I hate when that happens – once ripped, all you got is the header, and who knows who wrote that? Some schlub in a janitor's closet who used to be the coffee runner...Oh sure, some a them can be clever, like when Dennis Eckersley and Carl Yastrzemski pissed off the Boston management, and the local rag posted the phenomenally economical "Eck, Yaz Irk Sox Boss", but otherwise, where's the tofu?
Yes, friend, I once too despaired at the news and its domination by the extremes of both sides. On the one hand you have the nightly conspiracy theories of Hannity, Ingraham and Carlson, warning of the Chinese Communists paying Soros Bucks to Venezuelan migrants to carry TOWs and unicorn fart fentanyl across our unguarded designer borders while Pedo Hitler Biden drinks the blood of Christian children, and on the other, Rachel Maddow. It makes the mind of a Very Reasonable True Liberal Moderate Centrist like myself spin!
That's why I have started My Fundament Nooz(tm) and the My Fundament app! No longer troubled by news bias, My Fundament reports only the facts! Scouring the Internet, My Fundament accumulates up to the date news from established sources outside the Beltway bias, including RT, The Federalist, InfoWars, and The Epoch Times and DIGESTS them into easy to understand capsules of Nooz(tm), giving you the world in convenient five minute doses you can read in your coffee break!
And when you share them with family and friends and they ask you where you heard it, always remember to tell them "I pulled it straight from My Fundament!"
Too many brilliancies to re-post here, but I cannot let this go:
'Chief Justice John Roberts, whom he portrayed as “in timeout.” '
And when the guy who fried health care blames people who report that he's gonna fry health care for his alleged woes, instead of acknowledging that maybe, just maybe, it's the frying, and not the reporting thereof, that might motivate anyone, well, there you go: kill the reporting and job done. So back to first bloody principles: No free press, no problem.
Also, Bohemian Grove. Our favorite weirdo speculatory hangout in NoCal, wherein my brother briefly rubbed elbows with the demi-gods. Money was sufficient (indeed, the only) lubricant to keep his elbows silky-milky smooooothe...
Hmmm... so if leaking a draft opinion is functionally the same as threatening the lives of Supreme Court justices, would getting an armed mob amped up and then sending them to the Capitol be functionally the same as threatening the lives of members of Congress and the Vice President?
Sorry, we're more "Candlelight vigil" than "Lock and Load." Something Alito should know well, as he was the target of a candle-wielding mob, I hear they may have even been FOLK SONGS involved.
Well to be fair, when I hung out with gun owners (that is, regular folks who also happened to have an interest in guns) what I noticed and kind of resonated with was the appreciation of the highly engineered and precision machining that went into them. And yeah I know that sounds like a lame position but from my metalworking background I had some sense of what was involved in the design and production and that made them more interesting to me. Then people gave me guns (they had dozens already – family heirlooms, gun show oddities) and I got a little bit more educated. Mostly it made me paranoid about having them around. I took to disassembling them and keeping parts in separate locations so their theft value was lower. And one of those guns WAS stolen, except of course not all the parts were with it so it was really just a pile of nice metal.
The weird one was a Carcano M38 that was only about 10 digits off from the serial number of "Oswald's rifle" aka "Mannlicher Carcano". I even had some ammo for it, but after firing it once at the range I got rid of it. It just seemed silly to own a thing like that, and I was not about to rabbit-hole its effectiveness.
Like a gun, your dick is a tool (how's that for an opening, huh?) it has practical uses and it's also fun to play with, but if you go out in public wavin' it around in front of people who don't want to see it, then you're a perv who needs to be kept away from normal people.
Yup. And that is the only reason people actually do walk around with guns. There's certainly no viable support for 'self defense' purpose. The professionals I knew did not carry when off duty no matter where they went.
"What's this? A receipt from Home Depot on Donald Trump's credit card? Well, sure, but you don't KNOW he intended... oh, something else? A gallows drawn in black Sharpie on a Trump Hotel napkin? Well, OK, but..."
Yes, we do we have video of Trump driving The Beast around D.C. with a sign on the roof that said, "Die, Mike, Die" but when questioned by police he explained it was German, and just meant "The Mike, The."
Now, now, that gallows was just measured, valid, First Amendment political commentary, completely unlike the pictures of guillotines posted to Twitter by unhinged Soros funded Antifa thugs hopped up on cinnamon Atomic Fireball fentanyl.
First, following on Steve that we need armed lefty patriots.
The other, though, if we had any such cohort, then the response from the PTB would be some sort of meaningful gun control, maybe. That’s based on what St. Ronnie did in response to the Panthers.
Neither side has an actual army, so no prospect of actual victory, so what we're looking at is a political version of Bloods vs. Crips. Folks in the African-American community can tell you how that's worked out.
Seems like one of the most important jobs in the world would be harder to get.
Same with the president or head of the Federal Reserve. We evidently need to come out and say " No assclowns allowed" on the application.That alone would take care of Beer Barrel, the lady from "Handmaids Tale" and Clayton Bixby. Trump too.
As ever, one gets the government the Powers That Be allow. In the current case, that's fascists. Understandably; contesting elections costs money. One party rule is less expensive.
Of course, we could vote the fuckers out but when the largest bloc of voters choose not to vote...
In a just world Marco Rubio would have a job cleaning shrimp at the Red Lobster in Hialeah after losing jobs at every buy here pay here car lot in South Florida.
Sounds about right. I do recall a minute or two early in his career where the Hillary people feared Rubio as her most likely 2016 rival, as he presented a dynamic and moderate statesman, proposing actual immigration policy. But then he said, "Oh, that doesn't poll well? Republican voters want a debased evil twerp? Okay, I'll do that! I won't try to persuade anyone that America doesn't have to be a hollowed-out moral wasteland. Why, I can also add blatant stupidity, and become shockingly charmless! Watch!"
Man. Is being a Senator just so much fun in and of itself, that you would agree to have no fun doing it? He treats the job like it's got no more world-historic duty than shrimp cleaner at the Hialeah Red Lobster.
Well, if you want to talk party, the party's philosophy is "Government is a fetid swamp, good for nothing", so that doesn't lead to Republicans sending their best into politics. The smart, capable ones go to Wall Street, leaving politics for the dimmest bulbs in the chandelier.
Maybe it's being an ever older fart, maybe it's oncoming election with its pretty good odds of being a historic disaster but I'm finding my tolerance for obsessing over individuals over the shit the party has been pulling something of an exacerbation of the anxiety.
So in the case of failed Scalia Alito here, maybe the problem is less Sammy personally -- and if one wants to pick the most vile POS on SCOTUS, I'd go with Thomas -- than that the GOP majority there is pretty much just a junta dictating. See, Dobbs, the recent EPA and OSHA decisions, Shelby County, dicta in Masterpiece Cakes, the recent right to pray to Jesus where the fuck one wants decision and so on and so forth. All, appellate jurisprudence-wise POS decisions. To say the least. And no one with the power to do anything about is seems terribly motivated (*koffkaffkaff!*) to do shit about. My retiring congress-person has a piece in the Nation, otherwise overwhelmingly crickets.
None which is to say that today's piece failed to amuse.
Not the first to observe this, but Jesus. For people getting their way in everything, these are some whiny motherfuckers. As someone pointed out, the only people actually assassinated over abortion are the ones who work in clinics.
Alito was the guy who wrote, in Dobbs, "women are not without electoral or political power,” and boy, would I love to see a hundred million women shove those words back down his throat* on November 8.
There is a difference in terms of being warned of what could happen vs. watching as it actually happens. Humans generally ain't so good at the first, and usually require the second.
Because, as noted before, they want to be congratulated, even *beloved*, for their views. Not content with forcing America to swallow a shit sandwich, they want us to say, "Thank you. Delicious. May we have another?"
Ah, but you're THINKING I'm a bigot aren't you, and while the first amendment does protect freedom of speech, I don't see anything in there specifically protecting freedom of thought, check and mate, lib!
Liberal Washington Lefty Loons coming to kill us fiction vs. Deluded Right Wing Flying Monkeys with actual guns terrorizing dems in the Capitol reality. Someone adjust his meds please.
They weren't coming to kill *him* so it was no big deal.
Periodic reminder that the reason Hitler's putsch got off with a slap on the wrist, instead of capital punishment for treason, was because he faced sympathetic, Wilhelmine-era judges.
Meanwhile, Steve Bannon STILL not in jail because the judge allowed him to stay on his Chinese billionaire friend's yacht while he appeals that whopping four months in prison and SIXTY FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR FINE. In handing down the sentence, the judge cited as a mitigating factor that Bannon was "Unlikely to offend again." Really, let's have the committee subpoena him again and see if he complies with that one?
Oof, I had not heard he was serving his jail term on a yacht. And yeah, what the hell? Test that judge's ruling! Subpoena him again! It is what is known as an empirical question.
The yacht thing could be my well-known tendency to exaggerate, I know he's got a billionaire friend and believe he was on the yacht when he was either subpoenaed or arrested, but I don't know where he is now except THE FUCKER ISN'T IN JAIL.
And they sent him on sabbatical to a cozy-but-austere writer's retreat where he was to get significant work done on his novel without the everyday distractions that beer halls provide...
Alito's Whine Tour has embarrassed every two year old who ever complained that a 15 minute time-out was unfair for putting ketchup on his baby sister. Of course you're not legitimate after lying to Senator Ted Kennedy about never reversing Roe. Why would anyone believe anything you've said since then? When you add in the Republican conniving to stack the Court, "legitimacy" has as much connection to the Supremes as "healthy" does to a Double Whopper.
Meanwhile, the lawyer who tried the case that overturned Florida's motorcycle helmet law has died in a motorcycle accident while not wearing a helmet. Alito will never meet karma quite so poetically, since he won't need an abortion, a same-sex spouse (allegedly!) or the need to vote outside of chambers, but there's still the chance his life could someday depend on whether a fetal stem cell-derived medical treatment is available to halt the cancer eating away his organs.
Forgot to mention – I thought that the pouring of ketchup upon is what baby sisters are for, and since I never had one, it's obvious that I was unfairly berefted in my yoot.
with a nod to John prime, we read it in roy edroso's newsletter. if you didn't notice the dates on the headers, you might miss where reality left off and the imagined future kicked in.
Well, christ, Judge Sam, a "vast majority of Americans" also felt that Roe was a valid law and that guns should be regulated, but we see how SCOTUS felt about those beliefs, eh?
And, Roy, you forgot the 2023 Hernandez v. Fritters, AL, where the First Amendment was overturned but only in the case of "Federal elected and unelected officials", on the grounds the Sacred Founders valued decency and civility over "radical and boisterous conduct", as Thomas put it in the majority opinion.
Justice Alito seems not to have considered the option of avoiding public outrage by not issuing transparently shitty opinions depriving half the population of entrenched rights.
"captured by a dangerous cabal that resorts to sneaky and improper methods to get its ways,”"
Gotta admit - he has a knack for plain spoken wisdom.
No lies detected.
Ripped from tomorrow's headlines!
I hate when that happens – once ripped, all you got is the header, and who knows who wrote that? Some schlub in a janitor's closet who used to be the coffee runner...Oh sure, some a them can be clever, like when Dennis Eckersley and Carl Yastrzemski pissed off the Boston management, and the local rag posted the phenomenally economical "Eck, Yaz Irk Sox Boss", but otherwise, where's the tofu?
I think we have to thank gabby Johnson for saying what needed to be said!
Yes, friend, I once too despaired at the news and its domination by the extremes of both sides. On the one hand you have the nightly conspiracy theories of Hannity, Ingraham and Carlson, warning of the Chinese Communists paying Soros Bucks to Venezuelan migrants to carry TOWs and unicorn fart fentanyl across our unguarded designer borders while Pedo Hitler Biden drinks the blood of Christian children, and on the other, Rachel Maddow. It makes the mind of a Very Reasonable True Liberal Moderate Centrist like myself spin!
That's why I have started My Fundament Nooz(tm) and the My Fundament app! No longer troubled by news bias, My Fundament reports only the facts! Scouring the Internet, My Fundament accumulates up to the date news from established sources outside the Beltway bias, including RT, The Federalist, InfoWars, and The Epoch Times and DIGESTS them into easy to understand capsules of Nooz(tm), giving you the world in convenient five minute doses you can read in your coffee break!
And when you share them with family and friends and they ask you where you heard it, always remember to tell them "I pulled it straight from My Fundament!"
getting to the bottom of things. perhaps a rearguard action is called for.
As long as you're not an ass about it
NOW we know where Fundamentalists' heads are at! And not halfway – deep thinkers they be!
Something needs to be ripped, and it's not the headlines.
I'll be getting ripped this evening and trying to in another sense at the gym tomorrow.
Is it a bodice that needs ripping?
Can't hurt.
Too many brilliancies to re-post here, but I cannot let this go:
'Chief Justice John Roberts, whom he portrayed as “in timeout.” '
And when the guy who fried health care blames people who report that he's gonna fry health care for his alleged woes, instead of acknowledging that maybe, just maybe, it's the frying, and not the reporting thereof, that might motivate anyone, well, there you go: kill the reporting and job done. So back to first bloody principles: No free press, no problem.
Also, Bohemian Grove. Our favorite weirdo speculatory hangout in NoCal, wherein my brother briefly rubbed elbows with the demi-gods. Money was sufficient (indeed, the only) lubricant to keep his elbows silky-milky smooooothe...
Hmmm... so if leaking a draft opinion is functionally the same as threatening the lives of Supreme Court justices, would getting an armed mob amped up and then sending them to the Capitol be functionally the same as threatening the lives of members of Congress and the Vice President?
Yeah, where are our armed patriots?
The bonus to that would be as soon as our guys start shooting, there'll be meaningful gun control a la St. Ronnie and the Panthers in the 60s.
Sorry, we're more "Candlelight vigil" than "Lock and Load." Something Alito should know well, as he was the target of a candle-wielding mob, I hear they may have even been FOLK SONGS involved.
I should add that we've mostly switched to the LED-type candles, because it's not nice to leave melted wax on the sidewalk.
Folk songs???
Ready, aim. sing!
There is never a moment unsuitable for a Tom Lehrer song. It's a fact of life.
True, my favorite is the one about Werner Von Braun.
"That's not my Department!" says Werner von Braun.
Colored chalk! Susan Collins faints
Excuse me, chalk OF COLOR. That's even scarier.
This ain't no tiki torch – it's just my 7-day votive!
The heavily armed, left-wingJohn Brown Gun Club shows up in Phoenix protests now and again.
Here in Portland, too. In fact, I believe they originated in the PNW.
OK, so we know it's not just right-wing men in need of some compensation.
Well to be fair, when I hung out with gun owners (that is, regular folks who also happened to have an interest in guns) what I noticed and kind of resonated with was the appreciation of the highly engineered and precision machining that went into them. And yeah I know that sounds like a lame position but from my metalworking background I had some sense of what was involved in the design and production and that made them more interesting to me. Then people gave me guns (they had dozens already – family heirlooms, gun show oddities) and I got a little bit more educated. Mostly it made me paranoid about having them around. I took to disassembling them and keeping parts in separate locations so their theft value was lower. And one of those guns WAS stolen, except of course not all the parts were with it so it was really just a pile of nice metal.
The weird one was a Carcano M38 that was only about 10 digits off from the serial number of "Oswald's rifle" aka "Mannlicher Carcano". I even had some ammo for it, but after firing it once at the range I got rid of it. It just seemed silly to own a thing like that, and I was not about to rabbit-hole its effectiveness.
Like a gun, your dick is a tool (how's that for an opening, huh?) it has practical uses and it's also fun to play with, but if you go out in public wavin' it around in front of people who don't want to see it, then you're a perv who needs to be kept away from normal people.
Yup. And that is the only reason people actually do walk around with guns. There's certainly no viable support for 'self defense' purpose. The professionals I knew did not carry when off duty no matter where they went.
Ah yes, the resurrection of the old "Huey P. Newton" Gun Club thing. I know how that goes. https://alicublog.blogspot.com/2016/07/convention-night-two.html
I love that we have to logic our way through this when they built a fucking gallows for Pence. Consensual reality ain't what it used to be.
If Alito ever gets a chance to rule on this, I'm sure he will discover that ascribing responsibility for that gallows is VERY complicated.
"What's this? A receipt from Home Depot on Donald Trump's credit card? Well, sure, but you don't KNOW he intended... oh, something else? A gallows drawn in black Sharpie on a Trump Hotel napkin? Well, OK, but..."
Yes, we do we have video of Trump driving The Beast around D.C. with a sign on the roof that said, "Die, Mike, Die" but when questioned by police he explained it was German, and just meant "The Mike, The."
Also, that he thought Mike was female
Placing Mike's name next to the feminine form of the definite article counts in his mind as adultery, I think.
Xept it’s pronounced Dee, of course.
Once again, he demonstrates his…[insert preferred disgusted description here].
Judge Dee? John Dee? Dee Snyder? Dee Wallace? River Dee?
Now, now, that gallows was just measured, valid, First Amendment political commentary, completely unlike the pictures of guillotines posted to Twitter by unhinged Soros funded Antifa thugs hopped up on cinnamon Atomic Fireball fentanyl.
"Hand me those lag bolts, puttin' together some legitimate political discourse here."
Your analogy (in GOP-land at least) is faulty:
Sending an armed mob to the Capitol to attack Congress is the equivalent of forwarded email with a lot of CC's.
This tracks with how the GOP has treated the insurrection.
CCs > 9mm
"Today I didn't even have to use my CC
I gotta say, it was a good day"
(pronounced "see-say", of course)
You missed my point. Actually there were two.
First, following on Steve that we need armed lefty patriots.
The other, though, if we had any such cohort, then the response from the PTB would be some sort of meaningful gun control, maybe. That’s based on what St. Ronnie did in response to the Panthers.
"we need armed lefty patriots"
Please, dear God, no.
Too late, pal. You didn't think the unjustly proud boys owned ALL of those 400 million guns, didja?
Clearly, there is no down side. Vengeance or real gun control. Either would be an improvement.
Nope, no down side at all, except all the bystanders who get killed in the crossfire.
Neither side has an actual army, so no prospect of actual victory, so what we're looking at is a political version of Bloods vs. Crips. Folks in the African-American community can tell you how that's worked out.
No, being libs, our patriots would engage in focused targeting, not fascist mass insanity.
Too, it may never happen because gun control would be implemented to prevent the first possibility.
Other that no such thing as I’m proposing will ever happen, I still don’t see your fear manifesting, sorry.
Seems like one of the most important jobs in the world would be harder to get.
Same with the president or head of the Federal Reserve. We evidently need to come out and say " No assclowns allowed" on the application.That alone would take care of Beer Barrel, the lady from "Handmaids Tale" and Clayton Bixby. Trump too.
No Assclowns.
It should be in the Constitution.
As ever, one gets the government the Powers That Be allow. In the current case, that's fascists. Understandably; contesting elections costs money. One party rule is less expensive.
Of course, we could vote the fuckers out but when the largest bloc of voters choose not to vote...
Ha, you should check out some of the folks who think they're qualified to be a United States Senator.
In a just world Marco Rubio would have a job cleaning shrimp at the Red Lobster in Hialeah after losing jobs at every buy here pay here car lot in South Florida.
"You didn't even win the steak knives, Rubio, you're FIRED."
Mrs. Pressky didn't even get the snake knives this time.
Not my thing. Tofu don't need no knife...
Sounds about right. I do recall a minute or two early in his career where the Hillary people feared Rubio as her most likely 2016 rival, as he presented a dynamic and moderate statesman, proposing actual immigration policy. But then he said, "Oh, that doesn't poll well? Republican voters want a debased evil twerp? Okay, I'll do that! I won't try to persuade anyone that America doesn't have to be a hollowed-out moral wasteland. Why, I can also add blatant stupidity, and become shockingly charmless! Watch!"
Man. Is being a Senator just so much fun in and of itself, that you would agree to have no fun doing it? He treats the job like it's got no more world-historic duty than shrimp cleaner at the Hialeah Red Lobster.
It’s the party more than individuals. I’m trying to ignore the obsession with individuals’ foibles. They’re a pointless distraction.
Well, if you want to talk party, the party's philosophy is "Government is a fetid swamp, good for nothing", so that doesn't lead to Republicans sending their best into politics. The smart, capable ones go to Wall Street, leaving politics for the dimmest bulbs in the chandelier.
*sigh*, just *sigh*
Maybe it's being an ever older fart, maybe it's oncoming election with its pretty good odds of being a historic disaster but I'm finding my tolerance for obsessing over individuals over the shit the party has been pulling something of an exacerbation of the anxiety.
So in the case of failed Scalia Alito here, maybe the problem is less Sammy personally -- and if one wants to pick the most vile POS on SCOTUS, I'd go with Thomas -- than that the GOP majority there is pretty much just a junta dictating. See, Dobbs, the recent EPA and OSHA decisions, Shelby County, dicta in Masterpiece Cakes, the recent right to pray to Jesus where the fuck one wants decision and so on and so forth. All, appellate jurisprudence-wise POS decisions. To say the least. And no one with the power to do anything about is seems terribly motivated (*koffkaffkaff!*) to do shit about. My retiring congress-person has a piece in the Nation, otherwise overwhelmingly crickets.
None which is to say that today's piece failed to amuse.
Well done, but dark: thinking of it as "Scenes they'd like to see"''
"Spirit, why show me all of this if I am past all hope? Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me!"
Alito's comments on Wednesday just need a disclaimer added: "No Supreme Court Justices were actually harmed in the making of this paranoid fantasy."
What??!! You lost a child thru failure to treat her condition because the medical professionals were afraid the coochie police would arrest them?
Not the first to observe this, but Jesus. For people getting their way in everything, these are some whiny motherfuckers. As someone pointed out, the only people actually assassinated over abortion are the ones who work in clinics.
Alito was the guy who wrote, in Dobbs, "women are not without electoral or political power,” and boy, would I love to see a hundred million women shove those words back down his throat* on November 8.
*no actual violence being encouraged here
I hilariously assumed that would happen to a certain political candidate in November 2016. My faith in the female of the species was kneecapped.
There is a difference in terms of being warned of what could happen vs. watching as it actually happens. Humans generally ain't so good at the first, and usually require the second.
Florida is Paradise, I tell ya!
Now where's my bailout (no, not another bucket, wise guy...)
Because, as noted before, they want to be congratulated, even *beloved*, for their views. Not content with forcing America to swallow a shit sandwich, they want us to say, "Thank you. Delicious. May we have another?"
Yes! What does "We don't want to be called bigots" even mean? Most of the time nobody called you a bigot, they just disagreed with you.
Ah, but you're THINKING I'm a bigot aren't you, and while the first amendment does protect freedom of speech, I don't see anything in there specifically protecting freedom of thought, check and mate, lib!
Careful there, bo. That's a leap too far to that conclusion – yer gonna break a leg!
Liberal Washington Lefty Loons coming to kill us fiction vs. Deluded Right Wing Flying Monkeys with actual guns terrorizing dems in the Capitol reality. Someone adjust his meds please.
They weren't coming to kill *him* so it was no big deal.
Periodic reminder that the reason Hitler's putsch got off with a slap on the wrist, instead of capital punishment for treason, was because he faced sympathetic, Wilhelmine-era judges.
Meanwhile, Steve Bannon STILL not in jail because the judge allowed him to stay on his Chinese billionaire friend's yacht while he appeals that whopping four months in prison and SIXTY FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR FINE. In handing down the sentence, the judge cited as a mitigating factor that Bannon was "Unlikely to offend again." Really, let's have the committee subpoena him again and see if he complies with that one?
Oof, I had not heard he was serving his jail term on a yacht. And yeah, what the hell? Test that judge's ruling! Subpoena him again! It is what is known as an empirical question.
The yacht thing could be my well-known tendency to exaggerate, I know he's got a billionaire friend and believe he was on the yacht when he was either subpoenaed or arrested, but I don't know where he is now except THE FUCKER ISN'T IN JAIL.
Still bad, yacht or not!
Objection! I am offended, QED!
And they sent him on sabbatical to a cozy-but-austere writer's retreat where he was to get significant work done on his novel without the everyday distractions that beer halls provide...
If not his, then mine!
You need to get on a schedule and put your pharmacist on danger money.
Alito's Whine Tour has embarrassed every two year old who ever complained that a 15 minute time-out was unfair for putting ketchup on his baby sister. Of course you're not legitimate after lying to Senator Ted Kennedy about never reversing Roe. Why would anyone believe anything you've said since then? When you add in the Republican conniving to stack the Court, "legitimacy" has as much connection to the Supremes as "healthy" does to a Double Whopper.
Meanwhile, the lawyer who tried the case that overturned Florida's motorcycle helmet law has died in a motorcycle accident while not wearing a helmet. Alito will never meet karma quite so poetically, since he won't need an abortion, a same-sex spouse (allegedly!) or the need to vote outside of chambers, but there's still the chance his life could someday depend on whether a fetal stem cell-derived medical treatment is available to halt the cancer eating away his organs.
"While not wearing a helmet, he died."
Dead While Helmetless (DWH), soon to be an answer for every mortality question.
Forgot to mention – I thought that the pouring of ketchup upon is what baby sisters are for, and since I never had one, it's obvious that I was unfairly berefted in my yoot.
By now you will know that I blame the parents.
Unfortunately the cancer eating away his brain has already triumphed.
"we are living in the future'
I'll tell you how I know.
I read it in the papers
15 years ago"
with a nod to John prime, we read it in roy edroso's newsletter. if you didn't notice the dates on the headers, you might miss where reality left off and the imagined future kicked in.
On a happier (but just as funny) note, Lucianne Goldberg has shuffled off her mortal coil.
I really wish I believed in Hell.
I hear that, gonna have a REAL hard time holding on to my atheism when Kissinger dies.
Think Dante would put her in the inmost circle, which IIRC was for traitors and at the time of the poet's visit housed only Brutus and Judas?
Wherever buried, his grave shall remain perpetually well "watered".
I THOUGHT I felt the mass IQ go up this morning.
Well, christ, Judge Sam, a "vast majority of Americans" also felt that Roe was a valid law and that guns should be regulated, but we see how SCOTUS felt about those beliefs, eh?
And, Roy, you forgot the 2023 Hernandez v. Fritters, AL, where the First Amendment was overturned but only in the case of "Federal elected and unelected officials", on the grounds the Sacred Founders valued decency and civility over "radical and boisterous conduct", as Thomas put it in the majority opinion.
And thus begins the "Chronicles of Opus Dei in Perpetua..."
Justice Alito seems not to have considered the option of avoiding public outrage by not issuing transparently shitty opinions depriving half the population of entrenched rights.
"No, it is the children who are wrong" is going to be my second Simpson's reference of the day.