Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

"But these days I do wonder how keen the average person’s nose for bullshit is."

Great question (duh).

Alas, there are only clues and signs and no real conclusive data.

Elections are a sign but they're undercut by the cohort of close-minded believers among voters -- people incapable of recognizing the BS.

Another, maybe better clue, is how mainstream media's audiences are shrinking. On important issues (as I keep ranting) they overwhelmingly produce bullshit. An as for opinion stuff, the same crap's available for free on social media. So why pay?

As for the Times' editorial side: it's worse under current management than it was under Bennet -- and the great tell of how fucked up an operation that was was his whine in the Economist a couple months ago.

So yes, how good is the American nose for bullshit?

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Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

“Democrats are not winning on the economy, crime, the border or foreign policy, but they have leveraged fear and lies about total opposition to abortion and a national abortion ban — and unforced errors by pro-lifers in state initiatives — to keep the heart of abortion beating strongly.—Kellyanne Conway

“Fears and lies,” you say? So says the gal who invented “alternative facts”! You must give these conspiratorial whack jobs some credit though; their shamelessness, is only matched by their obliviousness to self awareness and projection.

That said, the only thing one needs to say about Kellyanne and her fantastical tales, is that even her conservative husband has had enough, and filed for divorce. End of story!…:)

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[Psssst, ROY! Subhead spelling!]

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

I swear to God, I knew what "mimesis" meant.(though probably, admittedly from the time I looked it up last time Roy used it)

"Credible, courageous and fluent" The idea that there's a rightwinger somewhere with even one of those traits.. maybe psycho toad Lynne Cheney

(Who I find myself agreeing with quite often these days. Maybe that drug abuse wasn't such a good idea)

So yeah I guess good news is bad news for the press. Even with all the bullshit Trump drama the business is shrinking faster than anybody can keep up with. They can't even go back home and write for the Penny Saver. Craigslist and Facebook marketplace killed that.

In another year shortstak here will be full of former journalists and Hammish will send us a list every week. Some will send us stories about how we too can become successful writers.

Great article-thanks Roy !

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Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

Whenever a RTLer says they support "compassionate" approaches to abortion (viz. Nikki Haley) it's shorthand for "You're not going to get me to state my policy preferences; please project your own personally acceptable bullshit here."

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Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

I think Roy's concept of what's 'normal people' these days might need a re-set. Looks to me it's pretty likely that normals (MAGAs, even) have functioning BS detectors, but they no longer care about the stench. Seems to me they are willing to (sw)allow it in pursuit of their greater goal of eternal domination of the damn nation.

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Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

Hey Roy, there really is an "Abolitionists Rising" group here in the Midwest that wants abortion completely outlawed, although they don't seem to realize that even the mainstream anti abortion movement disavows them. At the Planned Parenthood clinic in Kansas City, Kansas this past Saturday, about a dozen of them, students from some Nazi Bible college or other, showed up to yell at patients. There were only three of us clinic defenders there, but we screamed their fucking faces off so good that we actually made a couple of them go cry in their cars. 🤣 I'm bragging, I know, but I'm fucking proud of it. They kept trying to schmooze us and engage in dialogue and I told them we weren't there for a fucking garden party, we were there to make their time harassing patients as unpleasant for them as possible. It was fucking epic. 🤣

Keep writing the truth! You and Jeff Tiedrich are the lights of my mornings these days ✨️

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"A lack of gravitas and a paucity of confidence in her competence..."

Looks like someone found the Thesaurus Rex function on her puter...

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Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

I think it's beyond bullshit detecting at this point, at least in the presidential election. It's all about how effective the Democrats are at pounding into the common clay of the American voter (you know...) that Trump is 1) the guy who took away abortion rights; 2) unhinged.

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Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

„Fluent“, huh? Sounds like another dogwhistle

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Feb 6Liked by Roy Edroso

Wow "MAGA toxoplasmosis" That's why I come here. Come for the laughs and stay for the science education. Although, are you sure it isn't the prestige media that is the disease to begin with?

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

I'm very sorry, but permanent middle-schooler that I am, I just can't get past "Trump's No. 2"

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It astonishes me how many lying liars get away with saying, "Democrats support abortion up to the moment of birth, and in some cases, even afterward," in public forums, and people don't stand up and either walk out or call them lying liars in very loud voices. I wish I could be more optimistic, but I'm scrolling cheap offshore real estate social accounts. Come, join me in sunny Sicily and let's redo Paris in the '20s!

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"A lack of gravitas and a paucity of confidence in [Kamala's] competence ..."

Disputing this bit would involve more thought than went into it. As is so often the case with Trump, et al. "And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, ..."

It's easy to note, however, that Harris is not lacking in gravitas. What an odd line of attack.

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Feb 6·edited Feb 6

"one of the least popular [Veeps]"

Yeah, Kellyanne, I call shenanigans, because some of us actually remember the name "Spiro Agnew".

(I note that autocorrect anticipated my comment by changing "Veeps" to "Creeps".)

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It's been about a year since I canceled my Times subscription, and once in a while I'll see a Times story in my google news and think, "Oh, that looks interesting, too bad I can't get past the paywall", but then this thing comes out...

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