Black Lives Matter really short-circuited most of the Right. The repeated unprovoked slayings of Black people at the hands of the police made it very clear that endemic racism in police forces was a genuine problem. This only became more apparent when Black people were being gunned down for offenses such as getting in their car or standing in their back yard or even standing in the hallway of their own apartment. At the same time, White men were going on killing sprees, but being handled very gently by the police. In most instances where a White guy took a gun and started killing numbers of people, the cops made sure to peacefully disarm the killer--the few instances that ended in the death of the gunman were the result of the gunman killing himself.

So conservatives had this life-size and undeniable pageant of racial killings by cops. Forced to choose between the civil liberties they claim to love and the outright racism the killings epitomized, conservatives chose racism. And they remain both baffled and hurt by the response of normal people to that choice.

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I'm coping with any gratuitous optimism or hope with certainty that the next two years will be little better than now, that the Dems will not get two seats in Ga, that the Rs will retake Congress in 2022 since we learned from 2020 (or should have) that too many voters are incapable of making a choice that benefits the nation, and Old Joe gets impeached in 2023, with a Senate conviction. The last might result in a blowout for Kamala in 2024, presuming votes for her are accepted as legal, legitimate votes and not thrown out.

The flake of good news is that an article in the Times assured me or at least put me at ease that Wednesday's putsch with the electoral votes thing will not result in Donnie winning the election. Only the last battle in a war matters and looks like the orange deformation will lose even with the fight by the Republicans to wrap themselves in the mane, so to speak, of their beloved, monstrous leader. Thanks, Times! Remember that I don't despise you completely.

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" 'You see that kind of [graffiti] scrawled on the wall of a building in the city that’s in the process of being burned down by Antifa,' quivered Dreher..."

Well maybe if the city has surrendered to these Mexican terrorists, Antifa was doing us all a favor by burning it down! Ever thought of that, Rod?

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I think the thing that pisses me off the most about Dreher is his claimed Christianity. Having a dirtbag like Rod singing his praises and claiming to be his disciple REALLY trashes the reputation of Jesus who, from everything I've heard, was actually a pretty decent fellow.

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Rod Dreher & Jim Deraggerty-fuckhimanyways in LA, 1943: "Sure the reaction of our brave soldiers may SEEM disproportionate, but those zoot suits of Babylonian hue confuse the consent of our maidenly maidens, wasting all that work what's gone into them to make the maidens in the first place."

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That would be “I vote for Republicans” Raffensberger, this morning on GMA. These people are irredeemable; even when subjected to an hour of Presidential psychosis, they’ll stick with the party that’s racist to the bone.

Meanwhile, in a photon of hope, Paul Ryan found one of his vertebrae long enough to call Drumpf’s call “anti democratic.”

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I always thought the “BLM protests are spreading the virus” complaint was super ironic coming from the mask-less Right.

Somebody on Twitter did a thread pointing out that due to MAGA denialism about Covid-19, the standard depiction in movies/fiction of how people would be expected to behave during a zombie apocalypse have forever been discredited. Instead of portraying bands of survivors recognizing the danger, scavenging for resources, and forming alliances to combat the universal threat, from now on you’d have to show half the survivors pouring barbeque sauce on themselves and running toward the zombies while yelling back over their shoulders “you’re not the boss of meeeee” at the other half of the survivors who are desperately pleading with them to stop.

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The call with Raffensperger is 60 minutes of Trump repeating every insane conspiracy about election fraud in Georgia over and over -- Newsmax and Breitbart type outlets are using excerpts of the call transcript as "proof" that it's all true. If Karl Rove were involved here, I'd argue that the WH may have taped and released the call deliberately -- they get to lay out their entire "case" while being able to complain about the poor president being recorded and the tape leaked to the press.

Trump spends a lot of time going on about one particular conspiracy concerning "[name]," "a professional vote scammer and hustler" who was personally responsible, along with her daughter and fellow conspirators, for 18,000-56,000 Biden votes. In the dark of night "they pulled out the votes" from suitcases that had been stuffed with them hours ahead of time -- "stuffed like nobody had ever seen them stuffed before." (This poor woman's confession that she and "my baby" did all this, along with her mugshot, was posted all over the Internet. It goes without saying that it was all the creation of some wingnut asshole.) Trump is obsessed by her, and keeps bringing her up on the call, over and over. It's nuts. I don't know which he's more enraged about, that [name] and her daughter caused him to lose Georgia, or that they, like Stacy Abrams, are black women.

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Just you all wait, I'll be dropping my DNC-approved reggae track soon: "Patiently Petition Babylon About I & I's Grievances." Ask your local selector to cue up this platter

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Some sort of shit is going down.


Wonder what's going to happen? I think by now we've gotten to the point where we know Trump will do anything to stay in office. I'm just going to hope it doesn't involve nukes.

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So nice to have this purgative. Now that it's 2021, I look forward to Rodboi's conversion to Unicornian Universalist precepts, a global ban on tiki torches, low-flow showerheads that emit orange-paint stripper and GreenNewDeals giftwrapped with sticky trichomes and delivered by sexbot drones.

At least that's what we got passed on our Oregon mail in ballots, IDK about yrs.

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The big takeaway is that the old ooga-booga (Pat. Pending Roy Edroso) isn't pulling their fat out of the fryer this time. It's been the go-to move since before Nixon was The One (I remember searching in vain for someone to remember that old campaign slogan when conservatives were mocking Obama with that phrase). And "Communist China" doesn't have the old oomph either. Are the Republicans really gonna bet the farm on insane conspiracy theories? I mean, it worked for the Birchers but it took 30 years or so to get Gingrich in Congress, and he could appear sane for brief stretches. Given that Republicans always double down when something appears to "work", we can look forward to more attempted coups until the government falls or a bunch of sombodies go to jail. They've got nothing else.

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