This is an intentional message to Trump’s tribe of conservative white MAGAs: I’ve got your back, because it’s us white people against them. One of the most damning indictments of our country is the fact that the best insurance against Trump getting re-elected isn’t his blatant racism, but the economy going into recession/contraction at s…
This is an intentional message to Trump’s tribe of conservative white MAGAs: I’ve got your back, because it’s us white people against them. One of the most damning indictments of our country is the fact that the best insurance against Trump getting re-elected isn’t his blatant racism, but the economy going into recession/contraction at some point over the next 15 months. Sad, but true.
Meanwhile, Pelosi and the other establishment Dems seem hell-bent on riding that “appeal to the 60 year old white guy in Ohio who likes Joe Biden but will vote for Trump again anyway” strategy all the way to 268 Electoral College votes in 2020.
Don't get me started on Pelosi and the Dem leadership's complete failure to stand up for anything. Ironic clapping is cute, and getting under Trump's skin is troll-worthy. But goddamnit! the very future of America and all it stands for is on the line, and what's the response? "Well, the polling on fighting Trump doesn't look overwhelmingly positive right now. And we can't REALLY come out very strongly against racism because there are White working class voters who kinda dig that racism, so . . ."
Back when I did political consulting, Democrats were the absolute worst clients because they were impossible to sell to the voters. Of the handful of Democrats I worked with, none would take a stand on anything because once they took a stand, they'd have to defend it. And that was something they were terrified of having to do.
So here we are 15 years later. Nancy Smash keeps her caucus under control so that it remains meek, mild, and intimidated. Chuck Schumer makes sure the Dems in the Senate don't go too far out on any limbs because that might mean taking a stand. And Trump's march toward fascism tramps on and on.
Amen and amen. Stop attacking Progressive members. Schedule and hold Congressional hearings about the Trump Administration’s crimes to remind and educate the public, who are so saturated with Trump’s day-to-day nonsense they’ve probably forgotten half the bullshit he’s pulled. Enforce subpoenas or hold people in contempt. Fight to get access to Trump’s taxes. IMPEACH. Why the fuck do you think we voted for you?
I'm not a conspiracy buyer but I am beginning to feel Putin is whispering regularly into Trump's ear. If he's not a direct asset, Trump is this freakish Charlie McCarthyesque, intuitive useful idiot for Russia's asymmetric strategies against the US and democracy generally. If it were a hurdles race, Trump would be clearing each one right there in the front, undermining any notion the US offers a real alternative - just another corrupt oligarchy using the same divide and conquer to keep power.
This is an intentional message to Trump’s tribe of conservative white MAGAs: I’ve got your back, because it’s us white people against them. One of the most damning indictments of our country is the fact that the best insurance against Trump getting re-elected isn’t his blatant racism, but the economy going into recession/contraction at some point over the next 15 months. Sad, but true.
Meanwhile, Pelosi and the other establishment Dems seem hell-bent on riding that “appeal to the 60 year old white guy in Ohio who likes Joe Biden but will vote for Trump again anyway” strategy all the way to 268 Electoral College votes in 2020.
Don't get me started on Pelosi and the Dem leadership's complete failure to stand up for anything. Ironic clapping is cute, and getting under Trump's skin is troll-worthy. But goddamnit! the very future of America and all it stands for is on the line, and what's the response? "Well, the polling on fighting Trump doesn't look overwhelmingly positive right now. And we can't REALLY come out very strongly against racism because there are White working class voters who kinda dig that racism, so . . ."
Back when I did political consulting, Democrats were the absolute worst clients because they were impossible to sell to the voters. Of the handful of Democrats I worked with, none would take a stand on anything because once they took a stand, they'd have to defend it. And that was something they were terrified of having to do.
So here we are 15 years later. Nancy Smash keeps her caucus under control so that it remains meek, mild, and intimidated. Chuck Schumer makes sure the Dems in the Senate don't go too far out on any limbs because that might mean taking a stand. And Trump's march toward fascism tramps on and on.
Amen and amen. Stop attacking Progressive members. Schedule and hold Congressional hearings about the Trump Administration’s crimes to remind and educate the public, who are so saturated with Trump’s day-to-day nonsense they’ve probably forgotten half the bullshit he’s pulled. Enforce subpoenas or hold people in contempt. Fight to get access to Trump’s taxes. IMPEACH. Why the fuck do you think we voted for you?
I'm not a conspiracy buyer but I am beginning to feel Putin is whispering regularly into Trump's ear. If he's not a direct asset, Trump is this freakish Charlie McCarthyesque, intuitive useful idiot for Russia's asymmetric strategies against the US and democracy generally. If it were a hurdles race, Trump would be clearing each one right there in the front, undermining any notion the US offers a real alternative - just another corrupt oligarchy using the same divide and conquer to keep power.