Hitler's Willing Elocutionists
The nation's key figures react to more obvious racism from Trump

Tweet by President Trump, August 3, 2019, 2:34 am EDT: “‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen don’t belong here because I hate jungle bunnies, always have, and spics are the worst! Haven’t you been paying attention to my whole career? This is a white man’s country, how many times do I have to say it! MAGA!”
Tweet by Matt Wolking, Deputy Director of Communications, Rapid Response for Trump 2020: “Again Democrats and social media lie. The President clearly meant this is a country for white men AS WELL AS for white women, and other select kinds of real Americans. Fake news will not win!”
Tweet by David French, National Review: “This is disgraceful, just awful. While I remain impressed with the latest federal judge nominee, Bocephus Witchfinder, I attribute that decision, and all executive branch policies of which I approve, to ‘the White House,’ not to this awful man. I have principles.”
Other JustTheTip Trumpers: “Why is President Trump pretending to be racist? I don’t get it.”
Glenn Reynolds: “At last, a President who knows what [white] people want!”
Sen. Lindsay Graham: “Never mind that, we have immigrants to torture.”
Tweet by Rod Dreher: “Amazing that liberals are going to the wall on this. It’s like their radical defense of integration, even when white people don’t want it. Everyone knows Jeremy Corbyn is the real bigot. This is why Trump fjxudhshsjnz [Follow-up tweet: “Please excuse my macro broke”]
Tweet by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: “I reject @realDonaldTrump’s xenophobic comments meant to divide our nation, and invite him to join us in passing an infrastructure bill that rewards our districts and maybe do something at some point about immigrants.”
Tweet by President Trump: “LOL pwned”
Will THIS latest tweet be enough to get mainstream journalists to say Trump is racist? Most likely, it will simply produce more prevaricating of "some say . . ." and "may have appeared to be . . ."
Next week, Trump will come right out and use "n****r" to describe Ilhan Omar or some other Black person. Will THAT be enough to get journalists to say Trump is racist?
This is an intentional message to Trump’s tribe of conservative white MAGAs: I’ve got your back, because it’s us white people against them. One of the most damning indictments of our country is the fact that the best insurance against Trump getting re-elected isn’t his blatant racism, but the economy going into recession/contraction at some point over the next 15 months. Sad, but true.
Meanwhile, Pelosi and the other establishment Dems seem hell-bent on riding that “appeal to the 60 year old white guy in Ohio who likes Joe Biden but will vote for Trump again anyway” strategy all the way to 268 Electoral College votes in 2020.