Amen and amen. Stop attacking Progressive members. Schedule and hold Congressional hearings about the Trump Administration’s crimes to remind and educate the public, who are so saturated with Trump’s day-to-day nonsense they’ve probably forgotten half the bullshit he’s pulled. Enforce subpoenas or hold people in contempt. Fight to get ac…
Amen and amen. Stop attacking Progressive members. Schedule and hold Congressional hearings about the Trump Administration’s crimes to remind and educate the public, who are so saturated with Trump’s day-to-day nonsense they’ve probably forgotten half the bullshit he’s pulled. Enforce subpoenas or hold people in contempt. Fight to get access to Trump’s taxes. IMPEACH. Why the fuck do you think we voted for you?
Amen and amen. Stop attacking Progressive members. Schedule and hold Congressional hearings about the Trump Administration’s crimes to remind and educate the public, who are so saturated with Trump’s day-to-day nonsense they’ve probably forgotten half the bullshit he’s pulled. Enforce subpoenas or hold people in contempt. Fight to get access to Trump’s taxes. IMPEACH. Why the fuck do you think we voted for you?