Wow — thanks for the link, those Chinese army covers (in the military they're not called hats, they're called *covers*) are a terrific bargain! I'm gonna buy enough for the whole family, next year's photo Christmas card will be fantastic!!

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And you'll actually be able to get together for the picture!

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TRUMP looks up from giant pile of formula, eyes glazed: "Nobody fucks with Trumpy Montana."

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LOL. Don Jr., looking for love in all the wrong places.

One thing I believe is definitely going to happen after January 20 if not sooner will be Junior getting quietly dragged off to rehab. For months now every time he has appeared on camera he’s almost certainly been high while also looking like he hasn’t slept in a couple of days.

Although in theory I feel sorry for anyone with a drug problem, sometimes Twitter is good and it’s absolutely hilarious when people post split-screen mashups of Junior and the Alfred Molina character from Boogie Nights each time Junior drops a new, manic “my dad WON, actually” video.

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The Volatile Mermaid keeps pointing out that he's a cut rate Ellis from Die Hard.

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Junior Mint in rehab would be two hits, so to speak, for Guilfoyle. Of course, she's a hotter mess than Fukushima Daiichi.

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I'm seriously in love with this. And starting to hope that Roy's gonna torture all of them for us, because we need to see this. We know they're all fucking miserable, but karma aside, there's something to be said for the suffering being seen. It may be as close as we get to justice. Plus it's really funny. I hope you have something special planned for Vanky and Jared.

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Something involving the White House bunker?

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JFC, hope we don't live to regret this seres based on Donnie having lost the election because I won't accept his defeat till the Electoral College things vote and/or SCOTUS declares Old Joe the winner. Because in the, uh, Republican Republic we live under, they who receive the most votes don't necessarily win elections.

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Great mashup of “Patton” and “The Deer Hunter” with extra psychosis. May I suggest Trump next ups his ensemble to jodhpurs and knee high boots?

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I wait for the character to talk to me, but I'm guessing no jodhpurs. Unless by then he needs a catheter.

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Just thought: Are you maybe painting yourself into a corner where you'll have to describe the Don getting the Mussolini treatment (or maybe even just the Hitler/Braun cure)?

BTW: Junior Mint was just diagnosed with the Covid. Not sure which super spreader was the cause.

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Just swell. And the peaked hat is hilarious. Let's not forget, Nixon wanted his WH guards to wear a uniform (of his own design I think) that was right out of Austria-Hungary, 1887. This entire series would make a great graphic novel. Can't wait for the ending -- literally.


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I remember the Nixon White House Guard uniforms (withdrawn) very well. The press coverage taught me the word "Ruritanian."

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From Anthony Hope’s 1894 novel 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘡𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘢. See also the canonical 1937 film version (Ronald Coleman, Madeleine Carroll, Mary Astor, Raymond Massey, David Niven, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and the glorious C. Aubrey Smith); shun all the other cinematic treatments, which are loathsome in My sight.

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Looking at pictures of Mexico's ex-Defense Minister Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda (who just had US drug trafficking charges against him dropped) it occurred to me that his medals rows looked like an unsolved Rubik's Cube: https://wicnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/General-Salvador-Cienfuegos.jpg

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Tricky Dick and his love for the fascist esthetic.

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WALTER H. WHITE: I'm no Vito Corleone.

SAUL GOODMAN: No shit! Right now you're Fredo!

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Is there a secret bunker under the White House, where Drumpfy and co., could hide out a la 'Hide and Seek '~https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hide_and_Seek_(2013_film)

so that the White house Follies could continue even after the (hoped for) transition ?

Sort of Vanky and Jared meet the Lord of the Flies....

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No dissing of Vanky while she has sads over being investigated for possible criminal behavior.

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Wayyyyyyyyy deep down, there's a part of me that thinks I shouldn't have laughed.

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Nah, laugh freely while you can.

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"Chief of Staff MARK MEADOWS is wearing what looks like a Halloween-store costume version of military fatigues and a WWII-vintage M1 green helmet. He stands at a sloppy approximation of attention, with an abused-child look on his face."

You had me there! What a laugh riot! LOL

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"It feels loaded" was good--I buy it from him. Although mention Bonnie Prince Charley to Junior and he'd say, "Who's Bonnie Prince, who's her husband, and why should I care?"

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Can't resist... Okay, so Junior Mint has no idea who Bonnie Prince is. But odds of him knowing who Bonnie McMurray is...?

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The Last Days of Trump has been the most compelling part of this saga. If only it would end like the conclusion of Scarface. Trump standing on that balcony from the hospital release photoshoot, screaming at the secret service and staffers standing below, then a Seal Team member (perhaps one of the guys who faked bin Laden's death) blows Trump away with a shotgun. As his body lands on the ground with a wet thud (perhaps a little fart, too), a Trump/Pence yard sign stands solemnly in the background.

Note to FBI: this is creative writing, not a manifesto.

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Didn't Michael Jackson lock himself in a White House bathroom and refuse to come out during G.H.W. Bush's term, and Poppy had to personally plead to MJ to get him to leave? Didn't Grace Slick get high at the WH, twice? Didn't Steve Ford and Barbara (Junior) Bush toke frequently? There's a long list of drug-addled anti-social behavor at the Seat Of American Power. I'm waiting for Pres Sniffles to say he can't leave due to leg thrombosis like Nixon.

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