Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Well put.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

The default, for these ghouls, is “the left” likes anything bad.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Ah, blowback from over 75 years of unjustifiably lousy foreign policy.

Not like we'll learn any lesson from any of this.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

If Netan-yahoo is Old Guard, Israelis need some new guards...

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I'll say what I said on Facebook yesterday.

I don't support Israel.

I don't support Palestine.

I support people figuring out ways to live together that don't involve one person's religion or ethnic origin or political party trumping the other person's property rights, bodily autonomy, or overall freedom.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso


If you look carefully in the background of the Ramblin Jack Elliott photo you can see an adult Roy Edroso , just like Jack Nicholson in that photo at the end of "The Shining" . Since Roy is obviously here with us today, it's evident that sometime in the future Roy will be able to travel back in time.

That's pretty cool! I saw the photo and thought to myself "Well if anybody can-"

I'm hoping that with the Mideast problems now at the forefront of things that Joe Biden needs to deal with, we have a better shot of getting something accomplished there then I could ever recall.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"But Olwë answered: ’ We renounce no friendship. But it may be the part of a friend to rebuke a friend’s folly.'"

So wrote Tolkien, and so say I. Through the decades I have watched in horror-stricken awe as Israel has made life for the Palestinians ever worse, ever more unbearable. And then there is surprise when the Palestinians lash out.

While I cannot and definitely do not condone what Hamas has done, Israel would do well to heed the words of JFK: "Those who make peaceful evolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Old Twitter/New X was jam full of bad takes this weekend, to the point I started getting depressed. Just because Israel (especially under Benji) has been horrible to the Palestinians does not at all justify what Hamas did to innocent people, and what Hamas did does not justify what the IDF is currently doing to Innocent people in response.

There were far too many people justifying dead children this weekend. Elon must be proud.

And Roy, I'll piggyback with you to NY 1955, but I'll be doing to circuit of Ebbetts Field, the Polo Grounds and Yankee Stadium.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

“Since our preferred nexus of propaganda has switched from CNN and Scud Studs to Social Media and Disinfo Elmo, that’s where I’ve been seeing the current insane expressions of bloodlust and eliminationism against Palestinians — sometimes from Israeli officials and U.S. Senators.”

Seriously Ed, Greenwich Village 1975 is the best you’ve got? For a Time Machine, that could take you anywhere, and to any time in history? The drugs you took must have been spectacular!...:)

That said, these senators and right-wing politicians continually use the same page, from the same old playbook.

It reminds me of “thoughts and prayers” after every mass shooting. Now’s not the time to lay blame, it’s time for mourning. Now’s not the time to attack Netanyahu and his right-wing government, it’s time for revenge.

Let’s make sure we send Israel into that same “rabbit hole” that has destroyed any trust between Americans, the government, and each other. It’s worked so well, so far.

And in the end, republicans will tell you it’s Biden’s and Obama’s fault. I’m not sure how it’s Obama’s fault; it just is. Just like he was responsible for COVID. And how can Biden can have such low cognitive abilities, yet possess the sense to mastermind such evil destruction mayhem?

The truth is it’s Bibi and Trump’s fault. I’m making no apologies to Hamas. Killing two hundred and sixty people at a music concert is atrocious. Taking innocent civilians, including three year olds hostage is despicable. Hamas is a terrorist organization, plain and simple, and needs to be eradicated completely. And the people who blame Israel alone for this, are just plain ignorant of the facts.

That said, did you actually expect a different result when Trump and Kushner were in charge? Two amateurs who have monetized the presidency for their own selfish wealth and power. They moved the US embassy to Jerusalem without any concessions to the Palestinians. They annexed the Golen Heights, without a peace deal with Syria. And they allowed Netanyahu who expand the illegal settlements in the West Bank, while constricting the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank, and put a stranglehold on Gaza.

The seeds were sown long ago. And the results predictable. I’m just shocked the attack didn’t happen sooner.

Let’s hope this ends sooner than later with a minimum loss of life as possible for both the Israeli’s and Palestinians.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

“She had the impression Americans on the left did not believe that ‘Jewish lives matter,’...” Citation please. Where did this impression come from? The TV, the Internets, the relentless GOP spin machine?

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

These people are like opportunistic infections of the spirit, finding where people are wounded and vulnerable and rushing to infect them with hate." Nobody gets to the heart of the matter like Roy.

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Okay, I have to ask: Who's the cartoon character?

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Got called a Jew-hater for wishing aloud that Trump and Bibi were on a pair of rocket sleds fired from opposite directions. Did I not hear (horrifying atrocity here)? Did I not care that more Jews died in one day then in any time since the Holocaust? Yeah, I saw this movie in 2001, and I don't care for a reboot.

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Here is a funny story that has no practical application.

Shortly before Israel was founded, King Saud was grousing about his new neighbors to be with an American policy maker.

"Why don't you give them Germany as a homeland? You just conquered, after all."

"Considering the holocaust, your majesty, I don't think they'd be comfortable there."

"Obviously, you know very little about pacifying a country."

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This is yet another example of an issue about which the Dems could slaughter the Republicans but will bungle it and get slaughtered themselves. Iran supports Hamas, Russia supports Iran, Republicans support Russia, hence Republicans support Hamas and are 100 percent responsible for the attack on our beloved Israel. I mean, like Duh.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Just be sure you've got your talking points straight: 1) When Palestinians kill civilians, it's a war crime. 2) When Israelis kill civilians it's "Palestinians using their own people as human shields." That is all.

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