Apr 14, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I don't know Roy, you're allowed time off. USPS paid me for mine. I hope all is well and I'm perfectly happy paying for your content and your time off.

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Appreciate it, but a deal's a deal!

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ain't part of the deal paid vacay? i'd certainly feel good about pitching in to the gas fund.

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I guess he made an agreement with us about this situation. I didn't read the small print, I was too eager to sign up. 😉

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Look. if you need bail money just let us know....

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You'll be the first person I call.

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hope to see you in a Fox exposé!

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Don't even hesitate-

I know a guy!

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I bet his name is Lennie.

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You know Lennie? Hey, you see him tell him I 'll take care of him next week. Promise.

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Yeah, he asked about you. I gave him some kinda neutral answer, 'cause I figgered if he really needed to know he'd already know, you know? But he sounded...concerned...you know?

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I'll be ok- Mom gets her scrip refilled on the 15th and that'll get me right- last month I got almost 800 bucks off it !

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Good for you, Maestro! Enjoy!!

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Seriously, I think Roy deserves a week off, a fortnight, even a month, particularly if Substack can handle the bookkeeping. It might be necessary to make separate arrangements for the monthly subscribers, but I would have no issue with an annual subscription amounting to eleven months of REBID. He is, as Anthony Quinn observed about himself in 𝘓𝘢𝘸𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘳𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘢, a river to his people.

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No worries – I'll just watch old reruns of Alicublog...

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I've given up suggesting you take a paid break on our dime, because you won't -- weren't you raised Catholic? What's with the Protestant work ethic? -- so I'll just say safe travels and have a well-earned, wonderful time.

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Enjoy your well deserved break!

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Too-da-loo, darling. Have a great time. If I lived nearby I'd offer to take care of the cat.

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Well aren't we all the bleeding heart anti-capitalists! Take a vacation, chop a month off the arrangement, take a PAID break on OUR dime! Well I'm no weak-kneed communist and I demand service for payment rendered! (I've been attending night classes at the Wilfred Academy of Libertarianism, so I'm taking selfishness out for a test run.) I have come to rely on Mr. Edroso's daily bursts of artistry to keep what sanity I have left, and this socialist mob of serfs has the temerity to encourage him to rob me of this relief for an entire week? This is theft, just like taxation! As Ludwig von Mises himself once said, "Don't get me started!" So come Monday morning, I expect another supremely well-written and entertaining piece of writing in my in-box or you'll hear from my lawyers, boyo, so help me.

[Hope your week off is for enjoyable reasons (visiting family isn't one of them in my world) and you have a great time.]

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Hearted for 'boyo'.

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The Hardest Working Man On Substack totally deserves a vacation! Enjoy...

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