It's weird, innit? All I can figure is it's a version of "Our enemies are pathetically weak and unimaginably powerful, all at the same time." Donald Trump is the smartest man in the world, also he's always getting outsmarted by the enemy who kept seeding his administration with traitors without him noticing, but just you wait til NEXT time!
In part, this stuff is stickier with the wing nuts because they’ve been fed this shit by conservative media for over thirty years now. (I know; existed before then but as fringe stuff. Thirty-plus years ago, it became huge.) Too, Trump’s shtick is based on repeating said outlets bullshit, providing enough legitimacy to let’s say excite the audience. Meanwhile, the mainstream media are failing at calling out any of the bullshit (which another story).
Now, if anyone wants to claim that the attraction of the bullshit is because the audience for it is scared by their world collapsing before their eyes as well as ever growing exploitation by their employers, Big Business, etc., etc., etc., I’m not going to argue.
Or, you know, maybe those people are just credulous schmucks. Maybe!
Worse: Can’t fix because I’m on the tablet because the computer’s not working. Or rather, it’s working but refuses to show what it’s doing -- monitor stays black no matter what. 😭😭😭. Substack doesn’t provide the ability to edit in the app’s iPadOS version.
"Long time listener, first time caller – love yer show. Now, about this Brandon fella – ain't it crazy how he's the Emperor of the World takin' way all our freedoms, and totally senile at the same time?? It's like senility is a superpower!"
Oh, just once I'd like the smarty-pants talking heads on MSNBC to point out that the root cause of this lies in good old-fashioned conservatism, because the government shouldn't do anything for you, so conservatives running for office can't promise any practical measures to improve your life, because that would make you lazy and dependent and also imply the government was good for something, a forbidden thought in ConservativeWorld. But no, all of this has to be treated as some sort of late aberration caused by one man. Probably because half of their experts are Republicans.
Exactly. Of course, the moral hazard and "make you lazy" part is a blind to conceal the (glaring) fact that "conservatives" exist solely to reduce taxes and shrink gov't. activity in literally every facet of life except the "defense" industry. What do its adherents get in return? Freedom (tm)! "But what if a tornado/flood/earthquake/wildfire destroys my home?" Well...
Also, Phrase Of The Day: "to better pacify racists"
Taken from the wiki for the film The Subterraneans, "based" on Kerouac's book. The female lead Mardou Fox is changed from African American in the book to Leslie Caron(!).
The great thing about these conspiracy theories is that they morph and twist and expand and can never ever be disproven. Take Vince Foster's death. The initial theory was that he was Hillary's lover who was going to expose her for being a lesbian. (Makes no sense whatsoever, but, sure.) So Hillary had him killed. You may recall that his death was investigated by the Park Police, the DC police, the Secret Service, the FBI, TWO Republican special counsels, TWO Republican House committees, a Senate committee, and a gazillion freelance kooks.
But nobody ever found any evidence linking Hillary Clinton to Vince Foster's death. Because all of them--thousands of people, most of them Republicans including Newt fucking Gingrich--all of them were part of the coverup to protect Hillary Clinton.
Now why would all those Republicans want to protect Hillary? Well, it turns out that George Soros funded an army of private investigators who dug up dirt on each and every one of those Republicans. That's why Donald Trump never even tried to "lock her up." Because she had the goods on him!
And so it goes. The theory of why and how a super criminal like Hillary Clinton continues to remain free will morph and twist as needed. Ever more people being blackmailed or paid off, every Republican on George Soros payroll if that's what it takes to preserve the initial kernel of Hillary having Vince killed because he was her jilted lover who would expose her for being a lesbian.
Interestingly, as we stumble to '24, I'm hearing GA and NC (I'm so far west in NC I'm in the Atlanta media market and know rather more about GA politics) GOPERS sayin' that "we need to finish the job and put Hillary in jail.."
The will always play the old hits...
And apparently she's enough of a hate object still it brings in bucks reliably.
And that's the point of the River of Shit, to implant the idea that the object of hate deserves to be punished, what for doesn't matter. All the impressions of all the tiny, absurd, phony lies chip away at the mind of the person drinking from the River of Shit. Once that dent in their brain gets deep enough, triggering the response is trivial, like that joke about prisoners telling each other jokes by just reciting the number assigned to the joke. Lock her up! Gets a laugh every time.
Hey, while we're talking about self-contradicting conspiracy theories (we were, weren't we?) how 'bout the idea that all the Democrats are in on a massive scheme to kidnap tens of thousands of children every year to harvest their blood for Adrenochrome, which they use as a Fountain of Youth elixir.
To which I respond, "Have you SEEN the Democrats?"
"That's why Donald Trump never even tried to "lock her up." Because she had the goods on him!"
Well sure, because if Hillary had evidence of some horrible, scandalous behavior by Donald Trump that nobody knows about, and then she released it to the public, we know what would happen then, right?
The guy who explained the last part of this--that Hillary had blackmail material on Trump--was adamant about this whole global conspiracy. So I asked him: If what Hillary has on Trump is so bad that he's willing to let a traitor walk free, how can you support him? After all, if Hillary could blackmail him, the Russians or Chinese certainly could, too.
His answer was that the alternative was a Democrat, and that would be far worse than having the government subverted by a foreign power.
In the period 2021-2022, the Democrats had control of the whole shebang, the House, the Senate and the White House. And just look around you, America is DESTROYED, is it not?
Yeah, why didn't Joe Biden do something to stop all those George Floyd Riots in 2020? That's just like Biden, never in the office, I'd sure like to get to the bottom of that.
Gotta love those Clintons. They kill their friends and let their enemies live! OTOH If Bill had publicly killed Newt Gingrich and Kenneth Starr, what DC jury would have convicted him?
Meanwhile I have news from unimpeachable sources (randos on TwiXer and Farcebook) that the Obama's had their chef kilt 'cause all elites have chefs specially trained to prepare cannibal meals and he was about to Reveal All!
"liked" with a shudder. as I used to piously intone through the 70s, 80s and 90s (while reliably high), 'drugs are not for the weak-minded'. the flip side of the coin seems to be, 'the Republican Party is FOR the weak-minded'.
even though I'm pretty much inured to the depravations of the right, I am still able to be surprised at just HOW MANY of those who walk among us, whom I though I knew with some assurance, have fallen hook, line, and sinker, for the conservative line. can't blame it on the micro-plastics, because we've all got those in us.
in addition, reading that old village voice piece you wrote (and I remembered), made me marvel that you, mr edroso, have apparently escaped significant brain damage despite your many years of delving into the right-wing quagmire. a superior intelligence indeed.
I like your micro-plastics theory and will be using it on all occasions, like when the driver in front of me doesn't go even though the light has VERY CLEARLY turned green.
It’s unsettling to see how many gullible and outright deranged people we have in Our Fair Land. In the olden times they used to keep mostly to themselves and channel their bizarre impulses into niche hobbies, like folk art lawn ornaments or collecting Elvis memorabilia. Now the right wing media focuses their personality disorders on politics.
I often think as I scroll Twitter (and slip through despair, annoyance, mystification) that I was not meant to experience this many stupid people in a lifetime, never mind half an hour. The internet has done so much good, but honestly -- when you consider how efficiently it has connected mental defectives to each other, so they can reinforce and multiply their stupidity -- I am not sure that on balance the internet has been good.
It would help if more responsible players, especially those with any power, bothered to dole out consequences for this garbage. For example: why does the AMA not revoke medical licenses of "doctors" who are anti-vaxxers?
But then I guess even organizations like the AMA have fallen victim to the steady sanding away of professionalism that has also been perpetrated - even implemented - by the right.
Yes, I had a doctor in sports medicine who lost his license for this -- fraud, it was called. He waived the $35 copay (in ~2005 dollars) if you became a recurring patient who had to go once or twice a week for physical therapy. That was crucial to me, who had to go twice for ~8 weeks and couldn't have done it at $280/month. I've never felt so healthy as I did in those weeks! But insurers investigated *why* patients were seeing their courses through -- evidently patients often enough quit that it triggered an alarm when so many did not -- and they got him shut down. There no Hippocratic Oath among insurers.
We might need to put a hold on the disbarments, seems like South Florida in particular is suffering from a severe attorney shortage. For the second time in a row, a Trump co-conspirator has been unable to arrange counsel before his arraignment. Funny how that keeps happening.
The AMA doesn’t license doctors, that’s up to the individual state medical boards, which have open records of which docs have been censured for what. The bar for rescinded a license is high, typically serious crime or alcohol/drug use impairing practice. A doc can be licensed in more than one state and other states don’t have to follow the decision of one to rescind. No doubt some boards are also more political than others. The AMA is a guild that, among other things, works to limit the number of doctors produced in the US. They do publish some good medical journals, though.
Republicans don’t need policies anymore. Pope Leo the Execrable built them a Supreme Court that is enacting all their revanchist dreams for them. Instead, they have to keep stirring the toxic stew of bigotry and resentment that makes their base love Trump and hate The Other while finding ways to keep The Other from voting. If they jettisoned clueless asswipes like Scott Walker, they’d be even more successful than they’ve been so far. But “raise the voting age” is easier to say than, “We offer young people nothing but crappy weather and gross inequality so how do we get them to vote for us?”
Hearted for "clueless asswipes like Scott Walker" who, I am informed, now heads some kind of Republican "Youth" organization. Cue the meme with Steve Buscemi wearing a "Music Band" t-shirt.
"Ha ha, young people, when I was your age we'd steal all the student newspapers whenever they ran a story unfavorable to the Marquette College Republicans! Can you dig it?"
A few months ago, Lil’ Scotty Wanker, in his robotic monotone, proclaimed projectively that the youngs, whom he is trying to rally to the “Save Our Hierarchy” cause, are brainwashed. Great strategy, Walkie!
Yes, it's the elementary schools and the high schools and the colleges and universities plus the media and social media too, also "the culture" generally. Other than that...
Remember what Cris Rufo said about his clever strategy for creating the CRT panic? The key was to never, under any circumstances, actually define what he meant by "CRT", so that people would be free to project ANYTHING they didn't like onto it. And so we get Sarah Huckabee Sanders, in the official Republican response to the State of the Union, saying "CRT" three times without even spelling out the acronym. That's no accident.
And now Trump is saying any Republican member of Congress who doesn't vote for impeachment should be primaried. The reason for impeachment? "Democrat fraud and corruption." Which is brilliant, people who think Hunter Biden used his dad's name to get some cushy no-work jobs that paid enough to keep him supplied with cocaine can co-exist with those who think Biden's a pedophile who drinks the blood of Christian children. But holding this coalition together is tricky, the key is to NEVER define what you mean by "fraud and corruption."
This is what gets me about the whole "No Labels" thing. They claim they want to represent the ideological center with common sense solutions because the two parties have become too extreme. Let's see, on one side who have folks who want to address climate change, work on immigration and write down student loan debt while on the other who have people who want to prevent Fauci from going on a killing spree of his political enemies. So, both sides.
Also, believing the government should respond to problems instead of ignoring them and hoping they'll just go away on their own is a liberal idea. "Let's get together and work to solve our problems" raises the questions of WHO is going to implement our solution, assuming we could arrive at one? And the answer to that is that the government would, so again "work together to solve problems" implies liberalism. In short, there are people who are already doing what the No Labels people claim they want, but these people are liberals and so they must be shunned and misrepresented as extremists.
I dipped into the Xitter the other day and was stunned to find that the Deep State Plot du Jour was that the Proud Boys were all feds and always have been. IT'S A FALSE FLAG OPERATION, KENNETH, and the rebranding of said FF as the Blood Tribe was just the Deep State evading detection by the Scooby Doo gang. I thought then what Mssr. Edroso encapsulates so well here: when it became obvious that the Proud Boys were violent fascists, they were "reimagined by some of these guys as a Democratic dirty trick against Republicans to make them look like credulous fools." Oy.
Now I'm really confused, I thought the standard line was that the people who stormed the Capitol were both a floor wax AND a dessert topping, FBI agents in a false flag operation who were simultaneously True American Heroes who all deserve a full pardon.
a) "JAQed off" is better than any of us know, and indeed, better than any of us CAN know.
b) I'm listening to Rachel Maddow's podcast "Deja News," documenting how many of today's political nightmares are anything but new. So in 1964 the GOP ran "Operation Eagle Eye," which circulated false "information" meant to suppress the Black vote. Just outright lies. They have been utter shits since at least since then. I know--you're shocked. Deal with it.
Back when there were actually Black Republicans, too. Jackie Robinson, a lifelong Republican, was *threatened with bodily harm* at the 1964 San Francisco convention, by White members of his own party.
I wonder sometimes why conspiranoid grifters even need such tenuous connections for their lunacies, like the Fauci investigation referral being suspiciously coincidental to a fire in the building housing Rand Paul's office. Why do they even bother? If anything and everything is evidence of lib nefariousness then why not just pull 'em out of their ass and leave it at that?
Especially in this case since Paul's office is in Bowling Green, site of the infamous islamist terrorist massacre, so they could have given their ass a rest on this one.
Content creators need to drive traffic to a YouTube channel or generate likes and retweets on Facebook and Twitter every day because that's their business model and how they make a living. So, OK, sometimes the Quality Control's not so good and today's OUTRAGE isn't up to your usual standards, but come back tomorrow, OK? I promise we'll have something new and BOY will it be an OUTRAGE!
It's weird, innit? All I can figure is it's a version of "Our enemies are pathetically weak and unimaginably powerful, all at the same time." Donald Trump is the smartest man in the world, also he's always getting outsmarted by the enemy who kept seeding his administration with traitors without him noticing, but just you wait til NEXT time!
In part, this stuff is stickier with the wing nuts because they’ve been fed this shit by conservative media for over thirty years now. (I know; existed before then but as fringe stuff. Thirty-plus years ago, it became huge.) Too, Trump’s shtick is based on repeating said outlets bullshit, providing enough legitimacy to let’s say excite the audience. Meanwhile, the mainstream media are failing at calling out any of the bullshit (which another story).
Now, if anyone wants to claim that the attraction of the bullshit is because the audience for it is scared by their world collapsing before their eyes as well as ever growing exploitation by their employers, Big Business, etc., etc., etc., I’m not going to argue.
Or, you know, maybe those people are just credulous schmucks. Maybe!
"Thirty-plus years ago, it became internet."
Obvious fix, no less true.
Took root well before the inter-web tubes.
Worse: Can’t fix because I’m on the tablet because the computer’s not working. Or rather, it’s working but refuses to show what it’s doing -- monitor stays black no matter what. 😭😭😭. Substack doesn’t provide the ability to edit in the app’s iPadOS version.
Rooted, yes. But try re-mimeographing to 500,000 of you furthest friends.
Nah. “Talk” radio obsoleted mimeographing and xeroxing except, maybe, Ron Paul.
"Long time listener, first time caller – love yer show. Now, about this Brandon fella – ain't it crazy how he's the Emperor of the World takin' way all our freedoms, and totally senile at the same time?? It's like senility is a superpower!"
Do you get a link to REBID through email? That'll take you to a version which is more user friendly.
Usually read it on a Mac but as noted, it has severe problems 😢.
Try brightening the screen...
Obviously you're no tech expert, otherwise you'd know the answer is to turn it off and then turn it on again.
Hahaha no.
*wondering what might ever have happened about thirty years ago to facilitate this...* 🤔
Considering how flammable their pants are, it's amazing that so few Rep abodes, workplaces, charnel houses etc get burned down.
"calling these guys “prominent” may seem a stretch"
Actually, it is only a slightly stretchier stretch from 'prominent' to 'preeminent'
And in any case, if they weren't spewing lies they'd be silent, because They Do Not Have Anything Else.
"They Do Not Have Anything Else"
Oh, just once I'd like the smarty-pants talking heads on MSNBC to point out that the root cause of this lies in good old-fashioned conservatism, because the government shouldn't do anything for you, so conservatives running for office can't promise any practical measures to improve your life, because that would make you lazy and dependent and also imply the government was good for something, a forbidden thought in ConservativeWorld. But no, all of this has to be treated as some sort of late aberration caused by one man. Probably because half of their experts are Republicans.
Exactly. Of course, the moral hazard and "make you lazy" part is a blind to conceal the (glaring) fact that "conservatives" exist solely to reduce taxes and shrink gov't. activity in literally every facet of life except the "defense" industry. What do its adherents get in return? Freedom (tm)! "But what if a tornado/flood/earthquake/wildfire destroys my home?" Well...
"Well, if you wanted an undestroyed home, why did you move to Florida?"
Cue Ben Shapiro's sublimely oblivious declaration that people living in dangerous flood plains "can just sell their homes."
The Greater Fool theory is a core tenant of conservatism.
There's probly a lyric in there somewhere...maybe rephrasing "No Greater Love"
There is no greater fool than what I see in you
No greater Fool – I should pity you
There is no greater joke than what you seem to me
No lamer lie than you believe from me
You're the dumbest thing I have ever known
Don’t believe you can even work a phone...
There is no greater fool in all the world It's true
No greater fool – No brain no clue
Well, defense and giving the police more money.
po-ta-to, po-ta-to
I like when you pull back and explain how the whole lurid subculture works.
Good article.
Though for some reason the phrase
" Fash Beardo JAQed off." Is stuck in my forebrain , waiting to escape into polite company.
Hearted for 'lurid'. We must make the effort to use that one more often.
It would be lurid not to.
Also, Phrase Of The Day: "to better pacify racists"
Taken from the wiki for the film The Subterraneans, "based" on Kerouac's book. The female lead Mardou Fox is changed from African American in the book to Leslie Caron(!).
The phrase explains why.
Ain't American life grand?
That film has a GREAT soundtrack! -
Some of Andre Previn's best work.
The film is unwatchable.
Previn did lots of good stuff. But for me it was Carmen McRae singin' Coffee Time...makes me wanna get up in the morning!
Marlon Brando said this was the best thing ever on TV-
Maybe he's right !!
You mean like " The lurid degeneracy of the Trump administration...,"
One takes one's luridities where one finds 'em.
The great thing about these conspiracy theories is that they morph and twist and expand and can never ever be disproven. Take Vince Foster's death. The initial theory was that he was Hillary's lover who was going to expose her for being a lesbian. (Makes no sense whatsoever, but, sure.) So Hillary had him killed. You may recall that his death was investigated by the Park Police, the DC police, the Secret Service, the FBI, TWO Republican special counsels, TWO Republican House committees, a Senate committee, and a gazillion freelance kooks.
But nobody ever found any evidence linking Hillary Clinton to Vince Foster's death. Because all of them--thousands of people, most of them Republicans including Newt fucking Gingrich--all of them were part of the coverup to protect Hillary Clinton.
Now why would all those Republicans want to protect Hillary? Well, it turns out that George Soros funded an army of private investigators who dug up dirt on each and every one of those Republicans. That's why Donald Trump never even tried to "lock her up." Because she had the goods on him!
And so it goes. The theory of why and how a super criminal like Hillary Clinton continues to remain free will morph and twist as needed. Ever more people being blackmailed or paid off, every Republican on George Soros payroll if that's what it takes to preserve the initial kernel of Hillary having Vince killed because he was her jilted lover who would expose her for being a lesbian.
And yet, her crimes, no matter how many, never come close to those of fPOTUS (a/k/a FAKE POTUS).
(In Name Only)
and yet was so inept that so couldn't even get herself elected president!
That, too, was a trap for Trump.
Murc's Law does not lie.
It's turtle traps all the way down.
Is it too soon to point out that the Kentuck Turtle looked pretty much trapped the other day?
I just figured he ran out of bullshit, and needed to have his tank refilled.
Now we'll NEVER get him out of his shell!
The Democrats STOLE 3 million votes! And put 'em all in California!
That’s just what they WOULD do! Perfidy!
Oh they're clever, alright.
Interestingly, as we stumble to '24, I'm hearing GA and NC (I'm so far west in NC I'm in the Atlanta media market and know rather more about GA politics) GOPERS sayin' that "we need to finish the job and put Hillary in jail.."
The will always play the old hits...
And apparently she's enough of a hate object still it brings in bucks reliably.
If that is the ultimate end of their mission in life, then let's accommodate them and move on to a brighter, shinier, Barbie-er world.
And that's the point of the River of Shit, to implant the idea that the object of hate deserves to be punished, what for doesn't matter. All the impressions of all the tiny, absurd, phony lies chip away at the mind of the person drinking from the River of Shit. Once that dent in their brain gets deep enough, triggering the response is trivial, like that joke about prisoners telling each other jokes by just reciting the number assigned to the joke. Lock her up! Gets a laugh every time.
Oh I have met GOPers who will say things like "Biden is too old to run again -- but you know what that means. Hillary's running in '24."
Hey, while we're talking about self-contradicting conspiracy theories (we were, weren't we?) how 'bout the idea that all the Democrats are in on a massive scheme to kidnap tens of thousands of children every year to harvest their blood for Adrenochrome, which they use as a Fountain of Youth elixir.
To which I respond, "Have you SEEN the Democrats?"
Codgers all the way dow–
Oh, sorry. That one's already taken...
The folks in charge all seem to be like 500 years old. It's like the Mormon First Presidency out there.
"Why, I knew him when he was in the Tabernacle Children's Choir!"
The old Dems are apparently in better shape than Mitch McConnell
Well, Feinstein and McConnell seem to be in a race to the assisted-living center.
"That's why Donald Trump never even tried to "lock her up." Because she had the goods on him!"
Well sure, because if Hillary had evidence of some horrible, scandalous behavior by Donald Trump that nobody knows about, and then she released it to the public, we know what would happen then, right?
The guy who explained the last part of this--that Hillary had blackmail material on Trump--was adamant about this whole global conspiracy. So I asked him: If what Hillary has on Trump is so bad that he's willing to let a traitor walk free, how can you support him? After all, if Hillary could blackmail him, the Russians or Chinese certainly could, too.
His answer was that the alternative was a Democrat, and that would be far worse than having the government subverted by a foreign power.
Well, you've got to give him points for honesty.
Not for honesty, no...
In the period 2021-2022, the Democrats had control of the whole shebang, the House, the Senate and the White House. And just look around you, America is DESTROYED, is it not?
Well, there's all the cities that ANTIFA BURNED TO THE GROUND
I am reliably informed that Minneapolis is burned to the ground on a weekly basis.
job creation!
Yeah, why didn't Joe Biden do something to stop all those George Floyd Riots in 2020? That's just like Biden, never in the office, I'd sure like to get to the bottom of that.
Or Obama! Where was Obama!?
Gotta love those Clintons. They kill their friends and let their enemies live! OTOH If Bill had publicly killed Newt Gingrich and Kenneth Starr, what DC jury would have convicted him?
Investigated, yes; but did they, like Dan Burton (R-IN) shoot a watermelon in their backyard as part of their forensic investigation? I rest my case.
When the only tool you have is a gun, every problem looks like a watermelon.
2 marks, but please tell me you used a fake watermelon, because otherwise it's a damn waste.
Meanwhile I have news from unimpeachable sources (randos on TwiXer and Farcebook) that the Obama's had their chef kilt 'cause all elites have chefs specially trained to prepare cannibal meals and he was about to Reveal All!
"liked" with a shudder. as I used to piously intone through the 70s, 80s and 90s (while reliably high), 'drugs are not for the weak-minded'. the flip side of the coin seems to be, 'the Republican Party is FOR the weak-minded'.
even though I'm pretty much inured to the depravations of the right, I am still able to be surprised at just HOW MANY of those who walk among us, whom I though I knew with some assurance, have fallen hook, line, and sinker, for the conservative line. can't blame it on the micro-plastics, because we've all got those in us.
in addition, reading that old village voice piece you wrote (and I remembered), made me marvel that you, mr edroso, have apparently escaped significant brain damage despite your many years of delving into the right-wing quagmire. a superior intelligence indeed.
baffled in the bay state.
OK, but think how much smarter he would be if he'd abstained!
[clutches pearls] "Oh! The sacrifice!"
I like your micro-plastics theory and will be using it on all occasions, like when the driver in front of me doesn't go even though the light has VERY CLEARLY turned green.
It’s unsettling to see how many gullible and outright deranged people we have in Our Fair Land. In the olden times they used to keep mostly to themselves and channel their bizarre impulses into niche hobbies, like folk art lawn ornaments or collecting Elvis memorabilia. Now the right wing media focuses their personality disorders on politics.
I often think as I scroll Twitter (and slip through despair, annoyance, mystification) that I was not meant to experience this many stupid people in a lifetime, never mind half an hour. The internet has done so much good, but honestly -- when you consider how efficiently it has connected mental defectives to each other, so they can reinforce and multiply their stupidity -- I am not sure that on balance the internet has been good.
Sure, every village had its idiot, but that's just ONE idiot, right?
Exactly! Until we built the Village Idiot Superhighway...
VI-80, right thru the Heartland!
That stuff kilt his spleen though!!!11!1!!!
Decades of right-wing bile collected there and caused a meltdown.
Can't blame them, it was just SOP,tail%20of%20the%20pancreas%20itself.
Time to reread Umberto Eco's essay on Ur-Fascism.
Ur-fascism is as old as the struggle against the Elamites.
Have you SEEN Jack Elam? You'd struggle too.
Is that Ur-fascism, or mine?
We have to hope Danny and Big Stupid save the day before Jesse/Jack Elam finds Carrie!
I'm imagining Ol' Jack looking for Carrie in two places at the same time...
When Jack gives you the side-eye, you STAY side-eyed!
or Ur v. Uruk for dominance of the Sumerian Empire
Is that in the Final Four?
It would help if more responsible players, especially those with any power, bothered to dole out consequences for this garbage. For example: why does the AMA not revoke medical licenses of "doctors" who are anti-vaxxers?
But then I guess even organizations like the AMA have fallen victim to the steady sanding away of professionalism that has also been perpetrated - even implemented - by the right.
Oh, they still got professionalismo. Professional courtesy, anyway...
Not so much anymore, it’s even illegal in many cases to charge less than the stated fee!
Yes, I had a doctor in sports medicine who lost his license for this -- fraud, it was called. He waived the $35 copay (in ~2005 dollars) if you became a recurring patient who had to go once or twice a week for physical therapy. That was crucial to me, who had to go twice for ~8 weeks and couldn't have done it at $280/month. I've never felt so healthy as I did in those weeks! But insurers investigated *why* patients were seeing their courses through -- evidently patients often enough quit that it triggered an alarm when so many did not -- and they got him shut down. There no Hippocratic Oath among insurers.
I arrest my case.
"First, do some harm."
Ah yes, the "patients must have skin in the game" thing. Hate it.
I have hope that all the lawyers who helped Trump with his coup attempt will be disbarred... by 2050.
I’m the long run, all attorneys are interred.
We've found a form of justice even slower than Merrick Garland.
We might need to put a hold on the disbarments, seems like South Florida in particular is suffering from a severe attorney shortage. For the second time in a row, a Trump co-conspirator has been unable to arrange counsel before his arraignment. Funny how that keeps happening.
The AMA doesn’t license doctors, that’s up to the individual state medical boards, which have open records of which docs have been censured for what. The bar for rescinded a license is high, typically serious crime or alcohol/drug use impairing practice. A doc can be licensed in more than one state and other states don’t have to follow the decision of one to rescind. No doubt some boards are also more political than others. The AMA is a guild that, among other things, works to limit the number of doctors produced in the US. They do publish some good medical journals, though.
Too bad "assisted in the death of millions" doesn't rise to the level of "serious crime".
Thanks. This helps to explain Krugerrand Paul.
"alcohol/drug use impairing practice"
Ah, so only if "impairing practice", then? Good to know.
As Trump might tell you, RWNJ money is just as green as that of normies.
Republicans don’t need policies anymore. Pope Leo the Execrable built them a Supreme Court that is enacting all their revanchist dreams for them. Instead, they have to keep stirring the toxic stew of bigotry and resentment that makes their base love Trump and hate The Other while finding ways to keep The Other from voting. If they jettisoned clueless asswipes like Scott Walker, they’d be even more successful than they’ve been so far. But “raise the voting age” is easier to say than, “We offer young people nothing but crappy weather and gross inequality so how do we get them to vote for us?”
Hearted for "clueless asswipes like Scott Walker" who, I am informed, now heads some kind of Republican "Youth" organization. Cue the meme with Steve Buscemi wearing a "Music Band" t-shirt.
"Ha ha, young people, when I was your age we'd steal all the student newspapers whenever they ran a story unfavorable to the Marquette College Republicans! Can you dig it?"
A few months ago, Lil’ Scotty Wanker, in his robotic monotone, proclaimed projectively that the youngs, whom he is trying to rally to the “Save Our Hierarchy” cause, are brainwashed. Great strategy, Walkie!
Yes, it's the elementary schools and the high schools and the colleges and universities plus the media and social media too, also "the culture" generally. Other than that...
Tomorrow belongs to ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....
Apparently it's "force them to watch Praeger U videos so they get the brainworms early"
Remember what Cris Rufo said about his clever strategy for creating the CRT panic? The key was to never, under any circumstances, actually define what he meant by "CRT", so that people would be free to project ANYTHING they didn't like onto it. And so we get Sarah Huckabee Sanders, in the official Republican response to the State of the Union, saying "CRT" three times without even spelling out the acronym. That's no accident.
And now Trump is saying any Republican member of Congress who doesn't vote for impeachment should be primaried. The reason for impeachment? "Democrat fraud and corruption." Which is brilliant, people who think Hunter Biden used his dad's name to get some cushy no-work jobs that paid enough to keep him supplied with cocaine can co-exist with those who think Biden's a pedophile who drinks the blood of Christian children. But holding this coalition together is tricky, the key is to NEVER define what you mean by "fraud and corruption."
You would bring up that Whitey shit to make me aware of how completely I'd forgotten it. Aargh!
This is what gets me about the whole "No Labels" thing. They claim they want to represent the ideological center with common sense solutions because the two parties have become too extreme. Let's see, on one side who have folks who want to address climate change, work on immigration and write down student loan debt while on the other who have people who want to prevent Fauci from going on a killing spree of his political enemies. So, both sides.
Also, believing the government should respond to problems instead of ignoring them and hoping they'll just go away on their own is a liberal idea. "Let's get together and work to solve our problems" raises the questions of WHO is going to implement our solution, assuming we could arrive at one? And the answer to that is that the government would, so again "work together to solve problems" implies liberalism. In short, there are people who are already doing what the No Labels people claim they want, but these people are liberals and so they must be shunned and misrepresented as extremists.
Paying poor people so they can eat is the most unkindest cut of all, far worse than anything the Republicans have done ever
I dipped into the Xitter the other day and was stunned to find that the Deep State Plot du Jour was that the Proud Boys were all feds and always have been. IT'S A FALSE FLAG OPERATION, KENNETH, and the rebranding of said FF as the Blood Tribe was just the Deep State evading detection by the Scooby Doo gang. I thought then what Mssr. Edroso encapsulates so well here: when it became obvious that the Proud Boys were violent fascists, they were "reimagined by some of these guys as a Democratic dirty trick against Republicans to make them look like credulous fools." Oy.
Now I'm really confused, I thought the standard line was that the people who stormed the Capitol were both a floor wax AND a dessert topping, FBI agents in a false flag operation who were simultaneously True American Heroes who all deserve a full pardon.
Doesn't sound any more confused than usual, Steve...
Good to know I'm maintaining a constant level of confusion.
I love your term Xitter and am going to shamelessly steal it. And yes, I will pronounce the X as /sh/.
Only valid way to pronounce it.
Gives "Dropped another tweet in the Xitter" a whole new meaning.
"Waist deep in the Big Muddy/And the big fool says to Xit on"
Hearted for the Big Muddy Xitter
Mud Mountain Murphy has a new kids video out
a) "JAQed off" is better than any of us know, and indeed, better than any of us CAN know.
b) I'm listening to Rachel Maddow's podcast "Deja News," documenting how many of today's political nightmares are anything but new. So in 1964 the GOP ran "Operation Eagle Eye," which circulated false "information" meant to suppress the Black vote. Just outright lies. They have been utter shits since at least since then. I know--you're shocked. Deal with it.
a) And yet it's not even the best quip in today's essay, which is clearly "Fash Beardo." Just pure gold, five goddamn days a week.
Hearted, but unfortunately for me "Fash Beardo" is very close to the name of an old dear friend and now I'm wondering...
Get out the way for Ol' Fash Beardo
He's no wussy wokester weirdo
Life is short and fame is fleetin'
Ol' Fash Beardo just sits there tweetin'
2 marks with a bullet!
Back when there were actually Black Republicans, too. Jackie Robinson, a lifelong Republican, was *threatened with bodily harm* at the 1964 San Francisco convention, by White members of his own party.
Damn, wish he had brought his bat.
I would have paid folding money to have seen some pudgy, pack-a-day-smoking ad agency menial try UCLA's first four-letter athlete.
That was the first convention I was ever aware of, but I didn't remember the Dark Destroyer's* connection.
*What's that? Too much for you? You'd prefer maybe the Colored Comet?**
**Nicknames can be nasty too, ya know...
William Rehnquist was big in that in Arizona IIRC
Yes! Ou son les scumbags of yesteryear? (Pardon my French. Literally.)
I wonder sometimes why conspiranoid grifters even need such tenuous connections for their lunacies, like the Fauci investigation referral being suspiciously coincidental to a fire in the building housing Rand Paul's office. Why do they even bother? If anything and everything is evidence of lib nefariousness then why not just pull 'em out of their ass and leave it at that?
Especially in this case since Paul's office is in Bowling Green, site of the infamous islamist terrorist massacre, so they could have given their ass a rest on this one.
Content creators need to drive traffic to a YouTube channel or generate likes and retweets on Facebook and Twitter every day because that's their business model and how they make a living. So, OK, sometimes the Quality Control's not so good and today's OUTRAGE isn't up to your usual standards, but come back tomorrow, OK? I promise we'll have something new and BOY will it be an OUTRAGE!
Hardest Working Man in No Business!
There's no business like the Right-Wing Ho' Business.