Nov 1, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

It’s very early here and I had to remind myself I wasn’t reading something in TPM

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Nov 1, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

[slow clap] Bravo. I completely lost it when Mulvaney calmly said “I think we have enough photos, guys.”

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Nov 1, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

Here's hoping Conan and Moral Hazard can get together and compare notes.

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Nov 1, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

Should I just assume he kicks the corpse feebly as I thought he would, or is he still too scared?

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Nov 1, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

OMG, as the kids say. Honestly, with these closet dramas you have the makings of a book.

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I have a friend who says, not only can she not see a movie in which a dog dies, but she can't see a movie in which someone SAYS, "The dog died." I won't be alerting her to this.

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Nov 1, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

I could place a quote from one of these brilliant tragicomic one-acts next to one taken directly from one of Trump's speeches/press conferences (the al-Baghdadi announcement is especially piquant) and anyone unlucky enough to be unfamiliar with the writings of our reverb motherfuckin' bard would not be able to tell which one was true.

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Nov 1, 2019Liked by Roy Edroso

This is straight screwball perfection:

I want to be known for my accomplishments.

You are, muffin!

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