Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso


2 marks.

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Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

To their credit, Dems seem to understand that Trump and the GOP have stepped on a rake, at least timing-wise -- Trump's remarks coming within 48 hours of Arizona's total abortion ban really drives home what "states deciding" looks like.

I've even heard it framed as "Trump's Arizona Abortion Ban." That's the savvy way to do it. Trump is a lying liar and abortion is just one of the many things he lies about. The right to an abortion ended because of Trump. He owns it. And he wants a national ban because his most ardent supporters want a national ban.

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Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

I think I may have made the following point a time or two here: I was troubled by the states hijacking US drug policy to decriminalize marijuana possession/use not because I think weed will be the threshold to the continent-wide den of iniquity, but because letting the states get their camelized noses under the tent on that issue would only encourage them to do the wrong things subsequently.


[sullenly muttering 'pattern recognition']

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Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

And of course, don't forget the Comstock Act, which will soon be good law again (for all bad definitions of "good"). Trump and his supporters certainly haven't. They don't even need a nationwide abortion ban.

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Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

A minor bete noire -- sort of the zit on the ass of the elephant that is the elite media's crime against humanity (I barely exaggerate) of their harmful bullshitting that they call reporting is all the crap about "Trump says...". (Also applies to Musk, likely a few others that aren't coming to mind.)

"Says" in that context is bullshit. Serial liars "claim" or "allege". "Says" gives the ~10,000% more credibly than they deserve or should be granted.

Related, a couple of crumbs of hopium:

The above kvetch overlooks that very few people get info from the aforesaid imploding elite news media. Too, I've seen nothing to suggest that this cycle will differ from the old rule that no one -- the mass of voters, I mean, not us news junkies here -- pays attention til after Labor Day.

Meanwhile, Trump just gets crazier by the day. Hate to quote Dean Baquet but I think the odds are pretty good that enough undecided voters and even some RepubliQans will be able to to suss out how unfit he is and that the possibility of voting for him is not an option.


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" clotted glurge" is certainly apt!

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I will never forgive the media for giving any space to the forced-birther claim that "Democrats want abortion up to & even after birth." Maybe that was DJ Turd's own invention back when, but I've heard it in clips for years now, by others, in interviews, before legislative bodies — and it is so patently ludicrous, so offensively an abuse of the English language, the law, & the character of women, pretty much everything under the sun. And the statement remains in the edit & never pushed back against, questioned, even laughed at.

I guess I should be happy that this bizarrerie hasn't changed the 60-70% of all voters who poll that basic abortion rights should be preserved.

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Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

Most maddening in all the coverage is that mere hours before issuing his statement Trump said quite directly he was going to lie about it "to win the election." Yet, here is our prestige media reporting what Trump said as though he's NOT lying.

I'm trying to figure out what more it could possibly take to get the media to report on this so that readers/viewers actually understand what's at stake. But apparently having Trump say "I'm going to lie to you" and then actually telling the lie just isn't enough to get professional journalists to understand they've been lied to.

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Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

The word cloud associated with Trump should have a giant LIES in the center, surrounded by Grifting, Cheating, Threatening, and so on. Good ad, eh? Anyway, the Arizona Supremes blew up Trump’s charade immediately by applying his Court’s Dobbs decision and dragging the state’s women back to the Civil War. We can only hope AZ women and men who care about them will show up in November and pass the proposed referendum, give Biden AZ’s electoral college votes, and send Gallego to the Senate. Of course, the larger question is whether voters in the other 49 states will realize they’re at risk and get to the polls or whether some combination of Gaza, ageism and housing costs will make Trump dictator for life.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

"[Dobbs] is not a mere low-impact transfer of legal authority from one bureaucracy to another, but the removal of heretofore accepted Constitutional protection of a basic civil right — very much like repealing the Thirteenth or Nineteenth Amendments (which, if these guys are allowed to get traction, will be among their next steps)."

Now that the manly boors of the far right have brought talk of repealing the 19th amendment out in the open, I'm trying to figure out a way to have an actual discussion about it, trying to parse a zinger question: why is my humanity up for debate and possible repeal? If we're trying to create a more perfect union, wouldn't removing men's civil rights be more effective? I'm just asking a question here —

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Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

“Evangelicals won’t be bothered by Trump's abortion gambit — they know he’s lying.”

Lately, he's been adding a line to his stump speech about voting, about how when he's President we'll all be required to vote in-person on election day, no excuses, no absentee ballots. And the elderly Republicans in the crowd who all vote absentee eat that shit up because they know him just saying it will make the liberals mad and because they believe he's lying and nothing will change. If it wasn't for bad faith they'd have no faith at all.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Roy Edroso

"Another layer of Trump's bullshit parfait." I will never unhear it.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

I can't remember which General said it, and Duck Duck Go is no help at all in this, but bouncing around in my head is the quote, "Clarity of purpose is worth a division."

On this issue, the Democrats are totally united around a simple goal: Codify Roe into the law of the land. Republicans are divided, both confused and confusing, and I don't know how many votes advantage that translates into but it's not zero.

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You got that right. "The clotted glurge excreted from his pie-hole..." is every goddam word about every subject, not just reproductive rights.

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