Dec 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Just brilliant. Illustrated no less. The Carville stuff alone is worth the price of admission. I'm no fan of his but I think it would do McArdle a world of good to have a kind of Carville Clippy pop up every time she pens some mush like an unaborted fetus growing up to talk about the girl it just fell in love with. "Ah you fuckin kiddin? Thass about the fah-est Fah-est Gump shit I evah hoid! An you write fuh the Post?"

(Forgive me I don't have the master's dialect touch. Roy would have to script it properly.)

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

God, it would make so much sense if this is what those meetings sounded like.

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"Looking up from their phones as if they just heard an ice cream truck.."

That's just brilliant.

"Ordet" is the second best film about Lutherans ever made . "Winter Light" is the first.

Can't believe I have an opinion on that.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

LOL. Roy, you nailed Old Snake Head. And the Dems are *SO* bad at politics – they don’t even bring a knife, they bring a wiffle ball to a gunfight.

The centrist fixation on big box stores and more efficient appliances as the be-all and end-all of American superiority is just the weakest tea imaginable: “OK, you don’t have year-long paid maternity leave, no universal, affordable healthcare, unless you leave your job under narrow, stringent conditions you will be left to starve, and if you work at McDonalds in Europe you will earn over $20 an hour. But, but…..Whirlpool!!! Kenmore!!!”

I mean, come on.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

"routine traffic stop"

That is the sort of one weird trick shorthand that I'm always looking for.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

(Four white guys who have done less with their lives, and for the American people, than Jimmy Carter does in an average week.)

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Beyond brilliant. And that second slide took me breath away.

Of course, the real world retort is that the DLC is complicit (or worse) in bringing the nation to the state it’s in now, on the cusp the last remnants of democracy dying outside the local level. Too, the youngs and those in denial can’t or refuse to grasp the harm that resulted from DLC control of the party; this post shows it, more or less.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Roy Edroso

Yes, the most important project of our time is to accurately score America on the 10-point Which Country is Better scale. And thanks to this invaluable information about dryers that Megan has provided, we can now bump the USA up from a 4 to a 4.1.

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You really captured the essence of that toxic Cajun goblin Carville. I literally wanted to punch him through my phone as I read it.

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DLC Brain Wizards: “Messaging and Graphic Design, Are My Passions!!”

Roy’s portrayal was so vividly, soul-crushingly true.

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Good one Roy - gave me a good laugh.

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This is wonderful, however I wonder if anyone, including Roy, could capture the level of ignorance, amorality and hauteur evinced in this week’s Supremely Dumb Court’s Q&A. “If it’s about choice, why wouldn’t 15 weeks be enough?” proves that Chief Jester Roberts brings to reproductive rights the same level of intelligence and compassion he’s applied to voting rights over his entire fucking career. Only Amy Coney Island’s comparison of secular values to religious beliefs came close to that level of delusional misunderstanding of basic philosophical concepts. Carville et al may be worthless but at least they don’t hold the fate of the nation in their bigoted uninformed hands. If this week didn’t convince Joe Biden to started naming additional Justices, nothing will and we’re doomed to living in the Racistfascist Party’s dream republic, with forced pregnancies and tax supported religious education (Christians only need apply).

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It made a kind of sense for the Democratic party to go down that road in the late 80's. After LBJ screwed the New Deal pooch and Nixon curb-stomped the Party, the best response they could come up with was outsider Carter who was woefully unprepared and unequipped to deal with the job. The door was wide open for the Smartest Guys in the Room to walk in and offer a devil's bargain: beat the Republicans at their own game and you're back in power. All it will cost is your currently worthless soul. Why not, they thought. Who has a better offer?

And now you say you want a revolution? Well, you know, we'd all love to see the plan.

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