jeebus! if I forwarded this to MTG's campaign, I bet that you'd be on the short list for chief of staff or at least head speechwriter. Peg Noonan eat your heart out.

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With a robust cabernet.

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Unfortunately this loses you your satire license

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Damnit! Once again, I’m left flummoxed: is this satire? or serious reporting?

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I'd say satire, but ever since La Buchanan* came out with their memoir "Right from the beginning", which opens with their depiction of a happy innocent childhood as the bully to end all neighborhood bullies, I haven't known what to think about political memoirs.

*I refuse to dignify that person with Pat's historically appropriate gender!

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I, too, thought it was serious until I came across ". . . and work out, either on legislation or CrossFit intervals . . ." There is no known legislation with her name on it, in it, or even beside it.

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"My struggle" was taken. Ha!

Says a lot she's not the most , insane, repellent psycho - troll on Team Pub.

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I can't decide if that's a high bar or low.

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She started to cry "unfair" until the editor pointed out that MTG could be seen as a codeword for My sTruGgle. Her fans do love their codewords.

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4/20 ain't just for dopes...

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Greater fool, I.

Read the italic portion at the top of the post and, from past experience, assumed that it was made up -- I always fall for it when Roy does it -- and amazingly, I was wrong.

But then again, I also belied the thing at the end about it being an audiobook only.

Anyway, today’s post did me a service. I used to see Greene and Boebert pretty much the same, a Betty and Veronica thing where the only difference between them was their hair color. But in the past few days, I have now learned that Greene has a measurable IQ, albeit a modest one at best while Boebert is clearly a very sick person, in need of help if that’s possible.

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An IQ of what exactly? 65? This is a woman who spent her first several months in office stalking AOC at her offices; leaving flyers on her Congressional door. She Believes in Jewish Lasers from space. Is a global warming denialist.

Not to mention, she demanded Biden be investigated and impeached before he was even inaugurated.

Sorry, I have to respectfully disagree. She may not be completely stupid like Boebart, but she is quite dumb, and a despicable human being.

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Agree fully with the last paragraph.

By referring to an IQ, all I meant was enough to be measurable. At the least, there’s a question whether or to what extent MTG believes or is just pandering to her district which, again, is where the worst parts of “Deliverance” was set.

Boebert OTOH is such a mess that any IQ would be modest at best and obviously irrelevant to what she does.

But at the end, they’re both Republicans which is to say per sé unfit for office.

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I wasn’t trying to be critical and agree with you. There are plenty of very smart congressmen and senators who buy into Trumpism simply to stay relevant.

However, her conduct has always been ludicrous. Half the stuff out of her mouth is incomprehensible and those d-picks during a congressional hearing was despicable.

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Sometimes I wonder, though. She knows liberals, and she knows our weaknesses, so she knows that if you accidentally substitute gazpacho for Gestapo we'll be on that for WEEKS, and who knows what shit gets by unnoticed while we're all in Full Mockery Mode? Sometimes I wonder if you could sneak an entire fascist regime into the White House if you just salted it with enough spelling and grammatical errors so that liberals (and liberal comics like Colbert) could fixate on nothing else. Its ridiculousness used as a cloaking device.

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Been done...

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You're not her audience. Her audience doesn't bother to comprehend her, they're loving the show. She's probably the only politician who gets Trump's act, and knowing nothing of her history I'd bet folding money her first political act was to run for the House. You say despicable, her fans say did you hear what Marge did today? Remember, they have nothing but contempt for politics and politicians.

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True, if the best idea you've got for what to do with a government is "Shut it all down", then not caring about how your actions affect other people is the only job requirement.

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By George, I think he's got it!

The pain will sprain the brain of all those liberals I could give a shit about!

Needs a little work...

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Dumb, but smart enough to learn how to get to where she is now. She was in the vanguard of drag queen story hour terrorism, starting with causing a disturbance at a Georgia library and posting the video to FB. She moved on to the national scene, with her video stalking of David Hogg and AOC’s office. Her MO in all of these was to shriek: I’m a taxpayer and I demand to speak to the manager. She does the same kind of shtick as shadow Speaker of the House (and 2nd biggest GOP fundraiser). It’s made her into queen of the current version of the 1960s white women terrorists against school desegregation.

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As noted, at the end it all doesn’t matter. As a Republican she’s per sé unfit for office. Past that you’re splitting hairs. Figuratively speaking.

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We talk a lot about how stupid Republican members of Congress are (and they are!) but if your only job is to wreck things, who needs smarts? A veterinarian needs to know a lot of things about cattle, but the guy who works the killing floor in a slaughterhouse only needs to know one thing.

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I'm not sure she's bright enough to know who Helms and Maddox are.

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More likely than not.

Let’s get slightly realistic here.

MTG has a normal albeit low IQ. To the extent Boebert has one, it registers as subnormal.

Of course in the end, it doesn’t matter.

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Oh, she knows. She's from a seg academy in Forsyth County, Georgia.

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Yeah, she can probably name all the brigade commanders in the Army of Northern Virginia as well. My guess is she has a poster of Nathan Bedford Forrest on her wall.

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She knows everything about the Civil War except who lost.

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Details, details (said the entire losing side).

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I suppose the smarter ones would say, "Well, the outcome hasn't been determined yet."

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She can Google. Check out the double yy in Zelenskyy

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I get Greene and Boebert mixed up all the time - I have to keep reminding myself that Greene is the bottle blond and Boebert is brown.

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Pretty much same.

I’d add that one I find kinda attractive but, you know, TMI.

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Spouse refers to them as "Three-Toes" (Greene) and "Hoebert".

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Scott Adams is going to want royalties.

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Adams apparently thinks of himself as minor royalty already...

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The subtitle: “Pay Attention To Meeeee”

This sketch is interesting because I see MTG as the quintessential bully type – the mocker, not the mockee. It’s a big reason she’s done so well for herself in the MAGA-verse. That and her proud ignorance, of course. There’s a level of gleeful malice in her antics, more than what’s required to merely establish the cruelty as the point.

All of which is another way to say she’ll continue to rise in GOP politics for the foreseeable future.

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As the boss says, "Tracks".

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Well, the bullying, cruelty, and narcissism remind chuds of their Orange Emperor.

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"it would discourage them and make them trans."

Happens to me all the time. I break out in a cooooooold sweat! Like, I transpire!

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Oh, you poor thing. Here, cool yourself off with this nice bowl of gazpacho.

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Like James Brown, but not for the same reason!

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Always sounded fishy to me...like, what does it even mean – Godfather of Sole...?

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Sounds a little flat.

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They've all gone dick crazy. One of them's grabbing' the dick in public. The other one is getting giant dick picks entered into the Congressional Record. They can't help themselves, apparently.

I'm concerned all this "Dick Mania" might be adversely affecting their judgement and their ability to govern.

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Penis envy? *ducks*

I guess this thing IS on.

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Dick Nixon? Dick Cheney?

[Perhaps those are verbs in the imperative mood]

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Similar, in a way.

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because penis

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I see what you did here. You pulled an Andy Borowitz or Alexandra Petri. Well done...:).

Oh and “My Struggle”; genius!

By the way, if ever, one can make the case for Book Burning, we have one now. I guess like Trump Jr.’s book, the RNC will buy it in bulk. Or some right-wing billionaire. They certainly can’t have this masterpiece sit in some distribution center in East Bumble F....like Toucan Tucker’s holy opus.

And if toilet paper becomes expensive again due to inflation, you could always by a few copies at the Dollar Book store, on sale for the special low price of $.01....:)

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MTG: "Haw haw, libs, this is an audiobook and you CAN'T burn it! Hail Hy- *ahem*, I mean, 1776!"

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Perfect for broadcasting over the loudspeakers at the internment camps!

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I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read of Peter Thiel’s autobiography: “I, Bathory”

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"Der Blutgraf" is what I've taken to calling him.

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Do you think she really knows big words like “besmirch “? Just asking.

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She would be familiar with any synonym for "action unfair to me."

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Good point.

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Any big words they rattle off easily are ones in their Catechism of Grievance, which they dutifully repeat every day while listening to right wing media.

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She's been besmirched, and now the book is her attempt to de-smirch.

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Besmirch makes the best murch!

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'Besmirch' like 'ilk' is part of the jargon. Learned at an early age.

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"...they would lock me in the pantry so they could have their own private conversations themselves."

Kevin McCarthy says, "Hmmm... interesting..."

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I can’t imagine listening to that screechy Georgia twang for the whole half hour of her life story.

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When Trump is re-elected and we all get sent to the camps, now we know what they'll be using for torture.

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An aside, but Milledgeville? OK, that explains one thing. (Generations of unruly Georgia children, including my spouse, were threatened to be "sent to Milledgeville" -- home of the state's insane asylum.)

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OK, now the "electrified fence" thing makes more sense.

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Oops, I owe you a coke, or a sweet tea.

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I am reliably informed that the correct term is Co-cola.

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In my high school days, the mean kids would put a sign on your back saying, not KICK ME, but I AM AN ESCAPEE FROM MILLEDGEVILLE

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See? She's just the mirror image of AOC, with the... um... three letters, and also... um... THREE LETTERS! Bothsides, bothsides!

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NYT: "MTG, AOC, LBJ, JFK - Three Initials, Sign Of A Problematic Political Career?" by Maggie Haberman

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She's just asking the question!

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Almost fooled me except it didn't use "tell-all" to describe the book, as her publisher's press release must have since it shows up in every news story about it. It's a frightening threat, isn't it? What more could we possibly take about her? I mean, this is someone who was kicked out of the House Freedom Caucus fer crine out loud. Of course, that may have more to do with her affair with Kevin McCarthy. Good thing she doesn't like musicals.

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It's Marjorie Taylor Greene like you've NEVER seen her before! No, wait, we've already seen all this stuff before, strike that, let's try again: It's Marjorie Taylor Greene like you've ALWAYS seen her before, but with letters and punctuation!

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including Lester Maddox last makes it art. And not just because it evokes Randy Newman's now (sadly but correctly unplayable) "Rednecks." But because you know the shrine includes an axe handle.

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Smart-Ass New York Space Lasers

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"she may be an anti-Semitic, fascist, racist fool, but she's our anti-Semitic, fascist, racist fool"

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It's like you're her ghost-writer or something... no judgment: times is tough all around

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Hey, an Aggrieved Substack Thousandaire needs to make that mortgage payment somehow.

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