Meh. As you, yourself, have pointed out repeatedly over the years, the conservative grass roots are viewed as something to be clipped at every opportunity. Whether it's hawking gold or silver or prepper supplies or magic elixirs that cure baldness and impotence and stop you from having to pee in the night, the conservative movement is just one giant carny made up of barkers like Alex Jones and marks like the inhabitants of The Villages in Florida.<br>

So it's no surprise that conservative sites and shows should start hawking coronavirus preventatives. It's what they do an how they live!

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"P.S. You can be 'coronavirus proof' in just a day."

Heck, I can be 86 proof in just a few minutes, but that won't "cure" anything but sobriety. (Doubly so for me since I don't drink.)

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You nail it. I think their end game is The Rapture (whether they consciously know it or not).

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"...I’ve been getting a new wave of emails from the rightwing crap farms — emails offering coronavirus defenses and cures."

As I've said now ad nauseam, I'm an Old Testament -- maybe Lewis Carroll, now that I think about it -- guy. Bad acts deserve punishment, not forgiveness and enabling more; let's the punishment fit the crime. What the GOP base has done for decades in electing patently unfit assholes, well, it's a capital crime in my book. If deaths of despair, drug addiction, etc., isn't enough, sure let them get Covid-19 (even if not a fatal case, the after effects are permanent; gonna be hard for survivors to smoke their crystal meth and crack) or, more appropriate, take Dr. Trump's cure and drink some poison.

So what's the problem here for Roy other than a toxic mailbox? I mean, as always, fuck their feelings. And given the harm they've done the nation and, indeed, the world, fuck their feelings. Indeed, fuck them.

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Manqueman, this is a serious comment which I am going to follow with a silly one, which is that sometimes when I think about God and punishment, I can't help thinking about that movie "Dogma", in which rogue angel Ben Affleck does all sorts of despicable violent murderous things, until finally God (in the form of Alannis Morrisette) arrives at the scene of Ben's carnage (btw she was delayed by an unfortunate skee-ball incident).

She steps up to him and gazes into his eyes directly and lovingly. His face reflects his sudden complete understanding of his sin and then, his grief. She smiles at him, then opens Her mouth (the Angel Rufus has warned the humans present to cover their ears) and roars something divine and unintelligible (to us) and he says "Thank you" and then Her voice just blows his head right off his body.

You know? I probably shouldn't even hit "POST", but I often think of that loving look followed by the inevitable annihilation, and I think, oh yeah, righteous.

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The National Lampoon had a funny parody of those ads called "Lung Fu: Learn The Mysterious Oriental Art Of Blowing Your Opponent's Lungs Apart."

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You know, possibly because I never much followed the comics apart from the works of Carl Barks, I had seen only the Pythons’ mid-seventies takeoff on the ad: “FEAR NO MAN! I’ll make you a MASTER of LLAP-Goch.”

“WHY ‘At his own risk’?

“BECAUSE if his fellow masters of LLAP-GOCH DISCOVER his IDENTITY, they will PUNISH HIM SEVERELY for revealing the DEADLY secrets he has promised to keep SECRET, without giving them a piece of the ACTION, and also BECAUSE of the TERRIBLE risk of PUNISHMENT he runs under the Trades Description Act.”

Image at the linky:


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Ah, geez. I see others have made the same point over on your Twitter feed.

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Hahahaha, that thing is GOLD. Thanks! Meanwhile I also laughed out loud at the non-comedic call and response, "If there's a plague that infects a million people, who will handle it?" And my brain involuntarily went: Hospitals? To which the con shouted approvingly, "You guessed it -- the National Guard!" I mean conservative brains are wired laughably, sometimes I love it so much (shame about the corpses).

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“... after a while.” ?!

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(I kid. I work in the I.T. version of proctology. No-one *wants* to do it but it’s a living.)

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Here's a predicsh... Alex Jones will bump himself off when the bills become due. And that's not going to be long...https://tinyurl.com/ww5bxmo

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Your lips to God's ears.

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