Even though he’s well known for being a touchy asshole, I honestly think Stephens may be having a breakdown – like how is it possible he didn’t stop himself after writing the first sentence of that email and think “this is a HUGE mistake,” but instead finished composing it, sent it, and researched the guy’s bosses to cc them? That’s not just a dick move, it’s a suicidal one in the age of social media. Now he’s Bretbug for the rest of his public life. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

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Because, frankly, he went "I want to speak to your manager" on another white guy, and it didn't go well.

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To be precise, Stephens is not a bedbug but a c^nt. (Likewise his cohort, the GOP, far too many running the Times and sooo many more.)

And if someone sets it up, I have no problem telling him to his face so we’re clear.

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As the resident MSNBC addict (in recovery from all news right now) I will note that he's on A LOT. Usually Morning Joe and Deadline White House (Nicolle Wallace's deal) but elsewhere as well, notably Chis Matthews. Sometimes he's sitting next to Noah Rothman! There's a treat for us all, though it in no way compares to Lawrence O'Donnell's frequent fawning visits with Tom Friedman, who he maintains is one of the smartest people out there, and who, he says, he always learns a good deal from.

I got yer liberal media bias right here!

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Excellent essay. Putting Butthurt Stephens and his endless I-am-so-persecuted attitude in place was well done. David Brooks is a predictable boring conservative but I’m thinking the NYT brought old Butthurt on board to bring a little more pointless nastiness to the right wing POV on the Op/Ed page

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"..we must thank American democracy for supplying buffoons of its own." It's not Democracy, it's Republicans!

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Conservatives may not have a monopoly on pompous assholery, but their market share is huge.

Brett's "safe space" was the Wall Street Journal editorial page.

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Butthurt Stephens wrote for ruthless Rupert and now Slippery Sulzberger, and is sensitive? Bull shit.

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"....and since we have no Aristophanes."

Time for you to step-up, Roy.

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The backlash has begun and the usual suspects are rallying around poor ol Bret in the usual, “I’m not saying he was right, but I’m saying you are wrong” ways. Fuck them. They hate it when the bubble is pierced, even a little. They know that when a clean, clear punch lands they ALL look ridiculous and people like them can’t afford to look ridiculous! I hope they all wake up with metaphorical horse heads in their fucking beds.

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Brilliant, Roy. I am thoroughly enjoying everything about the Bretbug debacle, up to and including this recent development: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/trump-bedbugs-brett-stephens-new-york-times

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I'm biased against all mobs, but:

Here's the difference that matters most to me: we aren't nearly as heavily armed, or valorise the righteous man (and I do mean 'man') settling his scores with a gun at all as much, as our opposition.

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Brett Stephens should be beaten with red tipped staves and stuffed in a leather sack that's then filled to the brim with bedbugs, tied off, and forgotten completely.

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