That report on why the GOP is fucked with the Youngs came out, and Commentary got Bethany Mandel to spin it. I gotta admit, she found a twist I couldn't have imagined.
She focuses on this bit from the report:
Despite those poor marks for Obama and the Democrats on the economy, Democrats held a 16-point advantage over the Republican Party among young voters on handling of the economy and jobs (chosen as the top issue by 37% of respondents). For those respondents who said they approved of the job Obama had been doing as president, the number one word they used? “Trying.” He was trying. Young voters were disappointed in Obama’s performance, but gave him credit for attempting to improve the situation.
I look at that and I think: Well, yeah; after the economy was blown to shit in 2008 by the rapacious capitalism that had been championed by the Republican Party since Reagan, Obama does pretty much look like a guy with a mop trying to clean up after Hurricane Sandy, and you can't help but feel for him.
Here's Mandel's take:
Millennials seem particularly susceptible to this “participation trophy” mindset, which is one indication of the extension of certain markers of childhood well into adulthood. Yet parents are far from blameless. A recent piece in Psychology Today, entitled “A Nation of Wimps,” describes just how devastating the trendy brand of parenting known as “helicopter parenting” can be for the offspring of the most well-intentioned of parents...
Honest to God -- she thinks the kids like Obama because they're afraid if they admit he's a loser wimp, they'll have to admit they're loser wimps, too, and it was all because Daddy didn't beat and belittle them enough when they were pre-teens.
The solution, of course, would be to have some tough guy ride into the 2016 Republican Convention and tell them they're worthless and weak. I hope conservatives are taking good notes, because I would love to see them try that.
The general contempt for voters they're allegedly trying to win is pretty great, too. Next they should make Todd Akin special counselor on women's affairs. Yessir, conservative reform is looking good.