Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

“'Walker is running as a pro-life Republican...'"

Nothing says "pro-life" like, I dunno, refusing to support one's kids.

Anyway, maybe Son of Erick is some sort of genius spewing the complete spectrum of bullshit his audience loves, all within, like, minutes, before said audience forgets the point or, you know, excitement.

Anyway, my latest old fart theory:

All Republican candidates can be trusted to serve the party and its goals;

Primary voters choose the biggest pieces of rank shit because the candidate can be trusted to do what they're elected to do *and* the POS drives libs crazy;

And we end up obsessing over this shit instead of, I dunno, maybe anything else.

Given all the bullshit -- MSM "reporting", GOP vote rigging and electoral fuckery, etc. -- any, every Republican is electable. Best version for GA is Warnock winning with too close a margin of victory.

Or maybe I'm just old and bored of getting excited over nothing of importance. Maybe I'm crabby because I'd rather see DeSantis busted for kidnapping because, you know, it's an open and shut case he engaged in kidnapping. Or maybe the FBI considering whether Crooked Donnie has classified shit illegally removed from the WH and illegally retained at locations other than at Fart-Long-Ago and, for that matter, whether he shared or "shared" them with anyone improper.

Nah, what about those crazy, POS GOP candidates.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"is running as" is not the same as "is", last time I looked...

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"And we end up obsessing over this shit instead of, I dunno, maybe anything else."

Oh, don't worry, I can obsess over multiple things all at the same time.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Also, I'm gettin' myself ready to pay exactly ZERO attention to Herschel starting on Wednesday, Nov. 9.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

He's like the crystal flute. Nobody fretted about it before Lizzo played it, and we're rapidly forgetting its existence. THERE'S A TRANS M&M!!

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This has been bothering me all day.

Howz that work, exactly? I mean, if you're preparing to pay no attention you must need to pay attention, 'cause otherwise how would you know you weren't? And just the prep alone must be exhausting – all that double-checking to be certain you missed whatever it was you were practicing preparing to miss.

Anyway, don't bother explaining now. You got way too much on yer plate in the next month. Get back to us after the election.

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Careful. Obsession creep is a real thing. Or maybe multiple things (there'a a genuine obsession creep just down the hall from us – his obsessions are legion, and amount to serious fire hazards).

Edited to add the 'b' tho maybe I shoulda left it as is. I mean, I spelled it right 2 times outta 3. I'm patiently awaiting my participation award.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Why do we not see more about how the GOP "takes for granted" the stupidity of its old rank and vile to vote for "R" candidate? We constantly hear how the Dems take all them "M" voters for granted, and that's why "Hispanics" are swinging for "Family, God, Country"? Step right up! Or now do we say "LatinX" like a GenX? I get so confused about the labels, who we must remember are not monolithic yet we label them. Label, label, label. Makes it easier to sort and send them, or ignore their suffering, I guess. Like when the duly elected GOP candidates cut Medicare and Social Security out from under their hardcore constituents.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

In the first part, you’re asking about areas the MSM have no interest in reporting for the most part, in the latter, an MSM fetish for simplification and, of course, as part of the horse race coverage they love to engage in.

There’s a reason I characterize the MSM as toxic, a societal threat.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Will-to-power is everything with these people and always has been. Religion is the window dressing they use to pretty it up.

Son of Erick is right when he flip-flops to say Walker still has a chance. Nobody is voting for him because they think he’d be a good Senator – most people realize it’s a 50/50 proposition whether he could hit the urinal on the first squirt. They are voting for him because he has an (R) after his name and he will do whatever Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump tell him to do. So very few people are likely to refuse to vote for him because of his girlfriend’s abortion or his son’s criticisms, because almost no one took him or his “policies” (LMAO) seriously in the first place.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Remember Roy Moore. A self-professed child molester. And yet, nearly half the voters of Alabama looked at Moore and looked at Doug Jones, and thought "Sure, Moore's a child molester who falsely claims piety. But Jones is a DEMOCRAT, so what else can I do but vote for Moore?"

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso


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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Just remember, Jones actually won that election. The situation is not hopeless.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Agreed, and I fervently hope Warnock will win this one. But like Roy Moore, Donald Trump, MTG, etc. etc., the fact these people can gain the nomination of a major political party, and that give or take 50% of people will vote for them, is deeply depressing.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Jair Bolsonaro's response to Covid make Donald Trump look like Jonas Motherfucking Salk, and yet 43% of Brazilian voters were ready to give him another turn at President. Now THAT'S depressing.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I did not know JS's middle initial was M, so thanks for that, I think...

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

It's the tragedy of the digital commons. At one time I thought we'd evolved far enough as a species to move beyond pure confabulatory mind-scrubbing. But the internet (or Internet if you are one of those who thinks that makes a legal difference) flooded the zone, not just knee-high nor even neck-high, but more like miles-high like the glaciers at their peak. We're crushed to rock dust by it...

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Thanks for that. 95% of Republican voters would vote for Jeffrey Dahmer if he wasn't dead and had an (R) next to his name on a ballot, but the 5% who won't can swing a close election. Georgia Republicans who picked "R" for every spot on the ballot but left the Presidential choice blank provided Joe Biden with his whole margin of victory.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Good point.

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I have a quibble with "if he wasn't dead."

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*envisioning Mitch McConnell with an ouija board calling up the spirits of Roy Cohn, Lee Atwater, and Jesse Helms*

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Dead Jeffrey Dahmer for the win!

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And let's not forget, on January 5, 2021, Warnock beat the execrable Kelly Loeffler, and Jon Ossoff won over David Perdue in Georgia runoff elections. Without these wins, it would still be "Leader McConnell," and the country would be in the shitter even more.

Reminder for those with a few spare bucks: it's not too late to donate to Warnock, Tim Ryan in OH, Cortez Masto in NV, Barnes in WI, or any of the other close Senate races.

PS: The RNC threatened that if Dems won those runoffs and the Senate, they would defund the police, raise taxes, pack the Supreme Court, enact the Green New Deal, and implement a government takeover of health care. It's almost a wishlist!

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Stop threatening me with a good time!

P.S. and Fetterman in PA. Oz is closing the gap.

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Nothing like a pile of dead puppies to appeal to the Base.

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Any sentence including "Kelly Loeffler" and "execrable" is OK in my book.

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Actually, any sentence with "execrable" and any other words is fine by me.

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What, no taco truck on every corner? The Dems seem to be scaling back their ambitions, must be Joe Manchin's doing.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

So true. Who Walker really is might be important if you expected your Senators to actually DO something while in office, perhaps to address the many, many problems the people of Georgia face. Thankfully, our firm conservative belief that government must never do anything frees us from such concerns. Position the drinking-bird toy over the "No" button and then just stand back and watch.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Better yet, set the bird and go off on a non-stop Rile-Up-The-Wacko-Base tour. Nothing glamorous or attention-garnering about, say, dealing with infrastructure problems back in the district. Get in front of a camera and say something outrageous on the daily!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Why it's as easy as shootin' hogs from a helicopter!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Hearted regrettably.

Why in god's name would we shoot hogs outta helicopters when we can get just as good a result usin' unwomaned drones? I mean sure, they only handle piglets, but you can get a whole feedlot of 'em airborne with enough drones, and the pilot is just settin' in his kickback chair directin' em all with one hand, caressin' a PBR in the other...

An ecdote:

Friend of mine was a search/rescue dude in National Parks for some years. He quit that gig after walking away from his 3rd(!) helicopter crash. He figured the odds were no longer on his side.

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3rd crash! Are the choppers really that unstable or was human error to blame?

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Helicopters are like motorcycles: It's not a matter of if you're going to crash but when.

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Forget it man, it's helos...

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Why in god's name would we shoot hogs outta helicopters when we can get just as good a result usin' unwomaned drones?

Well, doing the killing themself gets their manly bits all engorged. They don't get that with the drone

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They're not doin' it right!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I see what you did there.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Tell ya what: Let's give Eric son of Erick the benefit of the doubt and say he speaks truth when he writes that "everyone already knew about this stuff." If that's the case, what say you, most-righteous among the righteous Erickson, about just how many Commandments YOU violated by foisting and supporting Walker on the public stage?

But I guess the only possible way to lead America back onto the path of moral rectitude is by electing complete moral degenerates as leaders.

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"everyone already knew about this stuff" is a comeback, it's a "response" that is in no way a response to the charge. They said something, and now you said something, so you're even. But don't worry, if they say something more, you'll be ready to say something too. [wipes hands, sits down to lunch]

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

True, but in this case it's also widely accurate. I'm just a democrat but I assume every male republican politician has paid for more abortions than I have. I'm guessing republican voters assume it too.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Because every loyal GOP rank and vile voter knows that that's what real leaders do. They work hard. They play hard. They are hard all the time, like a cigar store Indian, all wooden and standing firm there outside the tobacco dealer of a bygone era. It makes your eyes tear up and your lungs ache just thinking of what we've lost. Those aborted babies are better off not growing up and vaping their way into an iron lung and facing the horrors of liberal policies.

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Yeah, the Vaper-ware users will soon crow (between coughing fits): I've got LUNGS of IRON!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Pretty sure TFG promises to pay for the abortion and then doesn't.

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"Everyone already knew about this stuff" and you voted for the carpetbagging motherfucker anyway. Because "CELEBRITY!!!"

Especially egregious coming from someone who, literally, got nationally famous when he referred to a centrist Supreme Court justice as a "goat-fucking child molester".

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Rectal mortitude is more like it.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Band name?

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No, me and the mates went with 'renal failure' (all lower case because we're edgy).

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I've long thought that the word hypocrisy should be taken out and quietly euthanized because in a society that demands productivity above all else this word no long has a meaning or use.

Also, since at least Reagan intellectual functioning has not be a thing necessary to be a Republican.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Or we could “euphemize” the word with “flexibility”.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Hearted 'cause I never lumped euth- and euph- together before and now I'm jealous.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Now I'm wondering if there's a euth- for every euph- like if "euphonious" means "pleasing to the ear", what does "euthonius" mean?

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I used to be able to hear those high notes...

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Rod Dreher is a Euthonious Monk, in that he kills my desire to ever hear human speech again.

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He's impossible to dodge forever – get euthed to it!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso


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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Sometimes I wonder what Liberal Twitter would be like if they all took a voluntary one-month ban on use of the charge of hypocrisy. Then, the focus might be on what Republicans actually do, rather than on how what they do is in conflict with something they said. If a preacher murders someone, the charge is murder, it isn't "You're a hypocrite because here's video of you preaching 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' from the pulpit."

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I take your point, but I take a strong position on retaining (maybe "reviving" is a better word) sensitivity to hypocrisy, mostly because I know why certain parties have worked so hard to desensitize us. https://alicublog.blogspot.com/2006/11/nothings-shocking.html

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Sure, I'm totally fine with hypocrisy being the charge when the underlying behavior isn't criminal, like in the example you linked to. Same with Herschel paying for an abortion, a totally legal thing that no one should be ashamed of. What gets me is "Republicans SAY they're for law and order, but then they attack cops while trying to overthrow the government" puts the hypocrisy first, when THEY TRIED TO OVERTHROW THE DAMN GOVERNMENT.

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Another charge of hypocrisy leveled by conservatives against liberals is that liberals take advantage of tax breaks and rich liberals benefit from tax cuts aimed at the upper 10%. That actually isn’t hypocritical for liberals to do, but to the someone with Republican level of sophistication it sounds like a real gotcha.

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That shows an understanding of hypocrisy that's about equal to Alanis Morissette's understanding of irony.

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Ed is one a those guys who kept the receipts...

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"Thou Shalt Not Kill from the pulpit" is now on the NRA's kill-the-message list. Banning automatic weapons from the pulpit is about as ungodly as they can imagine.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Evidently VP Harris made another gaffe the other day, and I realized, after "Bombing in five minutes" Reagan, "Potatoe" Quayle, "You can't get fooled again" Dubya, and 'Word Salad Days" TFG, I don't want to hear word one out of the GOP about misspeaking or mispronounciation from the White House.

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"Hypocrisy is as plentiful in politics as clover in a dell"

Yeah, but who can afford a dell in an economy like this?

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I was gonna say...

Dells went out with the milkmaid.

Hell, I'm so old even I went out with the milkmaid.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Everyone knows this - the farmer saw you.

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But she said she was 18, and who was I to ask for a valid ID?

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Kloof is a Dutch dell.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

How I love the speech of learned folk!

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022

Dunno 'bout that but the Del-Lords DID compose "True Love" based upon my legendary times with the milkmaid. I suggested they call it "Lactic Acid" to be true to the events, but they decided they preferred to mock both me and Bing Crosby at the same time. The stuff of legend, I tell yinz.

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022

Whoops, wrong spot, but I should say the Del-Lords were cool

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Jowl bacon is very good. Especially for seasoning. I'll be honest - I look at EEand think " Collard greens are delicious!"Just thought I'd mention that.

"I know a lot of these women."

This is a pet peeve. Righties do that shit all the time. " All the farmers that I know..." yeah right, nobody knows any farmers unless they're a farmer themselves

or they work at TSC. " All of my policemen friends" " Whenever I speak to a rabbi...: " Heart surgeon's tell me repeatedly.."

" In my private conversations

with the Joint Chiefs of Staff..."

It's bullshit. Always.

Nice column btw. You seem to hate EE with a clean , pure vitriol. I appreciate that!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"clean, pure vitriol"

is what I'm gonna fuel my funny car with this Saturday!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I'm taking "I know a lot of these women" as Erik's "Canadian girlfriend" quote.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Jowl bacon: 2 marks!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Upvoted for TSC. I’ll add a Campbell’s Supply.

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I love a hate with clean, pure vitriol in the morning. It feels like...dopamine.

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I've enjoyed watching Christian Walker squirm recently -- that little shit has been shilling for the GOP with his gay card for years now. Fuck that queen...

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Why doesn’t Ewick have a column in the New York Times or the Washington Post? He hits all the necessary marks to be a Brooks or Theissen: no moral center, undying allegiance to the Republican Party no matter how terrible its politicians and policies, committed to the goal of justifying those politicians and policies so Republican voters won’t have to face their complicity in the destruction of American democracy. I imagine he wonders the same thing and I hope that gnaws at him every day, since he’ll never feel remorse for being an asshole.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Because occasionally he forgets he's supposed to be an adult and does shit like calling a sitting supreme court justice a goat fucking child molester, with no actual evidence of this. And while truth is a defense, I'm pretty sure Justice Kegs would sue, and his buddies have almost certainly destroyed the pictures.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Good point, I'm pretty sure the NYTimes primary concern when they hire a conservative columnist is "How likely is this guy to get us involved in a lawsuit?" It's probably the only thing that's stopped them from giving Mike Lindell a column called "Pillow Talk."

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Oh stop.

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I think the comments on this column of Roy's are some of the wittiest things I have read here. It shows to go ya that good things sometimes come from foul inspiration. Hypocrisy breeds bons mots?

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We are proud members of the hip-ocracy.

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Oh, and I'm kinda late to this here show, but the point seems to be to leap into the maelstrom of humorish gadflyism that the boss unleashes, and on occasion indulge in serious discourse just long enough to reload the gags.

Works for me, anyway...

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He was a regular on CNN for a while ... after he called Souter a goat-fucking child molester

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I keep seeing this, and I'm having a hard time believing it but am reluctant to google "goat-fucking child molester" even in incognito mode.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

I know hypocrisy is the coin of the realm in the GOP, but I think there's a *special* kind when it comes to abortion. I think that the pro-birth crowd truly believes that their, or their "loved" ones', own abortions are DIFFERENT from that other kind that nasty baby-hating sluts get. MINE was regrettable, but necessary. I had REASONS. And it's none of your business. But back to those whores...

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Think I mentioned this before, but someone put together a focus group of Republican women who had all had abortions to discuss the issue. "Well, when we had abortions, we really needed 'em, but these young women today just have 'em whenever they want!" is a close-to-actual quote.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Yup. And how many times have you read an interview with someone who works in a clinic, or spoken in real life to such a person, and heard about treating the very women who harass patients in the parking lot, and seeing them back out there the next day?

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

No group more focused than a Republican women's focus group.

When Rep wimmins get into a focus

You must not pretend it's a jokus

To avoid them I'm bound

They ain't messin' round

Locked and loaded, they're ready to smokus!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

“Who keeps a receipt from a 2009 abortion? That’s kind of odd, isn’t it?” No, it's not."Save your receipts!" is something I've heard all my life. I have a friend who saves everything.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Not a receipt-saver myself, but if I had any dealings with a guy like Herschel Walker or Donald Trump, not only would I save all the receipts, I'd be secretly recording all our conversations too. Contact with a pathological liar can do that to you.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Well sure but the recording is likely to be muffled by the impervious lexan screen you place between the two of you. You DO have the screen in place, yes?

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

About as odd as a guy who drops off a laptop for repair, never comes back for it, and it supposedly turns out to be FULL OF CRIMING PROOF.

Or, for that matter, saving a semen-stained blue dress...

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"semen-stained blue"

You dog. Now I can't get Neil Diamond outta my ears.

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Just one of the services I provide

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Wait. YOU'RE the Neil Diamond earworm dispenser? I thought this was an exclusive stack. Now I'm wonderin' if I should demand a refund.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Erik's just wondering aloud if anyone can use this abortion receipt to prosecute the slut.

I largely recuse myself from the Herschel Walker thing on the grounds that I don't think even the most together multiple personality in the world should be in charge of anything more consequential than feeding the dog, but I still find it fascinating that he's somehow managed to be grotesquely toxic enough that even his critics are generally ignoring that.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"Erik's just wondering aloud if anyone can use this abortion receipt to prosecute the slut."



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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

"You can forward-date stuff, right?" Erik thinks, in desperation. "I mean, that's some kind of a legal thing that people can do isn't it?"

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Should possibly note that I'm not just being ableist here. I'm a multiple personality myselfs, and a longtime observer of American elections completely sure we don't have the capacity to vet that number of people. Donald Trump was possibly the highest visibility candidate we've seen in decades outside of political circles, and could not forcibly be prevented from saying any bigoted or illegal thing that popped into his head, and we still let him beat the email lady.

At a minimum "who exactly are we hiring" is something we need to work out before I'm plumping for plural representation in congress. The mainstream media is still wrestling with "First Gentleman", FFS. Pronouns in a trans sense are receding, never mind the completely pointless and inaccurate "They is plural, no person is plural" takes.

All of us or none of us, yes, but there's some priorities, and we are a small, if outsized, portion of society that's having some trouble with stigma and accommodations and care and abuse, but is mostly not actively drowning or burning right now.

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A few dozen of us activists and planners did a walkthru along a portion of the 6-lane wide street in front of our apartment this week. We were gettin' all wonky about parking space lengths, corner setbacks, minimum legal bike lane widths, accident counts and the like, and were joined unobtrusively by someone with a guide dog. Cool. No biggie. Then we got to the intersection with the unfinished sidewalk rebuild, the steel plates over the road construction scars, the newly revised cross street turn lane as yet unmarked, and the barricades/fencing across and around an entire segment of the pedestrian space on the opposite side of the street. Hmmm. The person started talking us thru her issues and we started getting a bit nervous, 'cause she lived right down the cross street but the new fencing had been assembled on the spot sometime in the previous hour, since they left their building. The dog was cool, the person was cool, but what we quickly realized was we were gonna need to turn and walk down the tarmac, taking a lane of vehicle traffic space, for almost half a block before we could get onto the sidewalk. Even tho there were dozens of us (strength-in-numbers theory) it felt perilous for awhile, and disheartening. This city is pre-enlightenment when it comes to accommodating people not in cars. If contractors in San Francisco had generated the same condition they would be getting $1000/day fines. In DC, shrugs.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

When I first read that delicious morning pastry of a screed, I came upon this:

"a living amalgam of everything that sucks"

and read it as "a living anagram of everything that sucks"

which led me to realize that he's not QUITE that bad, ergo:

Er’ck is nicer OK?

Your turn.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Nice try.

I was going to generate one, but his name is Erick Erickson, for Christ's sake. Those two Ericks are not going to make the anagrams much better. It's depressing to think about, like the guy.

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He lacks diversity even within his own name.

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Yeah, who names anyone "Spawn"?

I blame the father.

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Might as well go with "Erik, pale imitation of the original."

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Only if you know for certain how...uhh...ruddy...his forebear is/was.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

The irony is delish. I assume that pro-choice Warnock has never financed an abortion, while we know that the ostensibly anti-abortion Walker in fact HAS financed an abortion. Classic right-wing BS: "I'm opposed to this for you, but I'll make an exception when it becomes the path of least resistance for me. But I still oppose it for you."

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Isn't that the whole Republican philosophy? "I don't have to live by the rules I impose on everyone else because I'm better than everyone else because I'm rich/white/male/Christian."

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Back in Prohibition days, it was understood that the better classes could handle their liquor, and so a little bootlegger-provided refreshment was just the thing for your high-class gathering, but the lower classes could not be trusted with alcohol, which made them lazy and also inclined them to race-mixing.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Underneath the seeming inconsistency ("I'm all for Prohibition and have a fully-stocked liquor cabinet") is a fully consistent belief in Wilhoit's Law. And that's actually more horrifying that mere hypocrisy.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Roy Edroso

Also: unions were largely formed over post-shift drinks in taverns.

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2 marks!

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"Once the drinks are mixed, can the races be far behind?"

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Wilhoit's Law

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“Who keeps a receipt from a 2009 abortion? That’s kind of odd, isn’t it?”--Erickson

Not really? I haven't been party to one, but I was an archivist for a long time, so my answer is no, it's not at all odd. Besides, the "Get Well" card Walker provided practically begged -- what am I saying, the card must have screamed "SAVE ME, PUT THE RECEIPT RIGHT INSIDE ME, GIRL"

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Double E. has his work cut out for him in this case. The fat-face fucker (or is it better fuck-face fatty? Fat shaming by any other name?) works against the fact that Walker is not only black (a solid Them) as is Warnock, but also comes off as someone anyone with any self-respect would not want to identify with. Hence, "hold their nose" and vote for the GOP black guy because G-O-P is closer to G-O-D than D-E-M, which rhymes with "Them" and that stands for - what? Baby killer! Oh, we got trouble! By the way, it is a collective nose all these women must hold, a nose in aggregate. They hold it together, as we all must. Hold together or hold separately. Just plain hold.

Despite the sequences seeming rather random, there's a method in the fat face. He is not conscious of it but he's following his brain reward system. Without the scanning, you can see the centers of emotional suppression reacting as he circles the wagons against the outrageous arrows slung by the savages at his black guy, and then he rationalizes his way through how there are no contradictions and it's business as usual in the name of a higher power or just plain power, for which he gets a fix of dopamine literally with or without the Times to drive him to shout, "Brain-tender! Hit me again!"

I've been doing my research on why humans do the strangest things, you see. I just got my first fix from writing this. Thank you, sir. May I have another?

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I hate to fat shame but Ewick has that conservative overfilled sausage casing look to him that seems to be linked with sheer awfulness, c.f. Rush Limbaugh.

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I have not laughed this much since Dr. Oz went shopping for Crudités.

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What I cannot figure out is how Crudités got Oz to go shopping for them...

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Oh, we got trouble!

2 marks!

I can tell you've been doing research. Not certain yet I'm confident of your sources...

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