Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Displeased! Never realized what an awesome word that could be. I mean, it just exudes sarcasm and the like. Like: The judge was displeased by the threats against their lives incited the defendant.

Also: Somewhat displeased that Roy is obsessed with Noonan -- don't deny it -- while ship, among others, Whitmer and Sara Nelson. Just saying, FWIW.

BTW: The wine was awful in every way but color. But, you know, the tradition must be respected.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

“Onward to further greatness, Taylor Swift. Onward Travis Kelce. Win the Super Bowl this year, make an impossible catch, jump a man’s height to snatch the ball from the air with 10 seconds to go, score the winning touchdown, hold the ball up to your girl in the stands as the stadium roars and the confetti rains down.” Onward vomit, fly free across the room to your fated destination, the divan.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

You are made of sterner stuff than I. I took me three tries before I could get all the way through Noonan's last sentence. Do you hark back to a better and stronger American, while I am just a sad and pathetic liberal? Only time will tell.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Pegs harkens back to the good ole America wherein Joltin’ Joe slapped Marilyn around for any old insubordination, and her reference to fathers-and-daughters brings to mind America’s most famous daddy-Princess duo who tried to bring the superstructure toppling down on Jan. 6. It’s decompensating indeed.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

In Nooner’s world, if it’s popular, it is, perforce, conservative.

In so far as Swift is an economic engine, an idol to many, of a not noticeably conservative demographic must hurt to make a stretch.

And Travis, be still my heart.

Democrat, pro vax, not homophobic... What’s America’s Gladiatorial contest coming to?

Thankful lolz have broken through the turkey bloat.

Noonan was always a jive turkey..

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Occam’s Razor: and Noonan was likely drunk.

It’s slim pickings for conservatives trying to find someone in the entertainment industry who hasn’t looked at Trump and rightwing policies and said “AH,HAHAHAHA, fuck you.” But Swift doesn’t have tattoos, she doesn’t say “fuck” a lot, she doesn’t visibly stump for liberal politicians or causes. And she has a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. She’s white and blonde. So she’s about as close to wholesome and non-confrontational as a pop star can get.

I can see Peggy half a bottle in, desperately surfing the internet for inspiration, stumbling across a picture of Swift at a football game, and giving a boozy shriek, “Eureka! A column!”

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

If you thought the column was a hoot, read the comments. The gentlemen responding (and yes, they are most definitely men —serious if not very important men) naturally find any consideration of Taylor Swift beneath them.

P.S. Totally *loved* the title —

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Taylor Swift treats her employees well. That alone makes her a welcome alternative to rightwing assholes like Musk.

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Peggy Noonan is still alive ? I hate that degenerate old whore. I really like this column because I really hate Peggy Noonan. Plus it's funny and well written.

Mostly the hate though.

I think there's a really good chance Taylor Swift is going to save the world. I think the permanent record will show that I was an early and ardent fan. On the basis of this information, I should be able to get tickets for the next concert tour. I have seen Beyoncé and I'm here to tell you she really is a goddess. I think her and Taylor will be benevolent rulers and I welcome the New Age they will bring.

You had to mention Joni Mitchell. In November. Now I have to tell The Joke.

I'm ashamed of The Joke. On the list of things I'm going to Hell for, The Joke is probably in the Top Five- so, with no further adeiu , regardless of the state of my immortal soul - The Joke.

Joni Mitchell's birthday is November 7th.

She turned 80 this month.

"Help me, I think I've fallen

And I can't get up!"

I'm old - someday I'm going to fall and I won't be able to get up and I'll have deserved it for telling this joke.

There's a Rolling Stones joke to go along with it- AARP is sponsoring their latest tour.( they really are!)





Get offa my lawn!

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I guess since conservatives genuinely suck at producing popular art or music, they have no choice but to try to appropriate whatever is popular in order to claim it as their own. My favorite example is now a bit dated, but during the early Obama years, NRO created a list of the Top 50 Conservative Rock Songs. And one of those top songs was Sting's Englishman In New York--an ode to Quentin Crisp.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Noonan has the easiest gig this side of being a Boston "sportscaster." Also, just askin', did we ever get a definitive reaction from George Will about Springsteen after "American Skin (41 Shots)" was released?

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Peggy Noonan: The Maureen Dowd of Pamela Pauls.

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New subscriber here. Just wanna say hello!

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

“That’s a helluva reason to follow something for, what, 70 years — this time, will it be interesting, or will it be sound? I’m on pins and needles!”---Roy

Yes, it is a “helluva reason,” and clearly the delusions of a petty, delusional empty vessel, who has too much time on her hands, and nothing imaginative to fill it with; and tells you everything you need to know about Noonan.

As for Born in the US not being about patriotism? No doubt! However, there was another song on that album called “No Surrender.” Most people would believe it’s also about patriotism and US might and power.

Yet, it’s ultimately a song about compromise and defeat. Springsteen almost did t put the song on the album because he thought it too cynical. However, Van Zandt convinced him that the existence of cynicism is as imaginary as the illusion of darkness, which doesn’t exist; it’s just the absence of light.

And Therein lies the rub. People like Noonan and the rest of the conservative clown car, can only see the darkness; while unable to ever see or feel the light. They live in a dark, cold world, devoid of their own deluded reality.

Their world isn’t one of logic, reason or understanding , it’s of power and subjugation and ultimately control.

Just some thoughts! Great newsletter as usual. Have a great weekend all...:)

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

How to Carve a Noonan.

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Noonan on Swift is like my (late) grandma on Lady Gaga.

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