Dogskittle, Kentucky is right up there with Fritters. Is it over yet?????

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Love it, Roy. Yeah, it’s just gonna be raw Id from here on out.

When I woke up this morning and thought about the week we’re in store for I pulled the covers over my head twice before I could bring myself to finally get out of bed.

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Love that line about Camel Toe Harris. Ditto, the names of the towns down there in the CSA.

As for the election, I'm'a stressing over whether the senate turns blue and, for that matter, when we get closure re the POTUS race.

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That this craziness is indistinguishable from the truth gives me pause over my bets on the election.

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"Authorities decided not to waste good ketchup on Mr. Muck so instead subdued him with a supersize bottle of Kroger store brand. 'The bottle did make a satisfying "thwump" sound on contact,' said Police Chief Darryl 'Cosh' Jones. 'We may need to reevaluate this as a cost-effective control technique.'"

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I figure today's the day when Trump starts talking about how he has personally seen Joe Biden eating live babies, and maybe starts wondering out loud of Bill Barr is "one of them" because Barr hasn't had Biden arrested.

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What possibly will come in the next week will be a test of every drop of programming white liberals have been conditioned to accept as normal. They may have to take massive action as a class, as a community -- despite their inclinations to atomize, to stay aloof, to keep their hands clean, to make others do their dirty work.

Dunno, it's working in Poland. At least, it's happening in Poland. Can't say if USians can get it together enough to do themselves.

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This made me laugh so thanks for that. Being old, I've lived through some 15 presidential elections that I was old enough to pay attention to. I don't recall a single one where they had to add a bunch of extra fences around the White House, even for Nixon. Thank you, Donald Trump supporters! Yet another first!

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Great stuff, but you’ll never top “We have to win both Nebraskas!”

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If only we could believe that the crazy happens primarily in East Buttfuck, CSA. Got to add the Karens and Chads to the Cletuses. They're everywhere. They won't win, but they are everywhere.

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Thanks for the laughs Roy. Some humor and a half gallon of corn likker should get me through the next couple of days.

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We're in Führerbunker territory my friends.

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"Some are seen screaming that they have been “assassinated by Antifa” and falling to the ground, seemingly wounded; images of this are recorded by other Trump poll watchers and broadcast on YouTube and at Fox News" James O'Keefe is a poll watcher? Or was it Wohl and Burkman?

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“ Trump breaks into TV programming throughout the day repeatedly to intone cryptic warnings...” DON’T give him ideas!

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Start counting Pensy ballots at 12:01am. Continue non-stop. Mix the ones arriving later in with the ones already here, and leak totals as you go.

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With federal authorities allegedly building a large fence around the White House, I could definitely see the next few days as Trump's last days on earth. I'm not sure he has the fortitude to kill himself, but maybe everyone will abandon the premises and he'll starve to death.

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