' is not a valid attack").
If you're wondering where the growing number of Republicans zombie-marching behind the club-fingered vulgarian come from, don't listen to the pundits harrumphing about how this Trump fellow for all his flaws makes some valid points -- look at the resentment mills where wingnuts manufacture ever more exotic excuses to be jerks. If you want your shitty beliefs passed into law, you can get that from any Republican; but if you want your shitty attitude flattered, there's nothing like Trump. And increasingly that's what Republican voters are deciding they want.
UPDATE. Commenter EndOfTheWorld says, "Complaining about 'skinny-bitches' reminds me of the 90s, when I'd hear these same young Republican types cry foul that some gay guy somewhere called a straight person a 'breeder,' or that a black comedian made fun of the way white people drive." They've been the real victim for years of every despised minority, but lately they've had to confront the fact that even their fellow white people aren't buying it anymore; hence, the additional notes of hysteria.