Sounds exactly like a Trump development: Gold-plated turds. Seems the model is increased civility and the occasional tut-tut to Donnie.

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". . . it would be an unalloyed victory for conservatives — and America — if the Democratic Party fully rejected socialism, abortion-until-birth and its growing obsession with wholesale gun confiscation."

Yes, it would indeed be an unalloyed victory for conservatives IF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY SUDDENLY BECAME THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. Just as it would be an unalloyed victory for me to suddenly be 20 years old again--but this time with the body of a god and a much more outgoing personality.

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Reading anything by Jonah is like eating at that greasy spoon outside of town: you know if you do you’ll have the shits for two days. You, Roy, have a stronger stomach than I.

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The fact that these new “respectable” rightwing publications are popping up makes me wonder what Conservatism, Inc. will look like post-Trump. Because I think we all know that Trumpism won’t die when Trump is gone since it didn’t start with him, he just popularized saying all the quiet parts out loud.

Trumpism has about 90% approval from Republicans, so who/where is the audience for the quasi-anti-Trump half of National Review’s writers, AND the Bulwark, AND the Dispatch? It must consist entirely of other conservative writers and the 250 rich businessmen who are probably funding all three publications.

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I somehow missed the original call-out of The Bulwark; you guys know I've yelled about them in my SmartNews feed before. And just what the country needs right now, yet ANOTHER "reasonable conservative" outlet that still traffics in the same tired tropes. I suppose at least it keeps them from stealing hubcaps.

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Great. I just want to clarify that I only support retail gun confiscation. I believe wholesale gun confiscation is a terrible idea.

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That's all very interesting, but I want to know what transporter accident (or demon curse) separated whom into Jonah Goldberg and Seb Gorka.

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“polarization and demonization of Blue America” is pretty much all conservatives do.

Well, wait. It's true that they offer nothing to anyone not a mill/billionaire apart from Freedom (TM). But they do a lot of other stuff, too! They whine about how oppressed they are. They pule about how they're "not allowed" to say this or do that. They sneer at popular culture but then get excited if Kanye West goes to the White House. They denounce homosexuality until they're caught in bed with the pool boy. They're VERY BUSY.

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Since Goldberg's mind can't handle an original thought, it would be "a victory for America" if Democrats would "fully reject socialism". Thanks to years of conservatives (not to mention Trump and his Fox lackeys) screaming that Democrats are all radical socialists, the rest of the media has turned it into conventional wisdom. But as a commie pinko from way back, I have to ask, what "socialism" is it that Democrats need to "fully reject?"

There are two prominent Democratic Socialists (not even the original flavor) in Congress. That's it. Policies like Medicare for All, labeled "SOCIALISM!" by conserverati like Goldberg, is nothing more than a single-payer insurance plan not unlike the forms of universal healthcare of every other fucking industrial country on the planet. Not to mention, Medicare already covers 55 million people, and along with stuff like the minimum wage and civil rights enforcement has existed for years as statutory functions of government. Even high marginal tax rates on the rich were in place during the halcyon days of the 50's.

In other words, there ain't nothing new here. These assholes like to think they're "conservatives." They're really just Republicans who want the Heritage Foundation to run the country.

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Oh please. People don't want conservatives with good taste, they want conservatives that taste good!

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Roy, about how much of our payment for this site goes to Substack? Also, are we not enough people to get a "far left" media company?

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The thought of Goldberg boarding a skiff with "limited provisions" is both utterly hilarious and an own goal forty seconds after the game starts. He's still got it!

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