"our people" = Russian Foreign Ministry staff

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The White House follies are almost as bizarre as the reality.

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An investigation is a "coup," a parody is a "lie," a lie is what you say to the media (The Lewandowsky Rule), a whistleblower is a "spy," etc., etc. The Trump lexicon is growing.

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But Nazis remain "very fine people"

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Do something amazingly illegal, and then, when you're caught at it, claim persecution. What a scam.

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I've noticed that, at this point in the chaos and noise, Trump is no longer even pretending to undertake policy initiatives. Jared's "Middle East Peace Plan", which was a grotesque joke to begin with is now dead and all those other policy czar initiatives he was supposed to undertake never went anywhere at all. The only thing he seems to have done successfully were a few grifts with MBS and MBZ.

Now we have what will certainly be a new bizarre mystery featuring Mike "Fatso" Pompeo, Sebastian "The Hungarian Nazi" Gorka, Newt Gingrich and his helmet-headed wife/Ambassador and the Vatican Secretariat. Agggh.

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I’ll say it again: these “Scenes from the Dissolute Desk” are *alone* worth the price of admission. Bravo!

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