". . . one group of rightwing intellectuals (the Values Klan) against another (the Free-Market Country Club)."

FIGHT! FIGHT! I'm rooting for INJURIES!

Let us hope that Tucker's tirade is just the beginning of a major break-up of the conservative movement. The impoverished crackers just might start sitting out elections if their choices are limited to country-club Republicans who refuse to actually do anything for salt-of-the-Earth middle Americans--that is, do anything except make sure prescription opioids are easy to get while penicillin is suddenly $3,500 per pill.

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"Rich people are happy to fight malaria in Congo. But working to raise men’s wages in Dayton or Detroit?"

See, Tucker, that's one reason folks have called for a higher marginal tax rate. Then we can decide as a republic to spend those dollars here. Now, from the perspective of doing the most good with the money, there have been many studies showing that malaria prevention is cheap and impactful. That's why the fancy do-good foundations get involved.

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Not to mention there are fewer people funding the pro-malaria lobby, not to say none, but fewer, than there are fighting any sort of progressive changes for the sake of the poor and working poor here at home.

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I'm not seeing Mr. Swanson's fortune doing much materially to help the working man, and doing a great deal to stand in the way of improving conditions here -- so maybe he too can get a hobby or something.

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Anyone who starts my day off with a Lee Marvin reference is a keeper. Thanks, Roy. Have a great weekend!

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Tucker can spare us the concern about the kind of country our grandchildren live in if he doesn't care about the Southeast drowning in flood and the southern Midwest burning in drought and the wholesale destruction of agriculture and fisheries and fuck it you know the drill https://relay.nationalgeographic.com/proxy/distribution/public/amp/environment/2018/11/climate-change-US-report0

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Tucker always finds enough of what he wants when *he* goes to the supermarket, so the rest of you crybabies can learn to shut up and respect your betters.

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Carlson is a sleazoid who'd sell his gran'ma to a German kink brothel if it got his face on two more minutes of T.V. and Megan would steal her kidneys first. More episodes of White House Follies is fine by me Roy and leave the succubi to their depraved devices, until they do something quotable, like implode in a schloop of gore and bile.

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Succubus slander! Otherwise spot on, and I may have to steal your assessment of Carlson. (I've just been assuming he has several decapitated Real Dolls buried in the backyard and a Barbie in tiny camo gear he carries around in his overcoat pocket.

Also, weren't these assholes going to form their own country? Tucker and Richard Spencer can fight to decide who gets to be President of Honkytopia. I'm not saying I'd watch, but a few carefully chosen stills would be welcome.

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I'd want to see what happens when they encounter the Galt's Gulchers:

"You got your racism in my market!"

"You got your market in my racism!"

*Bugs Bunny voice* "Of course you realize dis means War."

Like Aliens vs. Predator, except they're *both* losers.

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Tucker's Tedious Tendentious Ramblings and Me-And-Still-More-Of-Megan are a reminder of what inherited wealth sounds like when they lower themselves to talk at the untermenschen.

". . .leaning toward one group of rightwing intellectuals (the Values Klan) against another (the Free-Market Country Club)."

In reality this is the Ku Klux Klan (who would burn a cross in front of your house) against the White Citizen's Councils (who would foreclose on the loan on your house)--a distinction without a difference.

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First the KKK burns the cross, then the CCC begins foreclosure because the house is now worth less than the outstanding balance on the mortgage. Thus does The Invisible Empire work with The Invisible Hand to give everyone The Finger.

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I think you've discovered the way you can spend less time writing and we can free up time from reading to do more Sudoko: create that list of routines. Then each morning we can review rightwing tropes in abbreviated form. E.g., "Jonah - Routine 12. Shapiro - Routine 4. Hinderaker [haven't thought of him in quite a while] - Routine 9."

This suggests the possibility of an iteration of that old joke about the comedians convention. "Brooks - Routine 67." "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I haven't heard that one before!"

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(At this point I'd rather read *Foster* Brooks.)

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I think something similar to what you describe has happened with me, Roy. With peewee pundits who've angered me in the past--Kurt Schlichter, Bosch Fawstin et alia--I find I can extrapolate their writings from the titles. In the course of trying to get over the latter, I saw an article called "I Became White When I Left Islam?" or some crap like that. Just reading the title told me which of his clichés to expect if I clicked through: I Am A Martyr For Truth, Liberals Are The Real Racists (probably with a side helping of Blacks Are The Real Racists), Fight Islam You Cowards, etc. (Which routines would those be?)

Not actually reading their drivel is a key step in forgetting about them, I guess. The rate things are going, their brother-in-buffoonery Carlson will give one of these guys a spot on his show sometime soon. I know it can't be easy for you, but thanks for all your work finding humor in the insanity, Roy.

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The idea of watching TC onstage at a presidential debate with his brows kinked up in that anerabuhl widdle "the poopie's in there I know it" face while Elizabeth Warren walks off with his nuts in a bowl is momentarily amusing.

It'll suck by the time we actually see it, because goddammit the Pubs are running another TV moron and therefore have at least a 50/50 chance of winning (or whining).

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And don't forget the whinging

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Tucker Carlson, the Ur-WASP heir to the Swanson frozen dinner fortune importunes about materialism? Such a joke. I don't watch Carlson because I don't watch Fox and, in any event, I can't stand his dumb-as-a-dumb dog facial expressions. On McArdle's donate your kidneys, poors screed, this is really bordering on Swift"s "A Modest Proposal" but where his was wicked satire, she is apparently being serious. Where is her more serious proposal about funding more extensive research into manufacturing artificial organs, something that's actually feasible? Ah but that might entail government research funding and we can't have that when the free market will provide kidneys from the poor. Conservatives are all basically sociopaths.

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McMe-Me's argument is more along the lines of how horrible it is that unnecessary government regulations prevent poor people from selling their organs. She's not alone in this hot-take on how the government is keeping poor people down--I hear this nonsense from one of my Rightwing brother-in-laws.<br>

He's the same one who spent an hour impatiently explaining how Obamacare is a horrible terrible catastrophe because it calls for government subsidies so poorer people can afford insurance. Turns out the real answer to the problem is letting insurance companies compete across state lines--with government subsidies so poorer people can afford insurance.

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"the Drehers and Hinderakers and David Brookses of the world, for they too are children of God"

I don't believe in God. But, if I am wrong about that, here are three more reasons for me to knee the fucker in His goolies.

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God I love this one. I posted something similar in the LGM conversation about this Tucker Carlson screed - no he's not being populist, he's talking about (((international finance))) to his base, who hears dog whistles that we do not. I am bored of him. Also the "what about the MEN of Detroit!" is such a stupid schtick. Yes, men are totally hurting and it's not because of corporate greed, it's because of … feminism!

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You're totally right about the secret globalist cabal dog-whistles and the appeal to manly men. One whistle traded for another, and Big Media will eat it up with a spoon.

A few well-aimed questions ought to puncture this faux-populism: How many times has the GOP voted against a minimum wage hike. Wouldn't that have made "men" a bit more comfortable?

But then I realize who I'm talking about and know they'll just bothsider us all to daftness.

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I know exactly what kind of country it will be for our grandchildren: no longer ours. And hopefully all those "Blood and Soil" fuckers will be a historical curiosity.

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