Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

LOL. I think I’m going to enjoy the Mad King in Exile sketches. Trump is a lot funnier without the nuclear codes.

I mean, we might as well keep laughing while DC is turned into an armed fortress and about 35% of the country imagine themselves as patriot vigilantes waging a holy war against democracy, right? {begins sobbing uncontrollably}

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Just never forget that all but a few alt-rightists believe they're waging it _for_ 'democracy'. Even though they believe it means 'rule by people who are just like me through the dictatorship of our Apotheosis', the word is holy to them, and that makes them even more dangerous.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

MCCARTHY: Well, I went down there, and you know how he is, and you try to talk to him, and he doesn't listen. Just like when he was "President." He can't run again. He'll ruin us all. We gotta get him out of there. What can we do?

DICK CHENEY: Leave Ivanka's head in his bed. He'll get the message.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Oh Dick, you still got it you old smoothy.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

McCarthy of 10 days ago might have said that. Today's McCarthy?

"Oh, Donald Trump simply MUST run again! He's sooooo dreamy! And our base simply adores him!"

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

"JULIO: Mr. McCarthy? I wonder if you’d be interested in some pictures of Mr. Trump having sex with children.

McCARTHY: Save it, we’ve got plenty."

(chef's kiss)

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Aaaaiiieeee ! Isn't there a thing called OD in Mar Arrgghhhh Largo...?

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Between McCarthy’s butt-kissing and Rand Paul’s “leave Trump al-o-one” bill, Republicans have confirmed they are a cult of personality from top to bottom. No current Republican pol is going to rescue the party from this cesspool. What Roy depicts could be broadcast on all the news shows, including Fox, and the deplorables would applaud their Leader. “That’s what a real man is like!” they’d exclaim. Nothing short of trial and imprisonment will stop these people from regaining power. After the cultists refuse to convict the Don in the Senate, we’ll need the NY and/or DC AGs to bring criminal charges and plop him in front of a jury of sane people. The country cannot afford to leave the head attached to this body of deluded fanatics.

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As the comrades at LGM say, the GOP's a death cult. And if there was any doubt given this past year...

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Careful what you wish for. If you think they are deluded fanatics now, wait until the show trial of Beloved Leader starts. There will be blood.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Did the superpower of Trump's shamelessness spread like COVID-19 through the Republicans after they realized nothing, absolutely nothing, was going to happen to them after 1/6/21? Nah, the gene was already there - Jim Jordan was around well before Trump was elected. Christ, what a bunch of assholes.

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'Everything is permitted, nothing is true.'

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

“Eyeless in Elba, at a shill...”

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

If ever there was a person who deserved to be called a "cuck," it's McCarthy. He's King Cuck.

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Just imagine...in the time before Trump, it was actually possible to shame politicians who fucked around on their wives into either quitting or not running for leadership positions.

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Hehehe... another good one Roy.

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Ableist was I ere I saw Elba

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A slut was I ere I saw Tulsa

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I'd stop before I got there too... 8P

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This is great. Scary. It needs filmed with a soundtrack by Goblin like Argento used for Suspiria, a long low drone, almost sub-audible, that raises the hair on the back of your hand.

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so, sort of a worried song, worried man...?

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Idris was I ere I saw Elba. Say, isn't that a person of color? Oh, he's English!

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Despite the absence of flying people, I got a Baron Harkonnen/Frank Booth vibe out of this. Maybe David Lynch should have been filming this biopic all along.

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The threesome with Santorum and the Taco Bell chihuahua was a nice touch.

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