Must be something in the water in Florida that creates lunatic evil blonde women. Pam Bondi was the Florida state AG when the state started looking at Trump U. Trump handed her a check for $20,000 and the investigation got shut down. When I did political consulting in southwester Florida, I had two Republican women as clients, both of whom were unhinged and acted like they longed for a Fourth Reich. Hell, when I lived in Florida back in the early '80s, I dated a (blonde) women from Tampa who, I eventually found out, was a real-deal psychotic.

My mother thinks the Florida sun bakes the residents' brains, thus leading to all the insane Florida-man stories we've come to love. She may be onto something!

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In our ramblings around the Atlanta area the worst drivers invariably have Florida (or as we call them, "Flor-i-DUH") plates.

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Loved this. Might be worth a few sequels--we should at least hear how much she's getting in the book deal and how the negotiations went down. Or maybe agonizing about exactly how much she's going to reveal. How do you walk the line between 1) telling enough to get some good promotional previews and thus boost sales; 2) keeping her conservative cred so she won't fall out of the cushy pundit pool? Is she willing to risk being shunted to The Bulwark? Enquiring minds want to know.

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I agree. I think we need a Game of Thrones style Oval Office sketch from Roy featuring slimy Miller, Trump and "No Trump tax returns ever" Mulvaney. With maybe an appearance by Jared since I gather he is a Miller ally on immigration.

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Duke will no doubt hire her for its Ethnic Studies department

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Or Virginia as an assistant basketball coach

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Being a Trump apologist and sycophant never works out well. Kirstjen is simply the latest loser and there will be many more before November 2020 when we will enter the real Gotterdammerung. As everyone who pays any attention at all to this evil maladministration, the real power behind Trump's throne on immigration from the very first days to the present has been the neo-Nazi Stephen Miller. Nielson was just a tool and apathetic one at that.

It was a big mistake to jam so many agencies into one gigantic, unmanageable department in the first place. I think the next Democratic administration should remove FEMA, Coast Guard, and even the Secret Service from DHS at the least.

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I would also like to see the next prez change DHS's name to something less "we have always been at war with eastasia"-sounding. America never was called "the homeland" even once until Bush took that particular dump on it.

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I'd like to return this cross, please; it's broken.

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I think Stephen Miller, not really yet keen on fylfoten as such and influenced by Steve Bannon---especially Our Host's mystic version---would go more for a Wewelsberg mosaic 12-armed version (which just popped-up in a Jonathan L. Howard novel I'm reading).

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"Qué blanco" no es gramática. "¡Tan rubia!" o "¡Rubísima!" o "¡Esa gringa es una corremierda!"

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Well, that’s what she heard.

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Recently I watched a Jordan Petersen video and when asked about hate speech he said [paraphrased] 'I think it's best to get it out there and let people make up their own minds. Generally, people are good and will reject it". This doesn't seem to be borne out by the Drumpf phenomena; the people who go along with him seem to adapt /acquiesce to his hateful descriptions and outcomes and then themselves behave in a hateful way. His acolytes are hateful in speech, thought and deed and the country seems riven by a hate barrier that appears to carry a large minority along with it. If the past is any indicator, this can be enough to deliver a fascist regime that intimidates the rest of the country to go along especially if the media plays along and the Left is in disarray as seems always to be the case. On another note, Ms. Nielson's attractive visage bears a striking resemblance to an early Leni Riefenstahl though the Nordic/Teutonic blonde on blonde is all her own.

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This aggression will not stand. These criminals must not be allowed to fail upwards. They had nothing to offer in their performance of hack jobs for criminal administrations. They have nothing to offer, nothing positive, in their cushy appointments and positions to the federal bench, think tanks, universities, and what have you. They perpetuate the kowtowing to power and complete lack of anything useful except to continuing oppression, inequality and injustice. It must be stopped. They must be driven out by any and all means necessary.

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