You know what's depressing? The fact that Trump and the GOP think the solution to covid is advertising. Not "Hey, here's a real-world problem that's killing Americans, so we need science and research." Instead it's just "Wow! This thing is making Dear Leader look bad, so how can we convince people that contracting a potentially fatal illness is a good thing?"
You know what's depressing? The fact that Trump and the GOP think the solution to covid is advertising. Not "Hey, here's a real-world problem that's killing Americans, so we need science and research." Instead it's just "Wow! This thing is making Dear Leader look bad, so how can we convince people that contracting a potentially fatal illness is a good thing?"
You know, my dad used to give me candy bars and toys, sometimes, after he'd rape or beat me. Because the problem wasn't the abuse, it was that I was hiding from him and making it harder to get ahold of me for the next round, and if he could just get me to associate it with a reward sometimes, he could keep abusing me and in his mind I was basically agreeing to the trade-off. In reality, I was taking what I could get and trying to keep from pissing him off so he didn't flip into full on sadist mode, because the abuse was going to happen anyway.
So it's pretty easy to see what Trump is doing wrong here. It's frankly been pretty easy to see what the GOP has been doing wrong all my life. If you treat people like actual humans, they will forgive you for the small problems. If you treat them like shit, you cannot buy them off by making their neighbors jealous of the little favors you do them, or by telling them how brave they are for letting you treat them like shit. Not all of them, anyway. Eventually it's going to occur to the MAGATs that they don't even have access to the small comforts they were using to make themselves forget that they haven't had a raise in years despite working harder and record profits. It won't occur to them until after the election, and then they'll have whole new shit to be angry about, but it's going to occur to some of them.
Reminds me of what I heard someone say about why interstate truck drivers don't (or at least didn't, back then) like the state of Pennsylvania. In PA, if there was a dip in the highway, they wouldn't fix it. They'd just put up a sign saying DIP.
You know what's depressing? The fact that Trump and the GOP think the solution to covid is advertising. Not "Hey, here's a real-world problem that's killing Americans, so we need science and research." Instead it's just "Wow! This thing is making Dear Leader look bad, so how can we convince people that contracting a potentially fatal illness is a good thing?"
You know, my dad used to give me candy bars and toys, sometimes, after he'd rape or beat me. Because the problem wasn't the abuse, it was that I was hiding from him and making it harder to get ahold of me for the next round, and if he could just get me to associate it with a reward sometimes, he could keep abusing me and in his mind I was basically agreeing to the trade-off. In reality, I was taking what I could get and trying to keep from pissing him off so he didn't flip into full on sadist mode, because the abuse was going to happen anyway.
So it's pretty easy to see what Trump is doing wrong here. It's frankly been pretty easy to see what the GOP has been doing wrong all my life. If you treat people like actual humans, they will forgive you for the small problems. If you treat them like shit, you cannot buy them off by making their neighbors jealous of the little favors you do them, or by telling them how brave they are for letting you treat them like shit. Not all of them, anyway. Eventually it's going to occur to the MAGATs that they don't even have access to the small comforts they were using to make themselves forget that they haven't had a raise in years despite working harder and record profits. It won't occur to them until after the election, and then they'll have whole new shit to be angry about, but it's going to occur to some of them.
Reminds me of what I heard someone say about why interstate truck drivers don't (or at least didn't, back then) like the state of Pennsylvania. In PA, if there was a dip in the highway, they wouldn't fix it. They'd just put up a sign saying DIP.