Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Thank you for throwing yourself on that particular bomb. You're a better man than I am (and I mean that sincerely).

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I only saw a couple of clips myself, but as I said on twitter Ramaswamy is such an annoying weirdo I want to shove him in a locker, and I’m not even a guy.

But I really do enjoy watching Nikki Haley’s absolutely visceral loathing of Ramaswamy. It’s very reminiscent of Amy Klobuchar’s seething animosity toward Pete Buttigieg in 2020. It is the white-hot hatred of women over 50 who have had to hammer, claw, and repeatedly throw their shoulders against a locked door before they finally -- battered and bleeding – gain admittance, and then are forced to witness mediocre younger men simply turn the knob and blithely wander in. I can’t stand Haley and I was never a fan of Klobuchar, but I do completely recognize and empathize with their feelings.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"Even under the best circumstances (i.e. sober)"

This is obviously some new characterization of "best circumstances" of which I was previously unaware...

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

You toook one for the team. As soon as Nikki and Vivek began appearing on my TL last night, I closed my ipad and turned on the tv. Skipped the GOP asshat parade and rewatched the debate episode of South Side.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Points for the “Hardcore” clips!

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"DeSantis roars — or does his castrati version of a roar" once again a single line worthy of the price of admission.

I often wonder if the average moderately intelligent and aware Roman at about 2 C.E. felt the same way when they looked around at what was happening in their world? Well, if I can quote my dear departed Mother: "This is just stupid."

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"his castrati version of a roar "

Let's be honest -That's pretty hurtful.

Good job!

Meagan Kelly is looking pretty...gaunt. It's probably just her rotten soul but I think I'll tell people I heard she's become a crackhead.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

News nation, normally — not a joke — gets an audience in the high five figures. Given those low numbers, based, in large part, on a large part of the potential audience not even knowing what a NewsNation is or where to find it, I wonder what the debate’s were. Or to be precise, I wonder but not to the extent of looking it up.

Because the media buzz, these debates aren’t auditions to be the Orange Tumor’s veep; they’ll all come out as certified losers which, you know, isn’t fPOTUS’ thing.

Indeed, the prime role of the debates were to show the base how insane they can be on the Trump scale. (Spoiler: No one can even come close let alone top him. Donnie Jr’s an example of this failure. Anyway, the base knows their losers.)

The only caveat to that, which is above my pay grade, is who gets the nomination if Donnie Sr ends up incapable of running and drops out.

Also: I’m required to post the reminder that Ramaswamy’s wealth is based on fraud and nothing else.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

This is pretty much OT, but I have to rant about it somewhere:

For reasons that escape me, Mrs. Derelict likes to watch the PBS Newshour. Last night's show had a Judy Woodruff special report on covid. Judy spoke with a man who had written a book detailing how all the statistical evidence shows that not getting vaccinated was more likely to result in death, how Republicans were mostly unvaccinated, and how Trump-supporting areas had covid death rates far in excess of other places. That took up perhaps 30 seconds of Woodruff's special report.

The rest of the report was: A middle-age couple who moved to Florida because of Desantis's anti-vax and anti-lockdown policies; a wealthy businessman who opened an "alternative clinic" to provide right-thinking people with all those medicines Big Pharma won't let you have (Ivermectin, etc.); a doctor who worked at said clinic and was absolutely against the covid vaccines . . . and pretty skeptical about some of the others; stock footage of Desantis and Ladapo crowing about being anti-vax.

The entire special report was a showcase of Rightwing medical cranksterism being presented as straight news with the epidemiologist at the top for "balance." When Woodruff was anchoring Newshour, she would perform amazing feats of mental gymnastics to force Rightwing talking points into every discussion. In retirement, she's still working very VERY hard to make sure the Rightwing view gets air time. Shame on PBS for airing such bullshit.

And if you're wondering just how it is that polls are showing Trump leading Biden, look no further than the "respected" news and media. How many totebaggers watched that thing last night and came away thinking "maybe there's something to this anti-vax thing. Why WOULD the government want us to be vaccinated?!?!?!"

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

Thanks for the recap. You’d have to Clockwork Orange tape my eyes open to make me watch those four, even with the audio off. Actually, maybe someone should make one of those fake audios of debate highlights, you know, like Vivek yelling “I like big bottoms” at Haley and Christie shouting “Come and get ‘em!” back. Best we get some yucks out of this exposure of America’s low IQ id.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

" Despite all the yelling, it seems being a Republican nowadays is a sad business. " An estimable quote. Thank you for your service.

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What if these GOP primary debates are designed to shred our last respect for what passes for democracy? A good number of Democrats have already decided that primaries & debates just weaken the annointed candidate of the cycle, and the GOP knows that TFG will win any primary they hold, no matter how indicted, confused, or demented he becomes.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

OMG, Roy. It's Purple Heart time, for sure. I can't believe you watched that!

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I don't know how you do it, I just scan the transcripts and it gives me agita. Like with the third Republican debate (collect the full set!) I went through the transcript looking for one specific thing: This was days after the 10/7 Hamas attacks, and I was looking for just the merest expression of empathy for the Israeli people and what they had suffered (not empathy for the Palestinians, don't make me laugh, these are Republicans.) Simple enough thing to do, right? Our ally has been attacked, women and children murdered, toss out a pro-forma "thoughts and prayers" for the victims.

But no. Not one bit. Straight to "finish them" and "smoke the terrorists on their southern border" (someone get Vivek a map and a compass).

As Roy says about this debate, it's all about being Butch. Any expression of empathy, even to people in an allied country murdered by terrorists, is just too weak and soft and sissy for their target audience. Jesus, if these people aren't all monsters they're doing a damn good simulation of monsters.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

"I was shooting ellipses like Celine"

Nice ... This year I tried and failed to become a remote legal transcriptionist. So hard. Deciphering the audio was bad enough, but the editing and formatting standards were high, and one had to work very quickly to make any money. I gave up.

Still unemployed and almost out of ducats. I even tried making TV commercials for those little tins of ground tobacco. That didn't work out either, but it looks good on my CV. "Snuff films - 2023."

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Roy Edroso

I tell folks “Roy reads (and contestualizes!) the Right so you don’t have to.,,I couldn’t stomach last night’s proceedings: I’m glad you’re willing to watch this malign foolishness.

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