I suppose the Qanon gingerbread house is where the Witch Hillary shoves the little children into the oven after the pedophiles are done with them.

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Part XVIII: In Which We Learn That The Safety And Security Of The Republic Depends On Worldwide Access To John Podesta's Risotto Recipes And The Destruction Of A (Non-existent) Child Procurement Ring Run From The Basement Of A Nondescript DC Pizza Chain, But The Presence In The White House Of A Q-Anon Believing Pastry Chef (With Access To God-Knows-What Chemicals) Is A-OK

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In a world gone mad, the one-eyed man is also insane and, yet, many follow him as a king.

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Have they found the Yellow Sign?

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Merde-a-Lardo is the "Winter White House", just to clarify, and Comet Ping Pong makes pretty decent pizza though not the best in the city for sure.

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isn't actually the weekend White House, as often as the President goes there?

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Is William Frederick Sommer IV related to Chatsworth T. Osborne Jr., whose mother was often heard to say "Oh, Chatsworth, you're such a nasty boy..." ?

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Excitable boy, they all said.

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only a lad, he's our responsibility, perhaps a little bit confused

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what do you have against Matthew and Julia's first-born son?

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Am I supposed to be reading this and hearing Natalie Wynn's voice? 'Cause I am and it's all the better.

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You made me look her up. Ugh! Like my life wasn't already full of madness.

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Wait wait WAIT. This pinhead's idea is that you can only criticize a person's political beliefs if you have less education and money than that person? Uh... I think we need a new policy whereby Princeton et al can revoke degrees if proof surfaces they were awarded in error.

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Matthew Schmutz.

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I agree, only I think they'd try to take mine...

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Well, either that or if you're a conservative, as they can be simultaneously rich and a Regular Working Joe. Ask Reagan (if you have a Ouija board and can find him in Hell.)

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Thank you, I love you Roy. Elitists of the world unite!

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I treasure the moments when I'm not sure whether I'm reading a right-wing Republican or a proto-Zhdanovite writer from a 1934 number of the "Daily Worker" or "New Masses".

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