(Flopsweat, farts and cordite--smell of a downfall.)

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Exit, pursued by schmear

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"TRUMP: You too, huh? Everybody and you too. What would you be if not for me?

"GIULIANI: Respected."

Hahahahahaha, no, not by anyone decent with a clue. Never. Like Donnie, born a piece of shit and never changed.

But I digress. Just want to note that Dear passed away a couple of months ago. In the nation of religious freedom because, as SCOTUS just reminded us, the right to religion trumps (pun) the health of the nation because being a secular nation is just another lie we tell ourselves to feel exceptional. Or something.

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Noach Dear dead of COVID-19! Goddamnit. Well, tell my biographers Rudy was lying to placate Trump.

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Will do!

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Well darn. I assumed he was pretty old and therefore high-risk. Then I go to wiki and find out he was a year younger than me. Then I remembered, oh right, *I'm old*. So so old. I hope to get even older.

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I hope that for you, too!

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Dear was fulfilling his god’s will because social distancing, etc., weren’t what his god wanted. And, again, SCOTUS said he’s right; dead but right.

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I hope that he at least got a chance to vote after he died!

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The New York scheme is plausible. Ten years ago, billionaire Tom Golisano wandered through the Albany Capitol Building with a lamp, searching out the most dishonest men. He found at least one crooked Dem, willing to caucus with the GOP if the price was right. Golisano managed to flip the State Senate. Once Tom's pet legislation was passed, the flipee flipped back to the Dems. They welcomed him with open arms, because a warm body is a warm body. Just goes to show what can be accomplished with a little grit, some fishing string, and a bag of hundred dollar bills.

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Ha! I remember that. Golisano occasionally dropped a million to keep the Dems placated. https://www.villagevoice.com/2008/08/19/golisano-gives-1-million-to-democrats/

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The White House follies meet Shakespeare.

Et tu Rudy?

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Ferrer, Green, Dear - misty memories of New York so long ago. Or it seems so long ago; actually 19 years isn't that long, it's just that so much shit has poured out of the pipe since 2001. The Bush years of lying and grifting (Iraq, Cheney), the Obama years of racism and obstruction (birtherism, Garland), and the Trump years, the godawful Trump years of daily reminders of how amoral and hateful the Republican universe is ("base" is an excellent descriptor of their behavior). To think that in 2000, before Scalia [spit] made Bush president, I thought the country was moving toward that arc of justice King prophesied. Now look at us, hoping against all odds that we can take the Senate and start undoing all this Republican crap before we try to move forward again.

It's fucking exhausting.

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GIULIANI: You know what? I am sore. I am sore, and sir, I would appreciate an apology.

TRUMP: You too, huh? Everybody and you too. What would you be if not for me?

GIULIANI: Respected.

Too late, Rudy. That ship sailed a few Four Seasons ago.

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"TRUMP: You too, huh? Everybody and you too. What would you be if not for me?

GIULIANI: Respected."

That busted a big laff outta me!

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