Is Dibs also the attorney handling The Donald’s genius lawsuit against Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Hotmail, Penny Mailer, et al? The law firm Dibs,Hansoff, Itza & Mine is well known in Jersey personal injury circles.

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I remember being like, 10 and wondering why a doctor had to take an oath to become a hypocrite. Hypocrites are bad, right? Later on I figured it out. I think this guy may have been confused too. He evidently never figured it out.

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The Gang That Couldn't Loot Straight, A Continuing Series: Thugs, Mugs And The Hypocritic Oath

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It's something when a job as Congressman is more lucrative than being a doctor. Unless he took a hit in pay for altruistic reasons. He's a Patriot. Like Trump. True Fact -Trump took a pay cut to become president and then donates his whole salary back to the country. . That's why he eats so much MacDonald's. It's all he can afford.

Anoter True fact - I'm gonna party like it's 1999 when that motherfucker dies.

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We sure Jackson even has credentials that allow him to practice?

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How did you party in 1999? How does that differ from how you party today?

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It was great! Parking was free and there was an open bar.

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Christ, another CPAC? It seems like the last one was only 3 or 4 months ago. Maybe they’ve started to run them quarterly.

The conservative movement: a death cult willing to disproportionately kill off their own voters for political advantage. They must be very confident in their voter suppression/election rigging capabilities.

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Dead people are reliable GOP voters...

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LOL. On twitter John Fetterman regularly points out that in 2020 the only 4 or 5 incidents of voter fraud in Pennsylvania were Trump voters casting a fraudulent ballot for their dead relatives.

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See? Even libtards like SundayStyle admit there was voter fraud in Pennsylvania!

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We libtards are the WORST. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to shed a layer of my Lizard Person skin before I vaccinate more unsuspecting people with 5G microchips. A libtard’s work is never done.

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Since being vaccinated, I shed something else: spike proteins. So all I have to do is stand next to menopausal women to make them sterile. Of course, I was told that my presence did that even before being vaccinated, but now it's official.

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This one's dark & strangely prophetic: a vision of the Trumpovian long game, the GOP dance of death, fueled by assaulting toadies into complicity, & skull-fucking the supine media.

Behold a pale horse, as honky as its rider.

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I've heard that BiPACs are more comfortable, but I guess they're afraid it'd sound queer.

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As I think a very obvious fake actually would be net-negative for them—though I don't think Trump doesn't yet understand the limits of playing exclusively to the hard-core—this seems a little hopeful to me, variants willing.

I think "Tapeheads"/"UHF"/Watergate-style recording of Trump saying what he really feels about RealAmerica™ as per here might still help, again the hard-core would just shrug or believe it were faked, but there are still enough non-absolute shitheels around….

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"We got all the evidence here — and in your bank account, you’re gonna see evidence like you wouldn’t believe."

You can deposit McDonald's coupons into a bank account?

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What if someone said to Trump, "Sir, I don't want to alarm you, but we've heard that certain people have been feeding you poison, and it should start having an effect in about a week to ten days"? How would it affect him? Because isn't narcissism the reversed-polarity version of paranoia? It's not "everyone is out to get me," but "everyone should admire me." Might it take root?

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Folks used to wonder if the world would end in a bang or a whimper but apparently it'll just sink in a sea of lies instead. Well, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of primates.

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You know that political interrogation of teachers and students mandated by Florida's new indoctrination law? I have it on good authority that this is one of the questions:

29. Fill in the blank: Person, Woman, Man, Camera, _______.

If you can't answer this one, you're not only politically suspect, but required to take an immersive course of Remedial Facebook.

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By the way, Trumps Fauci monologue is a thing of beauty.

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Yo Roy: reading this on the MTA New Haven line to Norwalk! From yer old stomping ground to (a bit short of) your, uh, older stomping ground

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I have to say, in all my contacts with Gotham, that people have always been terrific. From La Guardia to the MTA to random folks on the #5 subway this is still true

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I need to apologize. When I read this:

"that variant’s gonna roll into their little towns like clouds of poison gas and they’re gonna die by the thousands, by the millions. Then Donald Trump doesn’t look so bad, does he?"

I thought, "Oh, now Roy's gone too far, even Donald Trump wouldnt..."

And then I caught myself and remembered what he said to Bob Woodward and what he was saying to the rest of us at the same time.

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If there is a fourth wave, the speed with which Foxworld switches from "What virus, LOL" to "Why is the Failing Biden Administration letting the good people of Oatmeal, Neb. die?" will make your head spin.

And "senile" will be the gentle version. More likely "actively conspiring with the ChiComs to kill us all"

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A stadium full of yahoos howling at a jumbotron picture of an incontinent oldster is pretty fucking scary. "Keep telling yourself, it's only an episode of Roy Edroso Breaks it Down, Breaks it Down, Breaks it Down..."

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"It’s Fauci, like Capone or Lucky Luciano, he’s a kingpin, an old-fashioned greaseball kingpin. You know, like me! When I'm done slapping you around, Dibs will explain it to you."

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