Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Between the Alabama situation and the Nex Benedict murder in Oklahoma, I have been heartsick and outraged in turn for days.

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Speaking as a non-person of the human incubator variety, this is absolutely where the “pro-life” movement was always headed: the fetus is a person, the woman is not. She is either a murderous slut or a mother-to-be depending on whether the pregnancy is wanted or not, but never, ever a person.

I’ll add that these abortion restrictions are deeply intertwined with the Great Replacement theory. They want more white babies. They want women at home. They want happy little patriarchs -- whose domestic, emotional, and sexual needs are being adequately addressed – cheerfully marching into the boss’s factories every day.

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

The idea that Valenti has to deal this hate, insanity, hateful insanity, sociopathy and, yes, I can keep this up for awhile, on a regular basis upsets me no end.

As for Hogan, my recollection is that his claim to fame besides the obvious is that his response to Covid wasn’t literally deadly. Telling people that it was fine to spread and die from the ‘Rona was the Trumpism response. (Just had a flash of the bored little boy look on fPOTUS’ face when he wasn’t speaking during his Covid shows.)

Which is to say that elite media support notwithstanding, Hogan’s not an exception to my claim that every Republican is unfit for office.

As for Alabama, well, it’s Alabama, the whites of whom, with insufficient exceptions to matter, have only harmed the nation. (As for the good whites in Alabama,I feel for them, sure, but story of Lot.)

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Try this on for size:

“Unborn children are ‘children’…without exception based on developmental stage, physical location, or any other ancillary characteristics.”

It is a known and fairly common occurrence for an egg to be fertilized but fail to implant and it then gets flushed out with the normal menstrual cycle. Chances are pretty good most women have had this happen.

Under the AL Supremes theory, ALL women are guilty of homicide in one form or another. Had a miscarriage? You're a murderer. Had an egg fail to implant? You're a murderer. Doesn't matter that you had no way of knowing you had a first-week miscarriage or an egg that failed to implant. You killed a child!!!

So if this doctrine is taken to heart, we have no choice but to place all women of child-bearing age under arrest. They are, after all, either murderers or soon-to-be killers. Every one of them.

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

If a fetus threatens someone's life, does the Stand Your Ground defense apply? Can you at least sue it?

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

This time I really think they've gone too far. I think they would give anything for a do over on Dodd.

Some piss take from some fossilized legacy media this week was talking about

How Democrats were just worn out and lacked the will to fight this time around. They're confused, I think, because we don't walk around in a maniacal froth all the time like the Trump assholes. The Dems I know, especially the women, are nursing a cold hard fury and they can't wait to exercise the franchise.

Would that the franchise included punching Ezra Klein in the nuts.

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Let me just observe that the photo you chose for today is hilarious. "Let's show we're bros through our body language, but don't let your titties get close to mine, cuz we's both he-men who only like the ones on wimmin."

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Re: Charlie Daniels in that photo. The guy who wrote "Uneasy Rider" and took shots at TV Preachers in "Long Haired Country Boy" morphed into an asswipe of the first rank. It sucks all the more because he was part of soundtrack to my bongs-and-keggers youth.

I will paraphrase his final digital media entry before Jesus called his miserable ass home:

"A beautiful sunset over the river tonight. Always pause to appreciate the simple glories of life. NEVER FORGET BENGHAZI"

I hope Wayne Kramer refuses to shake his hand. Sadly, Wayne is too classy.

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

My brain is choking on the phrase "All parties to these cases" in this sentence: "All parties to these cases, like all members of this Court, agree that an unborn child is a genetically unique human being whose life begins at fertilization..."

Any need to consult anyone else not a party to the case? Just the people in the courtroom this morning count? And since this started as a lawsuit of an IVF lab, is the IVF lab a party to the case? Do IVF labs generally agree that life begins at conception?

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso


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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

While reading this, I remembered the Raellians, a UFO cult in the 1990s. The Raellians built a facility to freeze people who died, on the premise that they weren't dead, and could be revived in the future by magic technology. Some baseball legend actually paid them to freeze his head -- Ted Williams? Not sure. Anyway the Raellians fucked up. There was a power failure at the cryo bank and everyone melted. I'm wondering about the implications now. I think the Alabama ruling means we can hire somebody to freeze people who just died, wait a year for a fridge mishap, and then sue the somebody, big time, for... murder. Yeah you sue people who commit murder, that's right. The GOP will back us. We'll be rich.

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The anti-abortion people don’t win because people want their policies. They win because they SHOW UP. Day after day, week after week, year in and year out. The handful who show up to represent the overwhelming majority who don’t want this bullshit are fighting an uphill battle. Maybe it’s time to give them a hand. If not now, when?


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In Alabama, are women who have miscarriages going to be charged with involuntary manslaughter? And if not, why not? If a couple has ten IVF embryos in deep freeze in a lab, can they claim them as ten dependents? And if not, why not? If that lab burns down in a fire, are the owners charged with multiple homicides? And, etc.

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

Is Alabama generating all the documents needed for the new Blastocyst Americans? What about issuing Social Security numbers for each one? Registering with the Selective Service? How does this affect census results and taxation? So many details to figure out… unless they’re not really serious about what “personhood” means, of course.

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

I think ANCILLARY CHARACTERISTICS refers to carrying a dead, or severely handicapped likely to die shortly after birth, fetuses

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Feb 22Liked by Roy Edroso

It’s never a bad time to point out that fascism includes male domination of females and the promotion of breeding and housekeeping as the only true purposes for women. Valenti does tireless work exposing fascist attacks on reproductive rights. The Talibama Supremes have done us normals the favor of clarifying the fascist position on fetal personhood. With enough publicity, they may sway a few more voters to step up and say “fuck you” at the ballot box. Professionally and personally this is as important an issue as any at stake in this country and if you don’t sense how angry it makes me, I’ll say “fascist” and “fuck” and “fucking fascists” a few more times.

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